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Toy Factory

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Toy Factory


Theme B


The game starts out with one last man, while everyone else spawns as zombies. The goal for the last man is to eliminate all zombies before they manage to climb to the top. Zombies must avoid being crushed or buried by the falling objects, all while racing against the clock. You may also recognize this as a "Tetris" remake from MetaWaddleDee.



The human can kill zombies by dropping objects into the main chamber by flipping vehicles, and activating machines surrounding the chamber. Simply run into the red flashing light on the left side of every machine and this will allow a free flow of whatever that machine produces for 5 seconds. There are also two machines above the player that can only be activated by shooting the mines on the side.




At the beginning of each round the chamber is empty with no railings.

2:00 remaining - railings appear along with a few plasma batteries




1:30 remaining - Doors close and anyone below is blown up. If anyone survives, they are then teleported to the top, die, and then their bodies fall into the chamber. Its quite entertaining.







0:30 remaining - Railings appear along with 4 teleporters

0:10 remaining - More plasma batteries fall down then doors close the remaining top half chamber




Once all zombies are eliminated, the round ends and the last man wins. But if a zombie climbs to the top, they can then jump into a teleporter, pick up a rocket launcher and kill the last man. 5 points are earned and the round ends.


Again, hope you enjoy!


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