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The 'ORIGINS' linear infection map series


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I really like what you guys have done with that series. I've checked out quite a few linear infection "series" and I think that your's (you and Oakley) is my favourite. You've really pumped up the zombie concept within the game and given players a very cool gaming experience which offers a mix of some of the best zombie movies.

As for new ideas, I can't say that I have many, but perhaps you guys could do something like was seen in "28 days later". If I remember correctly, your last map ends with a helicopter flying off, so maybe you could do something like the falcon crashes in a blocked off city district. The purpose of this could be that they see a flashing light on a high floor (indicating some humans trying to reach them). The mission would lead the players to the highest point of the building (however many floors you can pull off) and then, once they reach the top, they could light a flare to signal any military patrols nearby. I plan on using such a concept (the flare) on one of my own upcoming maps, but I really don't mind sharing with you guys.

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The Origins series is perhaps the most fun I have in Halo full stop, and I'm very interested to see how you continue its themes in Halo 4. I think the new options Halo 4 forge has (especially the custom trait zones) will make future editions to the series incredible.

As far as my own humble ideas go, I would love to see what has happened to the world after the apocalypse. So far the series has been restricted to the quiet corners of your world, such as labs and ships. I would like to see what your take on the wider world is - Are you running into relatively intact areas from the initial outbreak? Or is the world already in tatters? I think it would be nice to see where people tried to hold out, and failed.

Of course, this is just a little thought of mine, and completely ignorable. As I have said before, I truly love this series, so anything you do is good with me. Keep up the good work.

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Thanks a load for the feedback, what you said about the custom hill traits is something me and Oakley both have been looking forward too for a very long time. We plan to use this to help both humans and zombies in different situations and differently themed maps. Due to halo 4 coming out soon me and Oakley both have been thinking of ideas for origins 5 and are trying to come up with another original idea which has a unique style of gameplay. Any sudgestions will be took into account, But remember Origins 4 ends with a falcon. :)

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I think it would be cool to have a vehicle convoy level where the humans get like 5 mongooses and they have to traverse a long track and defend or abandon the ones left on foot, maybe even having them start with one or two and adding more mongooses throughout the level. another Idea would be to have in Halo 4 the Survivors have to fight their way into a cave (ravine), then fight their way through the cave to a launch platform (Erosion) and then make a stand on the asteroid field (impact).

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The Origins series has definitely revolutionized Infection forging. After the creation of the series, I've noticed an extensive amount of linear-style infection maps, which I assume are most likely inspired by the Origins series. The Origins series was actually the first time I had ever played linear-infection, and it's changed the way I forge infection maps by a large degree.

Not only were the Origins series revolutionary, but so was the gametype you created upon the "zm_Map Pack", zm_Outbreak. This gametype has completely changed the way players set up their infection gametypes. The use of the AR instead of the classic Shotgun made for very different and extremely intense gameplay.

I'd just like to say a big thanks to you guys for aiding my infection map forging, inspiring others and revolutionizing infection.


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I'm not going to be a suck up, but your series is really amazing. It's by far my favorite linear infection map in reach, and every time I host a custom I check on Oakley's fileshare to see if the next one's on their yet. Great job!


Ideas? I have a lot that I plan to imply into halo 4 forge and I'm going to try to do my own linear infection map series! But for your's maybe have a map on an airplane? Really broad idea, but it has great potential! Just maybe imply it at some point along that hopefully long road known as my favorite linear infection series!

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I love this series. The amount of time and finesse you put into the maps always astounds me.

As for ideas, I see 'Erosion' as having the most potential for your series. While it wouldn't make much sense to go straight from the falcon to a cave, the rusted forge pieces of erosion and the glowing lagoon has huge potential for tunnels, sewers, a submarine, whatever.

Depending on how the range of forge pieces is when it finally comes out, It would be nice to see something which forces the survivors to split up and defend two non-interlinking areas. I don't exactly know how to pull this off, but maybe there would be a trigger in two separate rooms to open each other up?

Again, love the series, and the next 21 days can't pass fast enough.

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  • 4 weeks later...

First of all, let me say that unfortunately I do not own an Xbox 360 and haven't played Halo in months. This means that I am not as informed as most Forge fans but also that I am more contemplative and appreciative of what little information I have been given. But I do want your series to go off with a bang and I think my idea will provide a unique experience. 

I know that in Halo 4 it is not possible to use water as there is a hard-kill on it and a soft kill above it. Solution: MAKE A FLOOD MAP WITH WATER. Or, rather, make the player seem as though he is immersed in water. You can make a canal or other moving waterway with a blue trait zone that lowers gravity and another one that gives you invisibility (invisibility dampens the sound around you, which makes it seem as though you are underwater, but this is optional--and, if so desired, you can make it so that only Flood forms are invisible; just make sure the invisibility trait zone ends one Spartan-length below the surface so that the Flood are visible once above the surface) and place gravity volumes (again, visible--and blue if it's possible) that push you in the direction the river is "flowing." You can also add blue shield-doors on top and maybe have floating wreckage (crates and vehicles that bob up and down) for players to stand on. You could implement this idea in a shark-themed flood map with a shipwreck. But since the number of gravity volumes you have is limited, you might want to make the inside of a defunct submarine  in which the first floors/levels are "underwater" and later you come to the hatch. You could put a teleporter inside the hatch so when you go through you are transported to a spot on Ravine directly above the water. The humans would then have to jump onto a dock to exit the soft-kill above the water. You could also do this on Erosion; the forge pieces look dirtier. For a minigame/abstract infection/flood map, you could have an enclosed canal in which the gravity volumes parade you around in a rectangle on floating crates and vehicles while the Flood (who are supposed to be sharks) attack you from below. I have already submitted these ideas to MrPokephile, but the rest of THFE hasn't responded.

I hope you can put my ideas to good use. They would definitely give you potential for something that no one has but everyone wants: water.

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