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Enlist in the Waypoint Coalition!


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((A word of advice--this is a long story without any real point. Basically, this thread is Create-A-Spartan. The form's about midway through. I do hope you'll join me in expressing a little creativity though.))


The disunited murmurs and thoughts of the vast, skeptical crowd vanished as the door slides open and shut in quick succession, signalling the return of the Sergeant. All eyes were upon the man as he trotted up the the massive table, deftly removing the lid of the small crate he toted, and scattered an unruly heap of crisp, white papers upon the surface. For a while, there was no noise but the faint swishing of the forms as they settled themselves. After casting a good look about at the mass whose collective body heat made the cool room stifling, he cleared his throat and let his voice echo off the pristine white walls.


"Soldiers! As you know, the Infinity has suffered greatly over the past few months. Trapped on this alien world, without an escape plan or a beacon to light for our worried brothers on the other side of the galaxy. You also know, no doubt, of the Spartan IV program aboard this vessel. What you haven't been told is that during our times of fear and worry a scouting squad, dubbed Majestic Team, has been performing reconnaissance on this world of Requiem, clearing the way for the Waypoint Coalition."


Among any less of a faithful crowd, whispers would have run rampant through the ranks as each individual pondered just why the secret had been kept from them, the marine and Spartan veterans of the Human-Covenant war and the backbone of the Infinity spacecraft. They also speculated about this so-called 'Waypoint Coalition' and its purpose. However, every man and woman of discipline checked their tongues and kept the silence, so that nobody challenged the Sergeant's next words.


"These forms are like opportunities, gateways, even. Fill 'em out, rack 'em up, and you might just be part of the Spartan IV army to deploy upon Requiem and show the Forerunners exactly what you're made of!"


Every soldier -every one of you, my friends- fetched a form and began to write.


Name: (Last name censorable)

Age: (Censorable)

Codename: (Censorable. Nothing asinine here. Put your gamertag if nothing else)



Appearance: (Tell me about what face lies beneath that nice helmet of yours)

Personality: (Though we are destined to kill or be killed, we are all still human)

Backstory: (Censorable. What was your life before you were a Spartan IV?)

Role: (What part do you play on the battlefield? Are you a medic, a sniper, or what?)

Talent: (What are your Spartan's special skills?)

Preferred Weapons: (Choose any two from any Halo game, from CE to 4)

Preferred Equipment: (Includes powerups, equipment, and armor abilities.

Helmet Permutation: (What's your favorite helmet between all the games?)

Other: (Anything that doesn't fit anywhere else?)



"As for me," the Sergeant remarked as the candidates scanned their forms, "I already did mine. If you think you suckers are gonna try and fight million-year-old robot-things without me, you're gonna be disappointed.


Name: Revel

Age: 42

Codename: FerretOfAir

Callsign: Fair

Emblem: Display/Valkryie, all white

Appearance: A sharp nose marks Revel's layered face, marred permanently just in front of his right ear by a Carbine's radiation way back when. Dreary blue-green eyes peer out ever-solemn from beneath thick, sharp eyebrows and sandy brown-blond hair. Revel's ancestry proves itself to be decidedly Dutch, which is visible in his complexion and audible in his voice.

Personality: Serious when needed, considerate when convenient, and likable when in a good mood, Revel is known for being remarkable versatile when it comes it his mindset, adapting to each situation differently. Prior to promotion, it was rumored among his peers that he was insane, but as you can see, that's hardly true. Hardly...

Backstory: Revel's military career began in the final stage of the Human-Covenant war. Miraculously managing to rack up an alien body count and live to tell the tale on five different assignments, his service as a standard marine culminated in deployment on the Ark, where he was privilaged enough to both see and then fight alongside the Master Chief himself, as well as the Arbiter and the other Sangheili that had defected to join the humans. The battle was furious -the permanent radiation burn on his cheek is sign enough of how close he came to death- but Revel's squad was evacuated as the Flood became a deadly presence aboard the Ark. Years later, he signed on to the Spartan IV program in hopes of perhaps carrying on the legacy of the supposedly dead Master Chief.

Role: Ranger - Marksman and designated driver

Talent: Sharpshooting, operating vehicles, untimely quips

Preferred Weapons: DMR, Brute Shot

Preferred Equipment: Thruster Pack

Helmet Permutation: Enforcer

Other: His mother, a romantic and a lover of poetry, named all of her three children (Gilly, Revel, and Yorick) after lines or characters from the ancient poems of Shakespeare, much to their father's behest.


"Burn bright!"



"Burn Blue!"

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Name: Cody

Age: //Access Denied//

Codename: Ryu Hayabusa(Will change to GT when I change it)

Callsign: Ryu

Emblem: Display/Delta, Primary/Secondary gold, Background Steel

Appearance: Cold dark blue eyes stare out from behind his visor. Nothing else is known.

Personality: Concise, quiet, and normally calm. Once pissed, becomes very pissed. You might want to sit out a mission while he's pissed. You may get accidentally assassinated.

