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Hello everyone-

All who are reading this post will realize that I'm seeking an MLG leader for the Clan/Community D20: Clan of Clans (find us at http://www.d20clanofclans.webs.com) We had one guy who was "up to the challenge," however due to events that took place we currently have no one to fill the spot. The following are the requirements of the D20 MLG Division Leader:



*Be a Squad Leader D20: Clan of Clans


*Be a mature, 17+ in the USA, responsible adult. (I state 17+ because in the USA that is the age in which you can legally buy a Halo Game)


*Be willing to control a team of players who while are under your command are also members of D20


*Be willing to uphold the rules, regulations, guidelines etc... of D20, as well as Xbox Live.



Now after getting through those 4 BASIC required aspects the following is what we accept, game wise.


Any Game that is Xbox Live Compatible.


The game MUST be playable on Xbox Live, therefore, Halo 2 (for now) and other xbox games, and non 360 games are not allowed.


Keep this in mind. You may play ANY game(s) you wish. However, to represent us clan wise it must be an xbox live compatible one.





If you have questions, comments, concerns etc.... Please feel free to message me, on here or using my gamertag.


We are in need for anyone who feel they can fill these shoes, in a PROPER way.

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