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Star Wars First Assault XBLA Title Incoming

Spectral Jester

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Some digging around on Xbox.com has turned up XBLA 'Cover Art' for a whole bunch of unreleased games. Nestled amongst them is a cover for a New Star Wars Game


There are no more details available about this game as of yet, so speculation is high, that this could be a Star Wars Battlefront clone, and lets be honest who doesn't want that?

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Hopefully this turns out to be a battlefront-styled game. Maybe it'll be something like Battlefield 1943 for the arcade? Also, anyone here heard of Section 8 Prejudice? It's an arcade game with high-end graphics and maps bigger than Battlefield, so we know that an arcade game can be big. Here's to hope that Lucasarts doesn't screw it up like the Fail Unleashed or Kinect Star Wars.




But yeah. I'd even take a small game. So long as it's styled like battlefront, even just a bit.

Also, rumor has it that Lucasarts was hiring people who have made FPS's for this game, so it looks like it'll be first person. So no surprise disappointment of it being a crappy tower defense game.

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Yes...yes...and YES!! I love Star Wars! I will definitely keep an eye out for this one as I don't have too many xbla titles. I wish a new KOTOR would be developed for 360!


Thanks for the info Jester!! :thumbsup:



Besides that hopefully this will turn out to be an awsome arcade game!

But I agree who doesn't want a Battlefront clone.

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Sweet! Hope its like battlefront. That was one of my top 5 games of all time. I still play Battlefront 1 on 360, it is the only regular xbox game i own. Played it just the other day actually.


I agree, if they can make it anything like the Star Wars Battlefront series, it will definetely be amazing. It was one of my favourite series in the past and I would love to see a comeback of the game in any form for the 360!

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