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Random stuff that'd make forge more user friendly


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I really wish we could move multiple pieces at once, idc how, but that'd make things a lot easier.


I also wish there was an undo last move option or something, and a move being each time a piece is grabbed.


Anyway, just some random thoughts!


Thanks, http://www.youtube.com/zauceindustries

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I actually like this idea and have thought about it before.


The axis coordinates on larger pieces (and some smaller ones) gets kinda wacky when attempting to rotate near the Forge surface so I would like to see a "Highlight All" or "Select All" option. This would enable a Forger to create a larger piece of the map, such as a base or fort, higher in the air then select the ENTIRE forged creation and move to the desired location in Forge World.


The "undo last move" option would come in handy as well, especially when you grab the wrong piece to delete, lmao! The new Highlight option in H4 will help alleviate this problem.


Nice random thought Zauce! :thumbsup:

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  • 3 weeks later...

The biggest thing that I would like is the ability to copy-paste either a single piece (as to not have to re-set the same piece type like 20 times...) or rather a large grouping of pieces (like for example... you make a statue and select each piece as a whole and can then paste it, thus speeding up the process significantly).

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