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making Spartan Ops available to all people who dont have xbox-live


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I would think as long as you had a connection to the internet (unless you mean you don't), then you could buy them off the marketplace if you had a silver account. If you don't have a connection, then... I don't know >.<


I think thats the OP's point, for those with no internet, it is lame that they can not play Spartan Ops. FireFight was free for all and accessible to all. Spartan Ops, while very cool, is a marketing scheme by M$ to make more money off of people, especially by adding achievements to every season of it, so if you want the cheevos, you have to buy...

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who eva is interested & supports my page, like it on FB, we would like 343i to here us! :)

Im glad your making a stance for yourself but i Disagree with your cause. The Way Spartan Ops is Designed is to be play with others online and also to get people who only like playing campaign to also play war games. Its not very possible to use this tool to build a bigger community if the tool is used offline. Also for such a big download using Xbox live, Gold would be the more acceptable way to go. In this day and age of the Xbox 360 insentive to buy the Gold is not a bad thing.
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343i stated that u must require gold-membership, how many fans worldwide haves gold-membership? half? quarter? in my country it is expensive, nearly like $100 a month, the last time i ask & checked at my retail game store a month ago. there r alot of fans hundreds, thousands maybe millions, goin without live, many for financial reasons, bad internet connection ect. im sayin how can non-xbox live fans/players have the same amount of fun same amount experience to thoughs with xbox-live players. even though we r livin in age where we r all connected, there r pplz out there that would like the seasons of spartan ops to be on a disc/multiable discs, dependin on the size of the game, if they decided to put them on discs & sell them around 6-12 months later, like they did with the multiplayer map pack sets back in halo 2 & 3, i would be willin to pay my saved up money for them, at the end of the day, 343i & microsoft would make more money & use it to fund halo 5 & 6 ^_^


they can still put them on xbox-live, later down the track, they should sell them on disc


just wishin there r some pplz here that think of other players who r less fortune. . . :bananachief: how can pplz turn down a good selfless cause? :crybaby:

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I think thats the OP's point, for those with no internet, it is lame that they can not play Spartan Ops. FireFight was free for all and accessible to all. Spartan Ops, while very cool, is a marketing scheme by M$ to make more money off of people, especially by adding achievements to every season of it, so if you want the cheevos, you have to buy...


In the defense of SO it is pretty much an extension to campaign right? So it would make sense that this extension would cost money after the first season. The easiest way to extend campaign is through releasing it through DLC (the way I see it). I do agree with you on it being a marketing scheme, its a good one imo. As much as I prefer SO over Firefight I think most people would prefer to have both of them on, or at least they wouldnt have such a bg problem compared to right now.

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imagine u dont have xbox-live, how would u feel? missin out on updates & the full game, for pplz without live, its 1 less feature, they shouldnt have got rid of firefight then, spartan ops is pretty much firefight with a story in halo 4, & decided to put it on-line only gold-membership only, im a big fan of microsoft in the early days & now im losin trust in them because they r becomin money hungries, they put the red ring of death on the first xbox 360s for pplz to keep buyin new ones, i invest good money to them in return for full experiences & better technology, i thought mircosoft is bout givin services to everybody, not makin money first & rippin pplz off


That's good for people that are not gold. You can still have fun playing Halo 4 if you don't have gold. That will make some people happy! =)

some? i say huge amount of fans, techniques marketin schemes dont make money for microsoft, trusted loyals/fans make for microsoft
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How can they make Spartan Ops available to people who dont have live (internet) ? The only way thats possible if they sell the seasons on a disc.


Yeah, you're right. It's too bad they decided to do it like that. I understand how it's somewhat more practicle for them (They don't need to rush and finish it all ASAP), and its slightly cool making it into a season, but still I feel bad for my offline friends who won't be able to play. - On a side note, I know it would be really impracticle, but maybe they could do something where, once all the Spartan ops content is out, they release a free dlc-pass card that could be redeemed if you bring in your receipt from the game (then it would get marked). Very unrealistic, i realise, but it would be pretty cool though.

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Yes you have to download them each week, but what i am thinking is that maybe somewhere down the line when the Spartan Ops story is complete and there won't be new episodes, they might release it as a DLC. Or maybe even as a stanalone disc. Which if it happens should obviously not be a full-price game.

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Yes you have to download them each week, but what i am thinking is that maybe somewhere down the line when the Spartan Ops story is complete and there won't be new episodes, they might release it as a DLC. Or maybe even as a stanalone disc. Which if it happens should obviously not be a full-price game.

It would be impractical to make it's own disc. Would cost too much money to produce and its already free.
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