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Another Forerunner Symbol Spotted.


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Ok In the last vidoc released "Making Halo 4: Infinity Multiplayer" there was a forerunner symbol at the end which was the symbol for the letter "C". Picture shown below.




Today Microsoft sent you this email.


If you scroll down to the bottom where it shows the rating, Microsoft and 343i's logo's there is a strange symbol. If you click that symbol you get this symbol.




Which is the symbol for the number 3.


So there is definitely a secret message out there and we just need to find the others when they come out.


So far we have C3, I can't think of anything just yet that relates to those characters. But give your thoughts on it.

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C3. First, what could C mean? Covenant? Cortana? Cryptum? Code? Chief? Chaffing?

What about 3? 3 in 1? Like a trinity of some sort? Maybe Chief, Cortana, and the Didact become 1 somehow. Or maybe, 3 new games? 3 Sets of Weapons, 3 maps, Maybe it is code for See three? Maybe it is telling us to look at the Halo 3 logo of play Halo 3? How about the amount of times GermanShepherdD couldn't get outside to pee?


Who knows. So many mysteries to solve!

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I think your onto something, also based off of the outline it would be logical to think that the message fits together like a jigsaw.


That being said the two symbols dont appear to be next to each other in the message, you would have to find all the others, then if I am right the sides will fit together to form the message.

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Lmao!! I got added to the vidoc!! It means "Choot 'em"!! Look at my custom avatar! :thumbsup:


Seriously though, this is a great find adam!! It's odd that it is in the place of Auntie Dot from Reach though! The "C" could stand for an A.I., but which one?


There are only 3 human A.I.'s that begin with "C".

  1. Chauncey - UNSC Red Horse's old Smart A.I.
  2. Copperfield - UNSC Prophecy - Planet Bliss
  3. Cortana - CTN 0452-9 - UNSC Military A.I. (Third Generation Smart A.I.)

Of the "known" Forerunner A.I.'s, only one begins with "C".

  1. Cold Storage Monitor - AI overseer of a flood research facility on Installation 05.


The number 3 baffles me. Will have to investigate further.....

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  On 10/16/2012 at 11:58 PM, Drizzy_Dan said:

I'd also like to know how many of these are in existence right now besides C and 3. Or those the only ones released so far?

i think we only have C and 3 so far


  On 10/17/2012 at 12:21 AM, Choot said:

Lmao!! I got added to the vidoc!! It means "Choot 'em"!! Look at my custom avatar! :thumbsup:


Seriously though, this is a great find adam!! It's odd that it is in the place of Auntie Dot from Reach though! The "C" could stand for an A.I., but which one?


There are only 3 human A.I.'s that begin with "C".

  1. Chauncey - UNSC Red Horse's old Smart A.I.
  2. Copperfield - UNSC Prophecy - Planet Bliss
  3. Cortana - CTN 0452-9 - UNSC Military A.I. (Third Generation Smart A.I.)

Of the "known" Forerunner A.I.'s, only one begins with "C".

  1. Cold Storage Monitor - AI overseer of a flood research facility on Installation 05.

The number 3 baffles me. Will have to investigate further.....

HA! i forgot that you had that symbol as your pic, tell us all the secrets! lol. But yeah the number 3 is throwing me off too really cant think of anything.

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  On 10/17/2012 at 12:34 AM, adamj004 said:

i think we only have C and 3 so far



HA! i forgot that you had that symbol as your pic, tell us all the secrets! lol. But yeah the number 3 is throwing me off too really cant think of anything.


I guess we'll have to wait and see because the only things 343 has been releasing lately were the vidoc, the email, and Forward Unto Dawn...


Doubt we'll find any clues there though

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So I did some thinking on the information and......


What we may be seeing is some sort of passcode that unlocks something. What makes me think that? The shapes the symbols are in. Both have different but distinct outlines that resemble a puzzle piece. Now all we need are the missing pieces to the puzzle.


Also, in the below image the "C" and "3" are catercorner to each other. May not be of significance but if a pattern theory holds true then the next two symbols would be "F" and "6". (Bear in mind this is just theory, lol.)






I rendered the two "pieces" to see if they would connect somehow.....


FC_img_zpsf232077b.png?t=1350493333 F3_img_zpsfb65ba11.png?t=1350493539


No luck with these two connecting. I expect more of these to pop up soon.



Thoughts? Comments?


- Choot :thumbsup:

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  On 10/17/2012 at 12:21 AM, Choot said:

Lmao!! I got added to the vidoc!! It means "Choot 'em"!! Look at my custom avatar! :thumbsup:


Seriously though, this is a great find adam!! It's odd that it is in the place of Auntie Dot from Reach though! The "C" could stand for an A.I., but which one?


There are only 3 human A.I.'s that begin with "C".

  1. Chauncey - UNSC Red Horse's old Smart A.I.
  2. Copperfield - UNSC Prophecy - Planet Bliss
  3. Cortana - CTN 0452-9 - UNSC Military A.I. (Third Generation Smart A.I.)

Of the "known" Forerunner A.I.'s, only one begins with "C".

  1. Cold Storage Monitor - AI overseer of a flood research facility on Installation 05.

The number 3 baffles me. Will have to investigate further.....


3 = Halo 3.


Cold Storage Monitor (fwd to 0.29)?=


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  On 10/17/2012 at 8:09 PM, Total Mayh3m said:

3 = Halo 3.


Cold Storage Monitor (fwd to 0.29)?=


Yep, I missed that Mayh3m! And even answered in my first post, lmao! :rofl:


  On 10/17/2012 at 12:21 AM, Choot said:

It's odd that it is in the place of Auntie Dot from Reach though! The "C" could stand for an A.I., but which one?


Of the "known" Forerunner A.I.'s, only one begins with "C".

  1. Cold Storage Monitor - AI overseer of a flood research facility on Installation 05

Thanks Mayh3m! :thumbsup:

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