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Halo 4: New Images of Campaign, War Games and Spartan Op's


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New Images have just been revealed on Halo waypoint the images contain shots from campaign, war games and spartan op's. I will some images below and and will provide a link to the rest of them. Caution these may contain spoilers.













War Games, these shot are taken place on a new map called "Complex"











Spartan Op's











Link to the rest of the images > Halo waypoint


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Images look awesome adam!! I especially like the look of the new flood!!


One question though, is that a Promethean vehicle that the Scorpion is firing at? Or perhaps a Promethean bunker? It looks like it because of the orange highlights on the object but can't really tell. My vision is not that great in the mornings, lmao!


Thanks adam!! :thumbsup:

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Basically, the flood are back, but not on campaign?


To my knowledge, the Flood appearing in the campaign hasn't really been denied, but it's highly implied that they only make an appearance in Matchmaking.


One question though, is that a Promethean vehicle that the Scorpion is firing at? Or perhaps a Promethean bunker? It looks like it because of the orange highlights on the object but can't really tell. My vision is not that great in the mornings, lmao!


Possibly. Though I think it's simply a crashed ship.

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Image 3: Called the Mantis.

Image 7: Players are now the Flood, in a game type called, Flood.

'well the forerunners ancient enemy(other than the flood) was the precursors. The last precursor was killed by the Didact who was a forerunner warrior. The precursors were supposedly the first race in the galaxy and they actually created the forerunners. The forerunners eventually rebelled and wiped out the precursors. It was also revealed that the precursors and the flood are the same race. The precursors were probably the most advanced state possible of the flood. I think that the precursors may have wiped out all previous life in the galaxy and they need a new species to use as hosts, so they created the forerunners. And after the forerunners defeated them, they had to evovle again from a lower form of their species which is the flood in the modern halo games. Just my theory. But if you want to know more about forerunners, look up topics about the Didact on these forums'


This is a quote from someone els informing me of the forerunners other ancient enemy, perhaps these flood are this strand of the flood.

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