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Why Loadouts can REVIVE Pro Halo

iTz Vplus2

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Credit for the video goes to BravoMLG


Sprint and Bloom killed Reach


From a Pro Gaming standpoint, this is 100% true.

Reach wasn't a popular game on the MLG landscape.

And by the time sprint and bloom were removed from MLG

it was too late


So why is it that loadouts will revive Pro Halo?

The keywords here are bridging the gap


The video above gives more detail on this situation

so make sure to watch it and leave your opinions in this thread

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bridging the gap between the player base and pros


how much changes between out of the box setup and mlg settings


yeah, having a player base closer tied to the pro scene will increase the amount of competitive halo played at the level I will be playing at, so I'm for that.

in halo 3 mlg all the equipment was taken out, plus most of the weapons, this made alot of players disinterested in mlg, as mlg was more about shooting skill with the br, and team work, with elements of sniping and running route metagame. none of the party game elements such as gravity hammer from inside the bubble sheild, needler, ghost, warthog, brute shot etc.

having custom load outs will most likely bring the player base skill level up because the long range weapons will most of the time dominate over the close range weapons, this will force weaker players to adopt the longer range weapons to compete, and their aiming skill will have to improve to be effective with those weapons. I think bravo says this, but there it is again.


changing the settings from out of the box to mlg? his video is all about keeping as close to the original as possible, so that there is a closer tie to the player base, I don't know, mlg setting were for top of the line players, nothing to hide behind type mentality, are they gonna put things to hide behind in mlg just to keep close to the player base? maybe mlg should run in game advertising, or a playlist boot camp.

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What's funny is the AR has no visible bloom, but the reticle is the same size, and they still say it's better somehow. Just because you can't see it. Whutsupwithdat?


I believe MLG should evolve a bit like it did in Reach. In Reach, they had a couple of Jet Packs in some maps, and In Halo 4 MLG could possibly allow a few settings to change. Such as letting us have our loadouts, maybe without the armor mods. If MLG can evolve just slightly to allow a bit of freedom, more players would play with a competitive mindset since more players would feel comfy in it. MLG on The Pit on Reach seems...a bit constricting. That's why I hardly ever play MLG.


Bottom line? MLG should allow a bit of freedom, maybe just weapons, so more players get interested in competitive gameplay.

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What's funny is the AR has no visible bloom, but the reticle is the same size, and they still say it's better somehow. Just because you can't see it. Whutsupwithdat?


I believe MLG should evolve a bit like it did in Reach. In Reach, they had a couple of Jet Packs in some maps, and In Halo 4 MLG could possibly allow a few settings to change. Such as letting us have our loadouts, maybe without the armor mods. If MLG can evolve just slightly to allow a bit of freedom, more players would play with a competitive mindset since more players would feel comfy in it. MLG on The Pit on Reach seems...a bit constricting. That's why I hardly ever play MLG.


Bottom line? MLG should allow a bit of freedom, maybe just weapons, so more players get interested in competitive gameplay.


Whatever they do with MLG in Halo 4, i hope they get it right at the start already instead of years later like Bungie did with MLG on Reach

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I hope Halo 4 finds a way to bridge that gap. Halo Reach was a disaster in regards to that goal because gameplay was not balanced. Halo 4 needs to balance gameplay to achieve this and I think they're doing a good job so far by 1. Nearly taking bloom out and 2. Toning down armor abilities.

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I hope Halo 4 finds a way to bridge that gap. Halo Reach was a disaster in regards to that goal because gameplay was not balanced. Halo 4 needs to balance gameplay to achieve this and I think they're doing a good job so far by 1. Nearly taking bloom out and 2. Toning down armor abilities.


On Halo Reach, they first had sprint and bloom in MLG and that made MLG completely terrible, then they took both things out and that widened the gap too much. So yeah, MLG on Reach did get messed up. All we can hope now is that 343i get it right on Halo 4.

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