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Halo 4 trueskill 1-50 will make or break for many fans GL 343

Lee James Garry

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Sign the petition to get visible skill ranks - 343 will update if enough people sign. We're up 600 signatures already.


Meh...I prefer not to put my info out there...but I will sign with my...oh screw it, 343i needs to stop ignoring the community...heck yeah I will sign lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is argument is not going anywhere between competitive and non competitive players. I recently stopped playing halo 4 because I feel like there is nothing really to work for, personally. I know there is armor and weopens, but I like to know that there is something out there that shows people I am better. Its not that big of a deal to keep it the way it is in on area (Social) and make an area with ranks compared to halo 2/3. No biggie right? No one gets upset, some people get happy, and we all are more addicted to halo 4. Achievement unlocked.

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I remember when it took skill to rank up, not time on your hands. I also remember when matchmaking meant you would be paired with people your skill, not any random scrub or pro. When i go into a match why is it always so one sided? Either my team gets destroyed because ive got 2 or 9 level people, or my team obliterates ands its too easy. There arent any of those intense games with people your skill level. All matchmaking is essentially social now, not competitive. This is why, like Reach, H4 will fail and H3 will forever be the greatest. Without the competition, the game becomes dull quickly. Bring back competitive gaming 343, thats the secret, not weapons, armor, or graphics just competition.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

although OP is reacting a little harshly I agree mostly with what he says. I miss halo 3, and the 1-50 ranking system. I was always good, but it took time and effort to get that 50.(especially in mlg ****) I don't agree with him saying it should be built solely around the competitive gamer but as of now, it seems to me like reach and halo 4 were built solely around the average gamer. It's still an awesome game, and props to 343 for the amazing graphics and gameplay on the campaign but I miss that competitive side. Why can't 343 just combine both the competitive/casual style game play into one? I thought halo 3 did that perfectly with social and ranked playlists.


I know some people don't agree, but I loved the 1-50 ranking system. It's what made me continue playing halo 3 from the moment it came out until it gets booted from xbox live servers. It always gave you something to strive for. and I know some people say they want a new better true ranking system but honestly I just want the 1-50 back for the nostalgia.


On the note of what someone said about CoD.. I hate that halo is slowly turning into CoD. that's a good game but I always played halo because it wasn't CoD. It always had that different aspect to it, and now it's losing that.


summary, I WANT 1-50 BACK!

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All these doomsayers that say Halo is going to fail if they don't implement a trueskill system are ridiculous. Really, where do you get the nerve to even make such a claim?


Halo 4 made so much money whether it is a terrible game or not. The Halo you knew is dead and gone. People need to come to terms with this. Halo 5 probably won't be that much more different either, except that it will probably make more money because of all the gamers who will be thinking, "maybe this one will be better." Just like you thought of this one after Reach.


And I would put money down on the fact that most of these people that are saying they will never touch another Halo again will be forking over another $60 in a couple of years just like they always do. And they will because they are junkies. They are junkies looking for a fix of what they had back in the mid-2000s with Halo 2 and 3. You guys want that experience back so bad you will buy anything with Halo on it in the hopes that it maybe, JUST MAYBE, give you back some piece of what you had before like crackheads chasing a high that will never be as good as the first one. That is what made you buy this Halo after the garbage that was Reach, and that is why Halo 5 will make more money than this one.



All these negative nancies are just butthurt cuz they got a bad fix from their new dealer, 343. Don't worry, I'm sure the next one will be better. lol. They'll give you a mind-blowing sample at E3 and you'll be like, "Damn, man, I gotta go get the new Halo!" Then we will be right back here complaining saying we'll never buy another halo again.

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