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Killcams confirmed in Halo 4 XD


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for those of you saying this is stolen from COD probably don't read any of the spoilers or information. Activision and Treyarch are helping make Halo 4, which is where the killcams come in, if they wouldn't have helped 343i halo 4 would've probably not been as good and would've probably took longer to make. Seriously, don't leave a comment saying "Halo 4 suck! It's just like COD" or "They are stealing from COD, those ********!!" Look for information first, don't comment off anything you don't know a damn thing about.

I'm saying it will ruin the function of most guns, IE the Sniper, with killcams in COD, sniping is impossible, because they ALWAYS know where you are, I'm saying it sucks because we are going to have what ive dubbed "COD Syndrome" where the sniper rifle is used like an assault rifle.


Hopefully what was said before is true and it's only in like war games and what note and not I the classics.

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I'm saying it will ruin the function of most guns, IE the Sniper, with killcams in COD, sniping is impossible, because they ALWAYS know where you are, I'm saying it sucks because we are going to have what ive dubbed "COD Syndrome" where the sniper rifle is used like an assault rifle.


Hopefully what was said before is true and it's only in like war games and what note and not I the classics.

just stop okay just stop there no point complaining the game is done they arent going to change this any time soon so just wait and see reserve judgment killcams really arentthat big of a deal anyways just skip it if you dont want to watch when im playing cod i dont watch the killcam and go oh yeah now i now where they are ill go find them who does that?
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for those of you saying this is stolen from COD probably don't read any of the spoilers or information. Activision and Treyarch are helping make Halo 4, which is where the killcams come in, if they wouldn't have helped 343i halo 4 would've probably not been as good and would've probably took longer to make. Seriously, don't leave a comment saying "Halo 4 suck! It's just like COD" or "They are stealing from COD, those ********!!" Look for information first, don't comment off anything you don't know a damn thing about.


These companies so called "helping" of 343i are giving Halo the "Call of Duty Treatment", ( lol, they tried to silence me), and last I heard swearing isn't allowed on the forums, even though this is a forum to discuss a rated M video game series...

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just stop okay just stop there no point complaining the game is done they arent going to change this any time soon so just wait and see reserve judgment killcams really arentthat big of a deal anyways just skip it if you dont want to watch when im playing cod i dont watch the killcam and go oh yeah now i now where they are ill go find them who does that?

So, you want me to stop using this forums primary purpose- to discuss things?


Anyways, just because I don't see the killcam, it doesn't mean the problem is gone, infact it doesn't mean anything, the problem is, is people using it to find out where other people are. It ruined snipers and various other range dependent weapons in COD and I fear it will do the same to Halo.


You want me to wait and see before I judge a feature that has ruined like 7 different games before? What on earth makes you think it will be any different in Halo?

I understand you love Halo, I love Halo, but does it not bother you that what it's turning into?

Oh well as I said before, I hope its just in the new gamemodes and not the classics.

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So, you want me to stop using this forums primary purpose- to discuss things?


Anyways, just because I don't see the killcam, it doesn't mean the problem is gone, infact it doesn't mean anything, the problem is, is people using it to find out where other people are. It ruined snipers and various other range dependent weapons in COD and I fear it will do the same to Halo.


You want me to wait and see before I judge a feature that has ruined like 7 different games before? What on earth makes you think it will be any different in Halo?

I understand you love Halo, I love Halo, but does it not bother you that what it's turning into?

Oh well as I said before, I hope its just in the new gamemodes and not the classics.

What makes someone think that the kill-cams will be different in Halo? Maybe it's the vastly different gameplay. Maybe it's the fact that this really won't affect gameplay that much. Or maybe it's because this didn't ruin any other game and may actually turn out to be a good thing,

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What makes someone think that the kill-cams will be different in Halo? Maybe it's the vastly different gameplay. Maybe it's the fact that this really won't affect gameplay that much. Or maybe it's because this didn't ruin any other game and may actually turn out to be a good thing,

Have you tried actually sniping in COD? Like I mean ACTUALLY sniping, none of that running around CQC bs, it is practically impossible after like 2-3 kills, everyone you kill knows where oh are with a killcam. It ruined ranged weapons in COD and will do the same for Halo.

