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Taking a leave of absence


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I've been thinking this over for a while now, trying to decide whether or not to post this. I haven't been very active of late, and certainly not as active as I was towards the start of the year - it's now perhaps three months since I was posting with anything approaching regularity, and unfortunately that's a situation which is probably going to continue.


At any rate, I feel like it's best to announce this 'officially', instead of just via status update. Effective immediately, I'll be taking a break from the site. As some of you may know, I have ongoing issues with my mental health, and they're now severe enough to interfere with my day-to-day life. One of the main symptoms is that I have difficulty concentrating - and that makes posting in my usual, verbose manner very difficult. Reading all the way through threads is something I like to do before I post, but I now feel that it's something I'm doing because I should, rather than for enjoyment. It's not a good state of mind to write a post with, and there's really no point being part of the community if I'm not listening to what other people have to say.


To clarify, I will be back at some point. I don't know quite how long, though I'd guess it'll be a month or so at the very least. Considering how little I've been around for the past few months, my absence shouldn't even be that noticeable: this is more just to let everyone know what's going on, and that I'm not just leaving through boredom or bad blood. When my mind is clear, I still love talking to everyone and reading through threads. The problem is that I'm just not in that mindset often enough at the moment.


As ever, I can be reached via Skype or my Gmail account, or via PM over Xbox Live. I'll also respond to any PMs on here when I get back. And I will be back.


Much <3,



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