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Time Out Grenades

Victory Element

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This is just an idea that i think would stop spamming, lucky throws, etc.

What if the grenades had a timed detonation?? 3 seconds seems like plenty of time for a nade to travel an oppropriate distance. It would also enable time to bounce it off of objects before it explodes. It would make grenade spamming less effective, and it would add a more realistic feeling to the game. In previous halos, you could throw a nade as far as you want, and it would explode after one bounce. This could stop players from hurling grenades across the entirety of a map, and it would make timing key to dealing damage with nades.


for example in reach, i would be on one side of a map. My opponent is on the opposite side with a sniper rifle and frag grenades. He hits my body and my shields pop so i take cover in an enclosed area. He hurls both of his frags across the length of the entire map and gets the kill on me.


this is very unrealistic. If there was a timed detonation, it would have exploded in mid air and his spamming wouldnt have worked.


this is just an idea. It may have an effect on the pace of the gameplay, but i would like to hear some feedback on the idea

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Hmm could be a cool idea. But i think that is kind of how it works in Halo 4. When I played it at ComicCon, the grenades would explode when they came close to an enemy that was close to me. But when i threw one across the map at an enemey, it would blow up near them but not right next to them. So who knows...I do agree that the grenades in Reach were ridiculous, but what wasnt ridiculous in Reach lol

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