Gameplay IS different, but with the killcam, sniping will be similar to COD.

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So, you want me to stop using this forums primary purpose- to discuss things?


Anyways, just because I don't see the killcam, it doesn't mean the problem is gone, infact it doesn't mean anything, the problem is, is people using it to find out where other people are. It ruined snipers and various other range dependent weapons in COD and I fear it will do the same to Halo.


You want me to wait and see before I judge a feature that has ruined like 7 different games before? What on earth makes you think it will be any different in Halo?

I understand you love Halo, I love Halo, but does it not bother you that what it's turning into?

Oh well as I said before, I hope its just in the new gamemodes and not the classics.


Apparently you can't use this forum to discuss things, they look for reasons to ban people for opening a topic that may be against 343i


And your right, your skills to go undected with a sniper rifle or any other long range weapons and kill enemies from afar will be compromised, you won't even be able to kill with the battle riffle or a magnum from a distance without the other team knowing where you are, and killcam is another characteristic of the "Call of Duty Treatment" 343i is giving Halo


A lot of people do share your views, in fact the majority of the Halo community does, this forum is the 343i community forums and they tend to blindly follow 343i on this forum ( it's not even 343i actual forum)


What's happening to Halo has happened to most other 1st person shooter titles, they take on the ideas of Call of Duty a.k.a the "Call of Duty Treatment", and it's sad that developers use the "Call of Duty Treatment" on their titles, but they do to make a quick buck. Halo was one of the last remaining titles not falling into that trap, but under new management, 343i, even Halo has been given the "Call of Duty Treatment"

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just stop okay just stop there no point complaining the game is done they arent going to change this any time soon so just wait and see reserve judgment killcams really arentthat big of a deal anyways just skip it if you dont want to watch when im playing cod i dont watch the killcam and go oh yeah now i now where they are ill go find them who does that?


I'm not complaining.

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Apparently you can't use this forum to discuss things, they look for reasons to ban people for opening a topic that may be against 343i


And your right, your skills to go undected with a sniper rifle or any other long range weapons and kill enemies from afar will be compromised, you won't even be able to kill with the battle riffle or a magnum from a distance without the other team knowing where you are, and killcam is another characteristic of the "Call of Duty Treatment" 343i is giving Halo


A lot of people do share your views, in fact the majority of the Halo community does, this forum is the 343i community forums and they tend to blindly follow 343i on this forum ( it's not even 343i actual forum)


What's happening to Halo has happened to most other 1st person shooter titles, they take on the ideas of Call of Duty a.k.a the "Call of Duty Treatment", and it's sad that developers use the "Call of Duty Treatment" on their titles, but they do to make a quick buck. Halo was one of the last remaining titles not falling into that trap, but under new management, 343i, even Halo has been given the "Call of Duty Treatment"

It seems that way.




I'm glad someone finally agrees with me!

But anyways, most people like the killcam to show off their "1337 Sk1llz" I personally couldn't care less if my epic cross-map snipe got any recognition whatsoever, what i do care about is not being able to be seen when im doing it. I, like many people, Hate campers with my life, but sitting somewhere far away, sniping, is not camping,(Not in my eyes) It's using that weapon the way it was designed.(To sit far away and ping off people.) Plus, i like Halo's "Killcam", y'know, the way the camera follows the person till you respawn, kinda like Battlefield, but to a MUCH lesser extent. It reveals just enough info to point you in the right direction, but not answer the question, know what i mean?



What really suprises me though, is that few people here dare to question the ways of 343, and doing so gets them dirty looks from the other forum goers.