Backstory: Cody (//Access Denied//) was born on Arcadia at the age of (//Access Denied//) and had a normal upbringing up until the covenant relentlessly slaughtered everyone in his hometown. Cody, only a child, helped kill 13 Elites, 7 Jackals, 2 Brutes, and 26 Grunts on his way to the evac. When he came of age to enlist in the ODST program, he was immediately promoted to the rank of Corporal for his brave actions at Arcadia. He served aboard the UNSC Grafton and luckily left it's service a month before it was destroyed. He later served aboard the UNSC Say My Name for a few short weeks before being secretly transferred to an unknown project for unknown reasons. His great and lengthy commendations gained before his transfer are the presumed reason for it.

Role: Very good rifleman. Prefers a BR85HB SR Battle Rifle or M395 Designated Marksman Rifle when possible. Is known to pick up a Type-51 Carbine whenever he can. Also a good Assassin.

Talents: Good at being stealthy. Very stealthy. Decent sniper as well.

Preferred Weapons: Light Rifle, Carbine

Preferred Equipment: Thruster Pack/Jet Pack

Helmet Permutation: FOTUS

Other: Loyal and the best.

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Name: Matthew

Age: //Access Denied//

Codename: Sykowolf

Callsign: Syko

Emblem: Display/Wolf , Primary/Secondary White, Background Steel

Appearance: Green Eye's, and a Deep voice with a slight Australian Accent, nothing else is known.

Personality: Quiet, Lone Wolf (when not leading a squad). Very Deadily and becomes enraged when covenant kill his comrades or civilians. (Wiped out several dozen Elite's in Hand to Hand combat after losing his entire squad)

Backstory: Matthew //ERROR// was born on Draco 3. Growing up in a rural area to two former UNSC ODST's, he spent his early years as any normal child, until several Covenant Ships appeared above the planet and wiped out the civilian and military personnelle on the planet. Matthew was saved by John 117 and the rest of Blue team, before being taken to Earth, where he lived his life in a UNSC Training Facility Codenamed PHOENIX. Upon reaching of Age, Matthew was Conscripted into the UNSC, eventually earning his way into the Spartan 4 Ranks.

Role: Great Rifleman, and Squad Leader

Talents: Hand to Hand Comat, Great Leader

Preferred Weapons: DMR, Battle Rifle

Preferred Equipment: Hardlight Shield

Helmet Permutation: HAZOP

Other: Loyal to all his friends

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name: Steve

Age: //Access Denied//

Codename: Victory Element

Callsign: FEAR

Emblem: bulls-eyes[toggled] (green), display (white)

Appearance: sharp brown eyes, square jaw, scar along left side of head (origin uknown)

Personality: cool under pressure, only speaks when neccessary, confidence booster

Backstory: Steve //Acces Denied// was born on //Access Denied// on planet Reach. Assisted in militia activity against covenant during invasion of reach at age//Access Denied//. Inspired by Spartans that he witnessed in combat, enlisted in the UNSC marine corps. Sent immediatly to special ops team //Access Denied// after combat training. Mission records //Erased//

Role: reconissance, spec ops

Talents: expert marksman, potential sniper if needed

Preferred Weapons: DMR, Magnum

Preferred Equipment: Active Camo

Helmet Permutation: Recon

Other: N/A



btw, great topic :clap:

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Name: Mackenzie

Age: //Uknown\\

Codename: Minuette

Emblem: Unicorn (Light cornflower blue)

Appearance: Blue eyes, Small jaw, Dirty blonde shagged short hair, Friendly Semi- Deep voice, everything else is uknown

Personality: Quiet, Lone wolf/Follower, Morale supporter

Backstory: Mackenzie was born on old classic earth when the Infinity was just a project back then, When he grew old enough he started joining the Militia to wipe out the remnants of the covenant forces still lingering on earth. ONI observed his tactics and sent a waver for him to join the UNSC, He accepted the waver and was introduced to the spartan 4 program being housed on the Ship Infinity, He volunteered. //Classified\\

Role: Sniper

Talent: (What are your Spartan's special skills?) Longed range rifleman, close quarter combat as well.

Preferred Weapons: Sniper rifle and the DMR

Preferred Equipment: Active Camo and regeneration field

Helmet Permutation: Rogue

Other: Loyal/honest

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The sergeant graced Steve with one of his rare, curt smiles as he quickly scanned the marksman's form. "I'm flattered, but if you want to be thanking something, you can have a chat with Brigadiers Angel or Frankie, or one of their colonels. They're the ones that engineered this initiative--and they're the ones we'll follow into hell." He laid the sheet down on top of the other two applicants' he had examined briefly and reached for the fourth, belonging to a certain sniper named Mackenzie. Barely had a few seconds passed before he placed it upon its predecessors. "You know, you fellows make me want to take a second look at my own sheet. Might as well write in my bio, this time..."


He sat down with his soldiers and quickly lettered in a brief overview of his life's experience before returning it to the growing stack. "There, that ought to do it."

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