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Nuketown (creative not accurate)


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Gamertag: nateskywalker01


Map: Nuketown- http://www.halowaypo...etails/31063423


Gametype CoD or CoD alone-http://www.halowaypo...etails/31063432



Recommended 2-6 players Cod for team or CoD alone with 4-5 players. There is a neutral falcon raised above the map, accessible only by the 3 jetpacks in the center of the map or 1 pair hidden on a roof of a building. There is a plasma pistol and high damage game settings (1-2 shots to kill falcon) rocket launcher in each teams house, at different places. It is asymmetrical, but it is similar on both houses, but uses different structures and 1 uses a teleporter as a staircase and one doesn't. It is high damage, 1 sniper shot to the body kills. You can spawn with a wide variety of weapons, including shotguns, assault rifles, sniper, grenade launcher etc. You can only spawn with sprint. If you can get the falcon hidden far away is a stash of weapons, armor abilities and powerups. There is also another falcon. My email is nateskywalker01@gmail.com if you have questions. There are secret armor ability, weapons, and a falcon hidden in a cave accessible by falcon there are tanks, and hogs in a building off nuketown, unable to move but can be reached by jetpacks/grav to counter falcon. I am very sorry but I have no pictures. I will try but I am busy. The idea of this map is to take the idea of the nuketown map and be creative, not accurate.

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