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Whats ur plan for halo 4 release day


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Im going to midnight launch with one of my friends for sure, were going to play War Games first. I will probably play Spartan Ops on Legendary everyday the first week to get the cheevo's with my friends. Other than that, I wont play campaign until the community figures out how to get all of the campaign achievements easily lol

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For the honor of our fellow packmates, we will see if we've made the cut!

If we didn't, I'll be RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGEing to smash some silly humans!

The Blood Tastes like fruit punch, after all... and the punch gives you lunch...

It's the way of the Chieftan! You can't object the strongest Fighter!

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#1. Beat the campaign in one sitting

#2. Fiddle around with armor like a shameless OCD ridden tard

#3. Splurge on caffeine and Black & Mild cigars

#4. Drown out the noise of my mother B*tching about my epilepsy and taking a break

#5. Have disgusting thoughts about Cortana as a human

#6. Mass Guessing Theories Gorging

#7. Play online til I'm pale and yellow

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

my buddy and i hav tht mon, tues and weds off. were going to sleep in till 3 on mon then go and start camping in front of are local gamestop at 4 pm. before then were setting my tv up next to his at his house piking up some mtn dew and doritos and other foods so when we hav H4 in are hands we dnt hav to leave the house. we also made large signs bought H4 t-shirts and master chief masks so anyone who walks by we can tourture about getting halo 4. needless to say were pumped i can remember my 1st midnite release experience with halo 2 trying to make this one just as good. although now im 23 hav a wife and work for CSX im still a kid inside waiting for the next halo title to release.

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1. Go to midnight launch to pick up the game and get some other goodies (t-shirt, energy drink, wristbands, Halo Legends DVD).

2. Go home and sleep.

3. Wake up, go to school, go home.

4. Open the game, smell the disc, pop it in the Xbox.

5. Scream and jump like a maniac as the game boots up and it enters the Main Menu.

6. Play the Campaign, maybe half of it.

7. Jump into War Games, play a couple of rounds. Maybe with my friends.

8. If I have time, try out Spartan Ops.

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