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Exodus ( needs some gameplay testing)


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Exodus is a linear styled Infection map which lets you progress through the map by time events like opening of closed doors.

Hold out in each area for about 1 minute until the door to the next area opens and you get resupply to protect yourself and the other humans. But be careful the Zombies will get more and more teleporters to flank the humans. The 2nd half of every minute you hold out in will be harder cause of flank teleporters. You and the other humans start in a tunnel which is part of a Bunker-mountain-complex. Slowly you wiil progress through the map until you enter into a secret tunnel in the Water which leads to an UNSC Base ...


GamerTag: Pkk Berxwedan


Map: Exodus link: http://halo.xbox.com...etails/30500400

Gametype: Survival: Exodus link: http://halo.xbox.com...etails/30500414



up to 16 Players.


Note: the pictures are not ordered in sequence, as they (the areas)appear in the game!

I couldnt show every corner of the map on the screenshots because it is sometimes very close quarters so go ahead and check it out yourself.







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  • 4 weeks later...

Very cool map layout. You seem to have well set your aesthetics (from what I can see). The 2nd picture would have to be my favourite, I've never seen the tunnel on Paradiso made that way. Very original stype, it comes off extremly authentic for the whole zombie/everything starting to break down - theme. As for your bunker structures in the first pictures, I really like them. I was a little worried about the bareness of the terrain, but your mention of flanking teleporters makes me think that the map should play just fine! Keep up the wonderful work!

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