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343i, Will you guys implement Team Doubles?


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I know everyone is raging, and angry as am I.


I am just wondering if you guys plan on bringing Team doubles into Halo 4?

-Everyone loves team doubles, its the most competencies game mode halo has ever offered, it sucks it isn't in Halo 4 already.

-People are hesitant as to buy the game because Doubles inst in it..

-Its made a legacy in Halo, simply because Bungie made doubles a famous game mode.


+My question is: Will you guys be putting in doubles in Halo 4? It would really be awesome if you did, and truly suck it you didn't..


_Please no one spam this or anything, I just want an answer, that's it._



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There's been a few people asking this. The answer is: Maybe. They are doing a TU soon, in which they will add some gametypes to Matchmaking. I know one of the gametypes is Swat, and think (THINK) that another is Doubles.


Also, this has been asked multiple times, so I'm afraid that I'm going to have to lock this thread. :( Sorry bout that.

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