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Halo 4 Talk: Your Top 5 Weapons of Choice For Halo 4?


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Hey guys Famous here with a new episode of Halo 4 Talk the series where i

talk about anything halo 4 related. Todays topic for disscussion is what

will your weapons of choice be in Halo 4. Even if you have not played the game yet choose judging off of the gameplay/videos you have seen. What you think you will use most / what you want to use most.



(Not sure if i can post here since there is Reach gameplay but it's a Halo 4 topic so.. If mods would like to move then you can do so)

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Hey guys Famous here with a new episode of Halo 4 Talk the series where i

talk about anything halo 4 related. Todays topic for disscussion is what

will your weapons of choice be in Halo 4. Even if you have not played the game yet choose judging off of the gameplay/videos you have seen. What you think you will use most / what you want to use most.

  • Sticky Detonator
  • Assault Rifle
  • Scattershot
  • Suppressor
  • SAW


(Also, a good topic that I saw on the forum imo at least would be Infection (Flood) map ideas)

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I'll go out on a limb and include a quick explanation for my choices.


>DMR - powerful at long range and not terrible in close range in good hands, I've always enjoyed long-range, semi-auto precision weapons

>Binary Rifle - not every gun can boast being a one-shot-kill at all times, an immensely powerful sniper, and an almost-shotgun at point blank. Luckily its strengths are balanced by its drawbacks

>SAW - this light machine gun totally dominates the close/mid-range battlefield, pumping enemies full of bullets in mere seconds

>Concussion Rifle - those who don't give this gun its due credit are in for a rough time. Not only can it send vehicles flying and control space, its mortars stun and blind solitary foes giving them no room to counterattack

>Incineration Cannon- a manmelting menace, this thing can disintegrate a person and a few of his closest friends with a single, napalm-laden shot.

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I'll explain mine too. No particular order because no weapon is good for everything.


Carbine- Always been mah favorite.

Shotgun- Always beats dat sword.

Binary Rifle- Let's face it, I miss two out of ten headshots too. Maybe a cheat-gun is handy? (Besides, its Forerunner. It's gonna be strong.)

Incineration Cannon- Again, it will destroy you.

Sticky Detonator- Because I can.


Thank you!

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