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NVC Recruiting! Please read if you want.

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NVC is recruiting members who play a vast amount of games! We finished the squad system so you and your friends may Team up and earn new achievements! NVC gos by a custom made system of rank known as the "Cell System" Witch reduces the amount of equal ranks assuming command in the battle field! We have a "Story Line" behind the NCV called "TheHistory" We add new areas every week or so depending on the feat of the clan! If your lucky maybe your character will be described in the Story! If you wish to show off you skills on a game (Any will do) Send it to [email protected]! And it will be added to the clan website and YouTube Channel! Your squad can earn Achievements to rise above the others and how your power and strength! If you have any Questions Submit a email to me with the subject "Question About NVC" And i will answer it as soon as possible. I will try to answer all the troopers questions no-matter how stupid. Every Week we have a "Top Player/ Squad".





If you make a Squad and don't know a good emblem just tell me. I can make one for you! Cussing is allowed in the Clan just as long as you don't go overboard on it. The Current era we finished is known as "The Era of Wholesome Battlefields". Members of the clan are strict, but friendly! Are Stranded motto is:

Remember the Past,

Plan for the future,

But live for today,

Because yesterday is gone,

And tomorrow may

never come.


if you submit a squad and it is accepted you may make your own Motto. If you wish to just be a supporter of NVC Download the emblem! Then show it off to your friends!




Enlist today! Fight Tomorrow!


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