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How do I turn a Made Up Halo Story into a reality?


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I'm from the UK, just some rando who loves to play halo. I was starting to think of a halo story of my own like the hundreds of other halo fans out there. But how would I let a person from '343 industries' see and reed it? Personally I won't spill a single word on what my story it is about. But what site is there for me to post my ideas to someone who works at '343 industries' and not just some forum site?


Give me someone who works there who I can tell/post my story/ideas to so that it can become a small part of the series.


Has any halo fan's story become a reality in the halo series? If so, how do I publish mine?

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  • 2 weeks later...

it's hard to tell where to turn but you have a better chance to have a 343 employee to read it in the official forum than here, more than that i can't help


here is the official site BTW http://halo.xbox.com/en-US/


Yeah, I'm sorry dude, but I'm not quite certain what the format is. Usually, authors will have their agents bring scripts to companies (only after having been hired to write about their content - since in cases like this it is copyright). It's possible 343i has a site link where they'll take such ideas into consideration. I can't say for sure how their system works, but I'm pretty certain they hire authors who have porven themselves in the science-fiction genre and are willing to write within the rules 343 would set for them. If this is the case, I'm really sorry for you - if it makes it any better, I went through the same thing with Star Wars when I was younger. I made a cool story, but there was never a way to get them to look at it.

Anyways, I hope this was somewhat useful and I hope your attempt goes better than mine!

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