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The small white buoys marked the location of hundreds of crab pots.


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It really dose not suck as much as is smells the forge offers beginners the option to make great maps but for veteran forgers it makes it harder to create maps that stand out but honestly I think the new terrain will make a interesting challenge I just think that splitting forge up into 3 maps was a mistake they should of stuck with forge world and added the new 3 maps

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The games already out and forge world isn't coming back.


I really hope that his isn't the case. At least, I hope that they add a new map, I really don't care about the theme as long as the map has space and not a crap ton of things in the way.


Also, this is more of a dream, but I do hope that the Forge for halo 4 comes out with additional tools in a kit or something. I'd be willing to pay for such a thing if it introduced things like mob spawners and other game changing tools.

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People like you make slenderman want to commit suicide. You are all pesty customer who have to have things their way, and don't like it if a company gives them something opposite of that.


Yea, meaning the company half-asses one of the best parts about the series, and we aren't supposed to care? Hahah, I hope your mom knows that you are using the internet.

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Also, I won't be able to try the game out till this weekend, but if there isn't a mass select + copy there needs to be.


For example:


In one of the games I plan to make, I will need 12 different identical rooms. Rather than make then new each time it'd be a lot easier just to copy them.

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Yes at this moment the Halo 4 Forge sucks donkey balls unfortunately. The first thing I did after completing the campaign on Legendary was go to forge and make a nice long racing map... JK maps are horse poop and waaayyy too small. Not to mention the objects on the forge are also really bad. Ragnarok is the only map that could have possibility to make racing map but nothing to make it out of. :/

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Yeah I'm pretty disappointed at the moment. I was expecting a forge at least as good as Halo 3, but sadly it isn't so. As it stands the maps are just way too cramped and the few larger maps are a bit too bumpy and/or have too many static objects.


It also doesn't help that the file share is broken, so you can't even get any decent custom maps without knowing the map creator's Gamertag.


I'm hoping it improves, but as it stands it kinda just feels like they lathered forge on top of the game instead of paying attention and catering to the arguably most important part of Halo and/or it's community.

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Oh look at you talking all big and bad on the internet. watch what you say, this is a friendly site, read the rules.


You said that someone else's opinions and thoughts make you want to commit suicide. That is on equal grounds with what they said. If you play in the dirt you are going to get dirty.

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I don't think Halo 4 Forge sucks, I just think that a few of the maps limit what players can accomplish. Honestly, I'm more than positive that they will add some bigger Forge maps in some future DLC. 343 would be smart to add one if they pay any attention the community at all. Also, Ravine,Impact and Erosion are quite lovely maps to create your own things.There are a lot of fun games that you could make with these maps and I feel like not enough people are really trying their best to think outside the box here.

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I don't get it... The forge is great. They added quite a few new objects, and the maps are fine for size. I do agree that there needs to be a few larger maps and maybe a few tweeks for the mechanics, but other than that forge is fine. If people would just do what THFE does. They didn't have a race gametype so they implemented a new way to get just about the same effect. You guys need to be creative with how you do stuff, think outside of the box for a change.

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i agree lots has happend and i can say 32 reasons why i hate this new one me and my friends where on forge today and here we see the pipes we think like halo 3 the one that you courch to get in but sadly noo the one you look at that i can only make noodle art in it>_<.. and im sorry to say that i only see 15 reasons why i still like it. but other than the twilight campaign or the flood that sound like horses that are drooling while making bubble sounds they take half of all weapons and put OP weapons and degrade the shade turrent and put no air craft human vech but there are not much of any cov vech i can say what they need to do halo 3 high ground , forge world or sandtrap with the new version elephants .. im Kurakawa1990 and i say give use forge or give use free maps becouse we all paid for Halo 4 not Halo 1!?

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While I would like to have seen larger maps the maps we have are just fine. Does anyone remember Foundry, that map was small yet people made it work. I personally would like a DLC with bigger forge maps would be nice. Not one huge map like forge world but, a 2 or 3 maps the size of sandbox. To say 343i owes you a free DLC is wrong. You paid for what you got. If 343i wants to release extra maps they have the right to charge money for them.

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Definitely needs some larger maps, and more open so we can use 100% forge object is wanted. I know impact has a large open area but that map is so dark and gray.


Bring the gametypes and settings back, I really feel 343 went backwards here!


I love the magnets and copy, other than that, really disappointed!

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I just made an account to give my $0.02 on the Halo 4 "Forge" mode... It is complete and utter garbage. They could have done so much. They could've had one of, if not the best game of the decade, but instead they just botched it. The three maps are cool. They all have look great, have decent graphics, and you'd think they'd have a ton of amazing potential... But then you realize something. These are barely even maps. They are more like interactive artwork. You can admire so much, yet you can't do crap forge-wise. The maps are dreadfully small, except for the space map which is boring and could be much larger. But also, they are inaccessible. You can't even go to any of the cool places because of the "return to battlefield" warning. I don't want to look at the islands and water out there. I don't want to see a pool of acid or a cave. I want to go there. I want to build my map there. I expected 343 to come up short, but this is beyond unacceptable. Even slapping the title "Forge" on this trash is a puke-stain on the shirt of Halo. I expect to have access to almost everything I can see, and I want my boundaries to be more discernible. Then, you have the actual building. They managed to botch that up too. They added some features, but they also removed some features and gave you basically the same stuff from Halo Reach to build with. And the color and texturing, as well as the variety/options are not acceptable. Whoever had anything to do with this should be fired.


If I wanted to wow people, I would have actually put some effort into my forge mode. Landscape editing, block editing, effects, and of course a lot more room and materials. My forge would be a legitimate map editor like what you have in LOTR BFME2 or Farcry to a certain extent. If someone wants volcanos, then give them volcanoes. I want people to not only be able to build maps, I want them to be able to create scenarios or missions. Mix BFME, Farcry, and Halo together and you bed have yourself a bitchin forge. It'd take some funding and certainly a lot of time and effort, but it would be a kingpin among games and sure to bring in tons if customers. Regardless, forge in its current state is garbage and 343 should either be extremely ashamed or working their butts off improving it.


One thing I don't get about this game is the ratings and fanboys. It's ridiculous. 9/10? I'd give it a 6/10 and that's only because the heavily CoD influenced multiplayer is fun and well-made. Campaign isn't amazing like everyone says. It's got a slow and very generic story, plenty of issues, and it's short. It's decent. Spartan Ops is embarrassing and sucks compared to Firefight, but it's acceptable for what it is (generic no-story objective of killing stuff). Multiplayer is great despite its CoD roots. And Forge of course is... Well, not forge, that's for sure. All in all, this game is maybe $40 in value. You basically buy multiplayer and then get Campaign and Spartan Ops as added bonuses. Then they throw in the scraps that compose Forge at no charge.


I want Crytek to handle Halo. 343 can just take care of the multiplayer.

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People like you make slenderman want to commit suicide. You are all pesty customer who have to have things their way, and don't like it if a company gives them something opposite of that.


I agree; any forum you go to, people just nag and nag about all the minuscule things in the game. They even think that all of these 'issues' can be fixed at the sight of patch update.


I don't mind Forge; the only thing that irks is me the bluntness to the structure pieces. Just uneasy on my eyes >.<

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  • liacaldwell changed the title to The small white buoys marked the location of hundreds of crab pots.

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