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Presidential Oath (sorry it took so long)


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I know it's a bit late and all, but I figured I'd might as well go ahead and do this. It's pretty obvious what the presidents have to do, and I ask that all other members not post in this thread. Thank you for understanding and not posting. The presidents will copy and paste the oath, and replace the places need to with their own username. That's all. Remember to remove the qoutes.


"I, (name of person receiving presidency), do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Holy Moderator's Spectral Jester and Absolute Dog. So Help Me Twam. I will respect the members of these forums and help them where I can. I love the forums, the forums of my people. The forums protect me and make me a better person. The forums are the home of my people. And I plan to protect my people as the forums protect me. I will abide by the rules as to make the path clear to new members. I will work together with my Holy Mentors and Community Moderators to keep these lands safe and fun for all. I will be a true 343i Member in Thought, in Word, in Deed."

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I, Zelda, Princess of Hyrule, and one of two Presidents of the forums, do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Holy Moderator's Spectral Jester and Absolute Dog. So Help Me Twam. I will respect the members of these forums and help them where I can. I love the forums, the forums of my people. The forums protect me and make me a better person. The forums are the home of my people. And I plan to protect my people as the forums protect me. I will abide by the rules as to make the path clear to new members. I will work together with my Holy Mentors and Community Moderators to keep these lands safe and fun for all. I will be a true 343i Member in Thought, in Word, in Deed.

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I, iTz Vplus2, the TʀᴜᴛʜʙʀɪɴɢᴇR, do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Holy Moderator's Spectral Jester and Absolute Dog. So Help Me Twam. I will respect the members of these forums and help them where I can. I love the forums, the forums of my people. The forums protect me and make me a better person. The forums are the home of my people. And I plan to protect my people as the forums protect me. I will abide by the rules as to make the path clear to new members. I will work together with my Holy Mentors and Community Moderators to keep these lands safe and fun for all. I will be a true 343i Member in Thought, in Word, in Deed

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