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Halo 4 maps (future maps)


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I have some good map ideas, dont say "just go get Halo ODST" but i want a map thats deep in the cities of some place, like narrow ally ways with high up buildings, barely any light besides neon signs etc. at night time while its raining. Also a HUGE map like just a flat field with bases on each side, NO HILLS OR CAVES JUST GRASS. Also a map in the jungle with the ability to walk through palm bushes and they sway when you walk trhrougb them, dawn time, very humid look, light just coming through the trees above, plants towering over you etc. Tell me what you guys think. Just some ideas.

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I would love to see a wasteland but not desert map and its foil in the form of a verdant, very watery map. For the wasteland one, an idea would be either an enormous crater with both paths spiraling down to the lava in its basin and grav lifts. This is sorta inspired by the elaborate crater bases in one of the Star Wars movies I saw forever ago, planet Utapow or something like that. Another would be lots of dark, moody tunnels connecting an underground labyrinth between two main bases, with short lines of sight and lots of corners. Alternatively there would also be a totally barren, totally open overland route between the bases, perfect for mammoths to wage war while infiltrators sweep the tunnels below.


As for the watery one, lots of waterfalls, rushing water, and floating forerunner structures in a bright, steamy jungle.

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