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Epic Freedom Clan looking for Recruits

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>>Forever The Fallen was FOUNDED ON JANUARY 7th, 2012 AT 6:10pm




Sounds like you're looking to join a group/clan of elite players? FTF can help you attain your goals a gamer. FTF will help you get everyone of your achievements and challenges? Do all this without the pressure and hassle all the other clans out there put on you. Come on down and check out <<FOREVER THE FALLEN>>. Forever The Fallen is a FREEDOM CLAN! We encourage FUN and TRUE gaming! We are an ALL-GAME CLAN but HALO is at our HEART!>>


By Freedom Clan I mean we dont make you change your Gamertag, your service tag nor your emblem or armor color. We want you to be able to keep your individuality. We only have one rule in FTF which is Respect each individual and maintain that respect. We also do not make you join our party's or our games. We do not make you be active either, we know you have lives outside the clan which are more important than the clan. We know you have families/ jobs/ school/ college etc. We realize the importance of a real life and we do not want to interfere with your schedule. We are here to play together and help each other achieve their goals and achievements and challenges. We also offer training for those who request it. We are a young clan and have only been around since January 7th 2012 but we already have more than 100 members.


when FTF members play together we win together. Several times we have played together in Halo Reach and we usually pwn the competition. We play Team Slayer, Team SWAT, Big Team Battle, Griff Ball, Invasion, and Team Snipers the most. We will play other games types on occasion it depends on what ppl are in the mood for. So join us and help us pwn the competition.


We also have some events coming up for the Holidays. On October 31st we are having a Zombie Scare Fest on Halo Reach in Custom games and on November 25th we are having a Turkey Hunt. A gametype I created on forge world. So come and join in the fun.

http://​foreverthefa....enjin.com/home is our website and

https://www.facebook...oups/NoblesFtF/ is our Facebook page. PLease join us and join in our fun.


So Why join a clan where you have to obey all their rules and change your name and lose your freedoms as a person and as a gamer? Why be assigned to a squad when you can pick or create your own with someone else. If you want to remain free as a gamer and keep your individuality and avoid all the hassel and pressure of being assigned this and that and ordered to do this or that then you should come join Forever The Fallen.


FTF is an all game clan and all our members play a variety of games but Halo will always be at our heart. Currently several of our members play Reach Halo 3 CoD Minecraft GoW, and BF, Some also play FIFA, Skyrim, Assassins Creed, Batman etc.










> OUR CLAN EMAIL: NoblesFtF@groups.facebook.com

>OFFICIAL CLAN THEME SONG: http://youtu.be/MKCrxxflMkM

>Facebook: https://www.facebook...roups/NoblesFtF

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