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Will Halo 4 be 3D Compatible?


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Halo CE Anniversary was great in 3D. I know it had its flaws like in the graphics (still outstanding), and there was a little ghosting from the guns, but other than that it had just the right amount of depth and the things came out came out just enough that pulled you into the game (I loved the way the HUD was about a foot out from the screen like I had the helmet on myself). I think Halo 4 should have 3D, for anyone that doesn’t have a 3D TV I’m sorry you should get one they are a lot cheaper now. For the guys that say you don’t like 3D you should try Halo CE Anniversary in 3D. I know there is a lot of crappy 3D (games and movies) out on the market, but if you find someone that does it right you would be amazed on how good it is.

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If I watch too much I have to go see the restroom and place my face in the seat.


Exactly and I feel as though playing a 3D game would be a much different type of 'pain' compared to just watching a 3D movie. I didn't know that doctors could get sick... :troll: Oh wait your unlicensed... oh but wait you have your M.D. ... Hrmmm... :hrhr:

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