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Borderlands 2: Whats Your Best Looted Non-Legendary Weapon?


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Hey, Just wondering what the community members that play Borderlands 2 think that which of their weapons was the best that they ever found, in accordance to their level at the time, I don't care what it was, other than it can't be a Legendary (Orange) weapon, cuase it kinda defeats the purpose of my question. I want you to list it's stats and who you were playing as when you used it, or a rough estimate of what the stats were if you no longer have it.


My best weapon is a Lv.50 requirement Vladof Automatic Pistol


'Righteous Anarchist'


Damage: 9203

Accuracy: 91.0

Fire Rate: 11.4

Reload Speed: 1.7

Magazine Size: 53


I am playing as Axton when using this, with the 'Slayer of Terramorphous' Class Mod, so it reloads even faster and the damage is massively improved. It is epic.


I also thin that the 'Bison' rifle you get for killing dukino's mom is fantastic, espicially with zero.

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