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Apparently you can't use this forum to discuss things, they look for reasons to ban people for opening a topic that may be against 343i


And your right, your skills to go undected with a sniper rifle or any other long range weapons and kill enemies from afar will be compromised, you won't even be able to kill with the battle riffle or a magnum from a distance without the other team knowing where you are, and killcam is another characteristic of the "Call of Duty Treatment" 343i is giving Halo


A lot of people do share your views, in fact the majority of the Halo community does, this forum is the 343i community forums and they tend to blindly follow 343i on this forum ( it's not even 343i actual forum)


What's happening to Halo has happened to most other 1st person shooter titles, they take on the ideas of Call of Duty a.k.a the "Call of Duty Treatment", and it's sad that developers use the "Call of Duty Treatment" on their titles, but they do to make a quick buck. Halo was one of the last remaining titles not falling into that trap, but under new management, 343i, even Halo has been given the "Call of Duty Treatment"

Tried to eh? Funny thing is I was going to unban you today. Literally was logging on just to unban you when I noticed this second account. That's ban evasion, which is a permanent ban. The reason you were banned yesterday is because you posted a video containing graphic swearing, which is against the rules, and after several warnings you continued to post the video.


You claiming that I was trying to "silence you" is humorous, because all I did to your post was remove the video, which wasn't needed anyway. If you had taken the two or three minutes out of your day to type out what you meant by "call of duty treatment" instead of using a video that had the f word every few sentences, and THEN using those two or three minutes to repost said video, then you wouldn't be banned, would you?


As for "looking for an excuse" I didn't even have to. You slapped me in the face with one. Enjoy your ban bro.

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Tried to eh? Funny thing is I was going to unban you today. Literally was logging on just to unban you when I noticed this second account. That's ban evasion, which is a permanent ban. The reason you were banned yesterday is because you posted a video containing graphic swearing, which is against the rules, and after several warnings you continued to post the video.


You claiming that I was trying to "silence you" is humorous, because all I did to your post was remove the video, which wasn't needed anyway. If you had taken the two or three minutes out of your day to type out what you meant by "call of duty treatment" instead of using a video that had the f word every few sentences, and THEN using those two or three minutes to repost said video, then you wouldn't be banned, would you?


As for "looking for an excuse" I didn't even have to. You slapped me in the face with one. Enjoy your ban bro.

Would it be too much to ask why swearing is not allowed on a forum discussing a series of M rated games?

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Would it be too much to ask why swearing is not allowed on a forum discussing a series of M rated games?

Because there isn't an overabundance of swearing on Halo itself, and quite a few members of this forum are under the age of 17. If they DO get in trouble for playing Halo because of the swearing, we'd rather they also not get in trouble for visiting a site where every three words is an F bomb (like some of the other forums that allow swearing). We allow certain swears, of course, such as "ass" "damn" and such, but the words that are not allowed are usually caught by the censors, so we don't have our members running and asking their parents what they mean, and end up getting spammed with parental hate mail.


If you are subtley asking why the above member was banned for posting a video that contained swearing, it was because if he would have typed what was said in the video, about 1/3 of the characters would have been astericks. And when the video was removed, he then got on a soapbox and put it back up. He was then warned against it, and it was taken down again. Not so much as two minutes later, he had edited it back in. Gotta ask yourself, what did he THINK was going to happen? lol


Seriously though, I don't understand why people complain about the rule on swearing. I have the mouth of a sailer (no seriously, you ever get me in an XBL party and you'll find out) and I manage to make it just fine without swearing here.

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Because there isn't an overabundance of swearing on Halo itself, and quite a few members of this forum are under the age of 17. If they DO get in trouble for playing Halo because of the swearing, we'd rather they also not get in trouble for visiting a site where every three words is an F bomb (like some of the other forums that allow swearing). We allow certain swears, of course, such as "ass" "damn" and such, but the words that are not allowed are usually caught by the censors, so we don't have our members running and asking their parents what they mean, and end up getting spammed with parental hate mail.


If you are subtley asking why the above member was banned for posting a video that contained swearing, it was because if he would have typed what was said in the video, about 1/3 of the characters would have been astericks. And when the video was removed, he then got on a soapbox and put it back up. He was then warned against it, and it was taken down again. Not so much as two minutes later, he had edited it back in. Gotta ask yourself, what did he THINK was going to happen? lol


Seriously though, I don't understand why people complain about the rule on swearing. I have the mouth of a sailer (no seriously, you ever get me in an XBL party and you'll find out) and I manage to make it just fine without swearing here.

I wouldn't consider it a complaint, just a curiosity, but anyways, thanks for clearing that up for me.




