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All The Whining

Son Of Anarchy

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O.K., I get on to this site to read the interesting thoughts and ideas and share some of my own that I would like to see in Halo 4. It seems like people don't like to say anything good just because they saw ONE trailer that's not even the 'Official' trailer. The judge it before they have even seen anything else. I know this may seem like I'm whining, but I'm sticking up to say that it's getting old already. I just wanna see what people think, I hate getting on and having to see threads like 'Thanks 343 for nothing'. If they hate the game already that much then why bother getting on here and whining about it here, where people are here to share good things about it and how awesome it looks (my opinion). Seriously, go whine to your friends about it or something that way people who don't wanna hear it don't have to. Anybody agree??? O.o

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It's because of one thing:

People that create things for people... just aren't capable of pleasing everyone.


People are always going to complain about things they don't like in a game, or even something like food or a movie or something. Because everyone has different interests and ideas of how things should be run... and if things aren't done in the way they prefer, the whining begins.


People by nature are power hungry and greedy... so when something doesn't go our way, of course we're going to be upset and try to complain to someone about it.


So in this case... the best I can say is:

Just make posts where you give constructive criticism for 343's projects and such. Don't just complain and then not offer any feedback as to why something 'sucks'... then they just stop wanting to listen to people.



That said, it might be a good idea for 343 to create some forum rules related to suggesting ideas or complaining in general.

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I'm a competitive player since H2.

And I want, that there is a competitive part in H4. Reach and CE are orientated for noobs, because they are more than the good players.

Ok, but in H3 or H2 you could play against really good players, that's what I want and not only me, there are a lot of Pro's from the MLG Pro Circuit who are complaining about the game. Perfect example: Snipedown complains


As I said, there must be a ranking system. And no bloom, why? Check out the link.

But I just can hope, that 343 will seperate the competitive players and the social players.

So I'm done (x

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Active, were you just complaining in a topic about not complaining?

If you think complaining is telling my opinion, then yes. I didn't say it sucks or something, I just don't like AA.

Done. I'm not whining, I'm used to the bloom, but still I wanna play without bloom, but yea. It is what it is.

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ive never seen threads like this on this site...if you can link me to a few then i would be quite happy?


here's two links to two topics where people complain about halo 4 already





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He has a vaid point. If you don't like Halo, stay off


I think everyone who has posted here like halo (if not love it). They just have complaints about certain aspects of the games. I agree with the others that they should learn to voice their opinion in a way that doesn't seem like just a long complaint and offer ideas about how they can be fixed. That would certainly make for better discussions here (although alot are already interesting).

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Here is how I see it. Whining is complaining about something that happened in previous games or under a previous company (Bungie). Constructive criticism is about things that are projected or have not happened yet (343).


We all have criticisms of Bungie of 343 or whatever. I see the goal of these threads tho to be about things we would like to see added or removed from future games to make them better.


I think majority opinion should win out unless through testing it proves to defeat other respected elements of the game. I haven't heard a lot of whining except directed at Bungie (who does not read or cares about these threads). However, a lot of guys from Bungie signed on with 343 to keep working with the Halo project. They see Halo as something bigger than just a gametitle that a company holds the rights too. I feel the same way. I love the work Bungie did in the past and wish them the best in the future but I am a Halo fan first and a Bungie fan second.


So with that said I am optimistic about what 343 will do with the games. In the mean time I am going to keep posting about things I hope to see in future games.

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I think everyone who has posted here like halo (if not love it). They just have complaints about certain aspects of the games. I agree with the others that they should learn to voice their opinion in a way that doesn't seem like just a long complaint and offer ideas about how they can be fixed. That would certainly make for better discussions here (although alot are already interesting).

You speak the truth

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O.K., I get on to this site to read the interesting thoughts and ideas and share some of my own that I would like to see in Halo 4. It seems like people don't like to say anything good just because they saw ONE trailer that's not even the 'Official' trailer. The judge it before they have even seen anything else. I know this may seem like I'm whining, but I'm sticking up to say that it's getting old already. I just wanna see what people think, I hate getting on and having to see threads like 'Thanks 343 for nothing'. If they hate the game already that much then why bother getting on here and whining about it here, where people are here to share good things about it and how awesome it looks (my opinion). Seriously, go whine to your friends about it or something that way people who don't wanna hear it don't have to. Anybody agree??? O.o

Hey I posted that haha. We have the right to "whine" because of what reach was. I think a lot of people just want a more simple halo back that is actually fun to play for days and days. Add a few new features but not this aa crap. Seriously why does halo need sprint? because every other game has it? **** off.
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