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343 shouldn't take the blame!

Flippant Sol

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Lot's of people were complaining that 343 did a bad job in Anniversary and now they're gonna do a bad job in Halo 4. Well guess what? They weren't responsible for Anniversary! You see, Saber Interactive was the one who went in and remastered the details, 343 was just in charge of the programming and such. So those of you who think that they will do a bad job, you haven't even tasted their graphical skills yet, so your not to judge. Speaking of Saber Interactive, why don't we congratulate them as well! Even Certain Affinity deserves an applause for Anniversary! Anywho, We don't know how Halo 4 is going to roll out, even with all of this footage, you have to remember that the majority of the players that have already played Halo 4 are above average skill. Halo 4 is taking a different path from what we are used to, and that's the way it will stay. :)

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Lot's of people were complaining that 343 did a bad job in Anniversary and now they're gonna do a bad job in Halo 4. Well guess what? They weren't responsible for Anniversary! You see, Saber Interactive was the one who went in and remastered the details, 343 was just in charge of the programming and such. So those of you who think that they will do a bad job, you haven't even tasted their graphical skills yet, so your not to judge. Speaking of Saber Interactive, why don't we congratulate them as well! Even Certain Affinity deserves an applause for Anniversary! Anywho, We don't know how Halo 4 is going to roll out, even with all of this footage, you have to remember that the majority of the players that have already played Halo 4 are above average skill. Halo 4 is taking a different path from what we are used to, and that's the way it will stay. :)


Huh, that's pretty cool. I don't tend to do much research into who made what part of a game and who was just a producer, so I thank you for clarifiying all of this. Personnaly, I liked Halo Anniversary. It was simple, but acted as a nice reminder of simpler times. As for 343's graphical abilities, I can confidently say that from the videos and imagines we have seen, everything looks pretty cool. The gameplay seems solid and everything looks great on paper (well... on computer screen... but I think you get my point). Anyways, I'm excited to see their first official game and I'm pretty sure they'll do us proud. Thanks Rhino for starting this thread up, it really does clarify some things that I was not aware of. :)

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