I just watched some gameplay with the killcam in a FFA game on "Solace" and the killcam is seriously what's killing my interest and love for Halo.


Can anyone shed any light on whether the killcam is going to appear in the classic playlists, Slayer, CTF, Oddball, I hear it's going to appear only in infinity slayer and war games. Confirmation please.

Edited by Killerdude1635
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Anyways, just because I don't see the killcam, it doesn't mean the problem is gone, infact it doesn't mean anything, the problem is, is people using it to find out where other people are. It ruined snipers and various other range dependent weapons in COD and I fear it will do the same to Halo.

Actually, you're wrong. Pretending to use a sniper in Halo like it should be used in real warfare, that's wrong. No-scoping, running and praying, that's how to use a sniper in Halo. lol

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So, you want me to stop using this forums primary purpose- to discuss things?


Anyways, just because I don't see the killcam, it doesn't mean the problem is gone, infact it doesn't mean anything, the problem is, is people using it to find out where other people are. It ruined snipers and various other range dependent weapons in COD and I fear it will do the same to Halo.


You want me to wait and see before I judge a feature that has ruined like 7 different games before? What on earth makes you think it will be any different in Halo?

I understand you love Halo, I love Halo, but does it not bother you that what it's turning into?

Oh well as I said before, I hope its just in the new gamemodes and not the classics.

you can still complain but it isnt going to do any good until the game is out you should reserve judgment because you could be wrong. and killcams are not what doesnt make cod work its the players and the unbalanced multiplayer, not killcams there really isnt anything wrong with them. COD 4 is one of the greatist multiplayer games (imo) ever and it has killcams, that didnt break the game and it wont break halo 4.


I'm not complaining.

i know haha.
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you can still complain but it isnt going to do any good until the game is out * you should reserve judgment because you could be wrong. and killcams are not what doesnt make cod work its the players and the unbalanced multiplayer, not killcams there really isnt anything wrong with them. COD 4 is one of the greatist multiplayer games (imo) ever and it has killcams, that didnt break the game and it wont break halo 4.


* ahem, Frankie announced Halo 4 is finished a couple days ago. He can complain, he will do nothing at all at the game.


...and maybe you meant: "COD 4 is one of the greatest multiplayer COD games ever"

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* ahem, Frankie announced Halo 4 is finished a couple days ago. He can complain, he will do nothing at all at the game.


...and maybe you meant: "COD 4 is one of the greatest multiplayer COD games ever"

* ahem, Frankie announced Halo 4 is finished a couple days ago. He can complain, he will do nothing at all at the game.


...and maybe you meant: "COD 4 is one of the greatest multiplayer COD games ever"

what i mean is he should play the game first and see how killcams really effect halo rather then speculate on how they might, since the game is only weeks away. and no COD 4 is one of the best multiplayer experiences ever at least as i said in my opinion.
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Actually, you're wrong. Pretending to use a sniper in Halo like it should be used in real warfare, that's wrong. No-scoping, running and praying, that's how to use a sniper in Halo. lol


Please calm down. No one wants to fight you. People aren't wrong just because they have opinions. I don't mind killcams I just think certain game types shouldn't have them. And you think differently, but I'm not going to say that you are wrong for that. No one is pretending, their just playing the game how they do. So you do your thing and we'll do ours. :) And BF is just as much not the real world as Halo or COD. I was just joking.

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what i mean is he should play the game first and see how killcams really effect halo rather then speculate on how they might, since the game is only weeks away. and no COD 4 is one of the best multiplayer experiences ever at least as i said in my opinion.

I will reiterate what I said before, I do NOT have to play a game to judge the killcam, which is in like 7 other games.

You do realize that the Halo killcam is practically IDENTICAL to COD's right?

Therefore if I want to judge the killcam, I will play COD.


Say what you want, but I will fight this feature until the day it no longer exists, it has ruined many games and how they play. Halo plays properly, weapons are used the way they were designed. You can actually ambush people in Halo, the killcam would ruin that.


So before you tell me not to judge something I haven't played, I don't need to play a game to know a killcam is nothing but bad news.


