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Hello to all that might be reading this. I hope that i get a response from 343 Themselves.. I have experieced in the past a 24 hour credit ban from halo reach server (which is operated by 343). I didn't think much of it until I did some research. To typically recive a credit ban, the person most likely would be boosting and got caught. For example the person that is the primary player would get an insane amount of kills while the person that is playing split screen would be getting negative kills. Now one would expect for the negative kills to be in the -20's or -30's. I would have to say that the person in split screen getting at the most -2 sometimes, but usually 0 is NOT BOOSTING. I could care less about how much more kills i could get. The real situation is that my 4 YEAR OLD SON is playing with me. He asks me every day to play Halo Reach and now he can't because I have been banned for a second time. This time the ban was for a week. I have heard that if I get banned again, it will be a permenant ban on my console and my account. Since then I am much less excited to get Halo 4 because of the fear of getting a bologna credit ban from 343. Please 343... Re-Evaluate your "Credit Ban Polocy" and ban the guys who are really doing the damage. I have been a Halo fan since the first game came out, but now I'm starting to second guess this franchise/developer for a small-town cop who has a itchy trigger finger to ban anybody and everybody for the teeniest, tiny reason. Come on guys get a grip! Please respond so I can see that you actually care about your fans!

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Um, I hate to burst your bubble, but you're in the wrong place.


Staff from 343 do not frequent these forums, and will not see your post. You would be better off complaining on Halo Waypoint's forums, or getting 343's direct contact info. Notice that this site is the 343 community forums.

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