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Bad Introduction

Rodney McKay

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Hello, I am sorry for posting the clan thing in this forum. I have never been on a site like this and i just happy that my first time would be a Halo site. I have loved Halo ever since I can remember and I was excited that Halo 4 was coming out. Ever since I finished Halo 3 and got to Lt. Colonel in reach, which was erased sadly :(, I have been waiting for this wonderful game. Now it's the one month stretch and I am pulling my hair out because its moving at a glaical pace. Sorry to misuse this forum before.

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Its ok. Allot of people don't understand it right away when they first join. I for one, can say the same for myself. Anyways, Welcome to the forums again. I think I said that last time? Not sure. But anyways, I do hope you enjoy it here once you get use to it. :)

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Yeah, it's no problem at all. Anyways, welcome to the forums and I hope you enjoy your stay. I understand what you mean about the whole "glacial pace", so I might suggest checking out certain threads as they are always updated on the latest info for Halo 4, which might be able to sustain us until the game's release. Lol, have fun!

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I want to hop on the bandwagon and welcome you to 343i.org, I've been here for less than a month and have already not only learned a great deal, but also made some awesome friends with whom I'm going to be enjoying Halo 4 for years coming. Hope your stay is a pleasant one. :thumbsup:

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