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could dynamic lighting do this?

Adrian Radici

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for a while ive been wondering about everyones ideas on wether this new dynamic lighting thing can allow us to create pitch black rooms if say we make a box with no openings in it? coz i make horror maps and stuff on halo reach of wich are all dark. but i hated having to yous those lame FX's they have. im gona remake my halo reach slender man map and punumbra map on H4 but id just like to know if you guys think this dynamic lighting will allow us to create pitch black places.


Extra things id like your opinion on to.


1: Sun ray effects E.G. sun light shining through cracks etc


2:more lights and realistic ones not a shiny sphere that magically creates light.


3:ability to yous a flashlight in custom games


4: realistic lighting effects E.G the light from the sun realisticlly blends in and dosent just completely perfectly light a specific place but dims as it gets darker etc.


so yeah thats about it=) like to hear your thoughts guys.

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Probably, but you would need to double up the walls a couple times.


I guess this proves there dynamic lighting system is still very poorly made.


i'm sceptical when 343 announced forge they said that there will not be able to make pitch black rooms

but why not try when halo 4 release


Poorly made lighting system=(

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The lighting system isn't that poor. It is actually a huge step up from the last game. The only thing is that 343 was more worried about people not having pitch black rooms when they are enclosed rather than they being pitch black. While it does not make it work for you it will work better in a larger variety of other circumstances such as an enclosed slayer map.

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Actually calling it true "dynamic lighting" is not accurate. From what i have seen, I believe that every forge object has pre-rendered shadow occlusion built into the way the model is handled. This is why we need to wait until the map is reloaded with an updated light tag, in order to see our shadows. If it were true "dynamic lighting, we would see the shadows instantly. I may be wrong about this, but I cannot see how they would possibly change the core engine settings to be able to do this, all the while still having tag relationships and dependency's for [ligh] and [lens] tags for handling shadow casting.


Guess we will have to wait to see. But then again, I now recall what they said about pitch dark rooms. If the lightmapping was re-mapping everything, then you would be able to make dark rooms. but since they specifically stated you can't....that means the lightmapping is not new or creating a new lightmap for the maps. It is simply just rendering shadows already baked in, based on sun direction and origin and when you place the object down.

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Guess we will have to wait to see. But then again, I now recall what they said about pitch dark rooms. If the lightmapping was re-mapping everything, then you would be able to make dark rooms. but since they specifically stated you can't....that means the lightmapping is not new or creating a new lightmap for the maps. It is simply just rendering shadows already baked in, based on sun direction and origin and when you place the object down.

Or it's because the forge objects have lights built into them. lol I dunno, I'm not the tech guru. ;) lol
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Lol, yeah objects don't have a "light" built in so to speak. Basically the shadows are standard shadows and shadering based on the skybox...which is already pre-built with various positions, lighting, etc.. already created. Many people seem to think that this new feature actually goes thru and re-lightmaps the entire map....which is false. it doesn't, which is why we can't create pitch dark rooms.

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Meh...the Forge in Halo 4 is pretty much the same as Reach...it is cool that there are map specific items and items just for certain gametypes now like Dominion specific, but they really didnt add too much to the mechanics of the Forge system beyond copy and paste and magnets which hould have been in Reach from the beginning.

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