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Bannable offences (newfound offence)


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  On 8/5/2011 at 1:53 PM, Destyran said:

10 min Matchmaking ban:

once you quit to many times you will be given a 10 min ban from MM and a notification, once you recieve this notification you will get a 10 min ban every time you quit. You cannot quit for three days to get rid of this.


24 hour ban from earning credits:

you will get this notification "you have been temporarily banned from earning credits". This ban is from boosting doing naughty things.


1 week ban from earning credits:

you will get this notification" you have been temoprarily banned from earning credits for one week" or its something like that i know the message slightly differs from the 24-hour ban notification.

You will get this from repeat offending ie. continuing to be naughty or for first time offence


2 week ban from earning credits:

the notification is the same as the 24-hour ban notification. You will get this from repeat offending ie. continuing to be naughty.


4 week ban from earning credits:

the notification is the same as the 24-hour ban notification. You will get this bann for repeat offending ie. being very naughty.


Credit and rank reset:

you will only get this for ******** them off by getting banned so much and doing those 'naughty' things.


Matchmaking ban:

you will be banned from matchmaking for set period you get this for extremly naughty things like hacking and using a 'j-tag'



you will be banned from playing reach on your xbox forever. Ie hacking


Im not going to tell you what those naughty things are for your OWN saftey.


And that is pretty much everything on bans as best to my knowledge please feel free to correct me on my errors and mistakes.


Hope this helps! =)

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so if the guest gets 3-4 kills then they r not afk-ing? I was Playing matches with friends and this is the scenario! But this is the 1st time I'd had Ever Gotten Banned from Earning Credits, so Y am I Waiting over 5 Days now so far for this??? I have Never Been Banned Before & I Don't Believe I should have been in the 1st Place. My guest would get 3-5 Kills a round or Match so they too were playing just not so good!!

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  On 8/30/2011 at 4:48 PM, Merlin32k said:

so if the guest gets 3-4 kills then they r not afk-ing? I was Playing matches with friends and this is the scenario! But this is the 1st time I'd had Ever Gotten Banned from Earning Credits, so Y am I Waiting over 5 Days now so far for this??? I have Never Been Banned Before & I Don't Believe I should have been in the 1st Place. My guest would get 3-5 Kills a round or Match so they too were playing just not so good!!

some people get a 24 hour ban or a week for your first time, I don't know why this is. A week is seven days not five, so hang in there.

There is a lot of things you can be banned for other than the guest not doing well, I'd suggest asking someone to have a look at your carnage report. ( I would but I'm sure you were banned for a reason to get the week ban straight up, and I'm lazy)

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  On 8/30/2011 at 2:55 AM, NightShade1387 said:



I called customer service and they directed me here (they said they couldn't see anything inappropriate on my account from their end).

I have a notification on my profile that I have a temporary ban from earning credits on my account. This comes as a surprise to me, as I don't play improperly (I wouldn't even know how to hack if I wanted to). ...the best thing I can think of is that I had a friend of mine come by to play for the first time. The members we were playing with knew that it was her first crack at it, as not only did we explain this to them, but they would have heard me give her instructions over the mic. One of the other players was even very polite to her, even though she was struggling.


So how have I acquired this credit ban? Does it come from people getting together and reporting a person (this could have been done maliciously by a pair that we had to finally boot after he 'team killed' us multiple times).

Or could it be that we can be punished for encouraging new people to try the game out? :-/ I hope this is not the case... she did give it her best effort, and was proud of her achievements.


If you could, I would appreciate a response to this matter from an administrator (preferably to my email account).


Thank you for your time,



here's two reasons why your banned.

1)Boosting fail - Vanilla Grifball

2)AFKing a Match - Arcadefight


There are many more like this.


Do not! complain on this thread about your how your innocent when you clearly are not.

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  On 8/30/2011 at 2:55 AM, NightShade1387 said:



I called customer service and they directed me here (they said they couldn't see anything inappropriate on my account from their end).

I have a notification on my profile that I have a temporary ban from earning credits on my account. This comes as a surprise to me, as I don't play improperly (I wouldn't even know how to hack if I wanted to). ...the best thing I can think of is that I had a friend of mine come by to play for the first time. The members we were playing with knew that it was her first crack at it, as not only did we explain this to them, but they would have heard me give her instructions over the mic. One of the other players was even very polite to her, even though she was struggling.


So how have I acquired this credit ban? Does it come from people getting together and reporting a person (this could have been done maliciously by a pair that we had to finally boot after he 'team killed' us multiple times).

Or could it be that we can be punished for encouraging new people to try the game out? :-/ I hope this is not the case... she did give it her best effort, and was proud of her achievements.


If you could, I would appreciate a response to this matter from an administrator (preferably to my email account).


Thank you for your time,



That was a good laugh...

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  On 9/1/2011 at 11:55 AM, El Silverado said:

The mute ban is from people muting someone multiple times and doesn't always mean they did something bad.

thanks to you and spectral jester for pointing this out. I will update next time I'm on my computer.

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I'm starting to think that if I tell you all the correct way to boost, your sob stories will stop. I'm sick of hearing bull**** stories on here like you were playing with someone who sucks and couldn't get a kill and the truth is you were boosting incorrectly on griffball. I'd say if your doing it, its most likly your boosting medals and credits and if your stupid enough to get caught then act innocent you deserve to be perma-banned. IT'S NOT THE BAMNHAMMERS. FAULT IT'S YOURS FOR LETTING IT SMACK YOU. So cut the crappy and accept your fate as a crappy booster who did it wrong and got caught, if you regret it because you got banned its your fault for doing it in the first place.

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  On 9/4/2011 at 7:48 AM, EGYPTIANGHETTO said:

my internet provider is upgrading :/ its kinda hard to stay away from halo when its right in front of you...

Yeah I know but try not to lag out on a credit ban it'll only make things worse. When you upgrade don't quit or lagout for 3 days to reset probation.;)hope this helped.

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  On 9/4/2011 at 11:00 PM, Destyran said:

Yeah I know but try not to lag out on a credit ban it'll only make things worse. When you upgrade don't quit or lagout for 3 days to reset probation.;)hope this helped.

thanks i guess i wont be able to play halo for awhile, to big a risk.


the lag would do weird things like this: i was on the elevator in reflection it shot me in the air



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  On 9/4/2011 at 11:18 PM, EGYPTIANGHETTO said:

thanks i guess i wont be able to play halo for awhile, to big a risk.


the lag would do weird things like this: i was on the elevator in reflection it shot me in the air



lol that's messed up I would be pissed ha
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  On 9/9/2011 at 1:22 AM, inbredkiller30 said:

ive been banned this is my third time now and have done nothing wrong any idea who i can call or message to get this taken care i am getting pretty fed up with this happening

please give me your gamertag and I will investigate why you were banned.
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