(good news for anti-Killcams, it may only appear in certain game types.)

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I will reiterate what I said before, I do NOT have to play a game to judge the killcam, which is in like 7 other games.

You do realize that the Halo killcam is practically IDENTICAL to COD's right?

Therefore if I want to judge the killcam, I will play COD.


Say what you want, but I will fight this feature until the day it no longer exists, it has ruined many games and how they play. Halo plays properly, weapons are used the way they were designed. You can actually ambush people in Halo, the killcam would ruin that.


So before you tell me not to judge something I haven't played, I don't need to play a game to know a killcam is nothing but bad news.


(good news for anti-Killcams, it may only appear in certain game types.)

i mean you can believe what ever you like but i dont thinks its going to be as big a deal as you seem to think it is.
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i mean you can believe what ever you like but i dont thinks its going to be as big a deal as you seem to think it is.

That's what people always say, and you know what?

It IS a big deal, it's a feature that has killed off any amount of tactical gameplay in every game it appears in. Try and prove that wrong, every game that has a killcam, do people get the least bit tactical about it? Battlefields cam is bad, but not nearly as bad as the replay version.


Ps: its not what I believe, it's what I know.

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I see one point saying that "long range weapons become obsolete with kill-cams". Well, that's not necessarily true in Halo. Considering that the camera pans to the position of the person that killed you (and always has, mind you) and with super-range weapons like the sniper there is a bullet trail. So, if you are even decent at Halo, you will automatically know where that player is even without kill-cams.


Honestly, I'm apathetic when it comes to kill-cams. There have been multiple times where I wanted to know exactly how a player managed to kill me, but not enough to make me want a kill-cam with all my heart.


I would prefer if it would work the way it does in BF3, where it zooms in on them in third person and shows a bit of their surroundings, but that's just me. Also, before someone says something, no it doesn't ruin sniping on BF3 by working that way. Not even a little bit lol and sniping is one of the key components OF BF3. If you don't have at least one sniper on your team on BF3, then you are playing TDMCQ. lmao

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I see one point saying that "long range weapons become obsolete with kill-cams". Well, that's not necessarily true in Halo. Considering that the camera pans to the position of the person that killed you (and always has, mind you) and with super-range weapons like the sniper there is a bullet trail. So, if you are even decent at Halo, you will automatically know where that player is even without kill-cams.


Honestly, I'm apathetic when it comes to kill-cams. There have been multiple times where I wanted to know exactly how a player managed to kill me, but not enough to make me want a kill-cam with all my heart.


I would prefer if it would work the way it does in BF3, where it zooms in on them in third person and shows a bit of their surroundings, but that's just me. Also, before someone says something, no it doesn't ruin sniping on BF3 by working that way. Not even a little bit lol and sniping is one of the key components OF BF3. If you don't have at least one sniper on your team on BF3, then you are playing TDMCQ. lmao

Th hint of the panning is not nearly as bad as the dead give away of the replay. Yes, there is sniper trails, but if you kill them on the first shot taken, that shouldn't be much of an issue, but also, what about the other ranged weapons without bullet trails and what about ambushes and hiding places?

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That's what people always say, and you know what?

It IS a big deal, it's a feature that has killed off any amount of tactical gameplay in every game it appears in. Try and prove that wrong, every game that has a killcam, do people get the least bit tactical about it? Battlefields cam is bad, but not nearly as bad as the replay version.


Ps: its not what I believe, it's what I know.

well has it been proven that killcams take away tactical gameplay from halo? no, then you dont KNOW anything you just BELIEVE it. you cant know how it will effect how halo is played until it is out which is my point, you may be right it could be the worst thing ever added to halo but we dont know tha until its out. halo and call of duty are very different games, killcams might not work in the same way when it comes to effecting gameplay.


Th hint of the panning is not nearly as bad as the dead give away of the replay. Yes, there is sniper trails, but if you kill them on the first shot taken, that shouldn't be much of an issue, but also, what about the other ranged weapons without bullet trails and what about ambushes and hiding places?

by hiding places you mean camping spots? hopefully the killcam will stop people from sitting in the same place, for fear of someone coming for revenge.
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