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Halo 4 Multiplayer


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Well where do I start, I believe the multiplayer aspect of the game has it's Pro and Cons. I think the game play is very smooth and fast paced along with some very good maps. I also like the feel of the weapons in the game along with how most of the maps play


However I feel let down with the random weapon spawns, I would prefer to go back to having weapons on the maps rather than just randomally appearing. One reason behind this is that if there are no weapons that need fighting over on the map it encorages people to camp alot more..


another thing I dislike about the multiplayer is the Drop in/Drop out system I have been placed in many games that where already underway and I was many kills behind, I have also been in games that have started 3 Vs 5 this is just stupid.. I understand that when I game does start with the right ammount of people lets say 4 Vs 4 that alot of people don't like to stay in a game if they are getting overpowered, However if 343 placed a ranking system in the game other than the Exp system we would not be having the problem of people being put up agaisnt people that are alot better than them.


Now I don't know if 343 plan on Adding this in later with an Update or something but I am sure before the game was released they were talking about running a trueskill system in the background and only yourself being able to see you trueskill again I have not seen this and if anyone has any information on this I would like to hear it please.


Another issue I have noticed is that in Big Team Battle there seems to be a big lack of weapons that are able to destory the Warthog/Wraith/Mantice .. I have played some games where that has been literally one laser the entire game and nothing else..


I am hoping that 343 will make a playlist where the weapons are on he maps and loadouts are not in the playlist, I also hope that they do go through with either an actual Ranking system that all can see or even the one that only yourself can see either way threre needs to be something in the game to keep the game balanced..


All in all I believe this game is a massive improvement on Reach but is still yet to pass the heights of Halo 2/3. I just hope 343 look to make improvements to this game with the updates that are to come in the future.


I would like to hear other peoples thoughts on the currently Halo 4 multiplayer but please keep it civilised..

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well my thoughts on halo 4 was just FAIL. It all went down hill after halo 3 instead of adding more they took out more then they added. for example they took out duel wielding for no reason, they took out the plasma rifle a iconic weapon throughout the series, they took out elites all together for multiplayer not sure about you but i prefer being an elite instaed of a spartan, they ruined forge one thing i was looking forward to by making the the selection of objects poor. i also dont like the random weapon spawning they should just kept the weapons on the map intead of random weapons. I dont like the costimazation at all they should of just made it simple with just rank instead of these silly challenges and accomadations. also i dont like the fact that when i see the kill cam iam getting killed while they are missing me with every shot. also maybe a more defined ranking system would be good so u dont have these big shots vs the little guys i know we like a easy win but its not fair to the other team. now some pros are the beam rifle, the covenant carbine, the br there back that was great to see that happen, also the graphics was great almost real looking, the campaign was nice but the ending was unclear so i assume another, spartan ops is okay in some ways better then firefight. in my opinion i think theey should of just remade halo 3 with more graphics and a different campaign and add to that halo 3 was perfectly balanced between multiplayer and campaign and adding to it would of made a great game and probably would have people playing it for years just as halo 3 did

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well my thoughts on halo 4 was just FAIL. It all went down hill after halo 3 instead of adding more they took out more then they added. for example they took out duel wielding for no reason, they took out the plasma rifle a iconic weapon throughout the series, they took out elites all together for multiplayer not sure about you but i prefer being an elite instaed of a spartan, they ruined forge one thing i was looking forward to by making the the selection of objects poor. i also dont like the random weapon spawning they should just kept the weapons on the map intead of random weapons. I dont like the costimazation at all they should of just made it simple with just rank instead of these silly challenges and accomadations. also i dont like the fact that when i see the kill cam iam getting killed while they are missing me with every shot. also maybe a more defined ranking system would be good so u dont have these big shots vs the little guys i know we like a easy win but its not fair to the other team. now some pros are the beam rifle, the covenant carbine, the br there back that was great to see that happen, also the graphics was great almost real looking, the campaign was nice but the ending was unclear so i assume another, spartan ops is okay in some ways better then firefight. in my opinion i think theey should of just remade halo 3 with more graphics and a different campaign and add to that halo 3 was perfectly balanced between multiplayer and campaign and adding to it would of made a great game and probably would have people playing it for years just as halo 3 did



Couldn't agree more with the Halo 3 thing, This game is pleasing on the eye but I have played it For 1 Day now and I am already bored with it. The lack of a ranking system makes the game dull and boring it gives me no reason to win in a game.. I personally don't care if I can customize my spartan at the end of the day that doesn't make me any better of a player.


I hate to say it but this game truly feels like I am playing CoD with Halo Characters, It just takes that little bit more skill in Halo 4 than any CoD game.


I hope 343 actually put in the trueskill Ranking system like they said they were going to, The drop in/Drop out system is one of the most silly things they could have ever done. I mean it starts games with unfair teams and places you in games that you are already losing... Halo 3's Ranking system although not Perfect was by far the best that has been used and it was simple you win you rank up you lose you may rank down if you win and lose around the same amount you stay at that level..


I was really looking forward to this game but yet again feel let down by the multiplayer it has IMO no longevity to it same as reach..


as for the random weapon spawns and load outs that does just encourage camping at its fullest.. The camper has no reason to come out as there are no weapons to pick up so when you have a full team camping and you have no choice but to go after them otherwise you would just be sitting yourself at one side of the map doing nothing.. So the problem then is that as you keep going after the campers you have no better weapons for removing campers i.e Rockets/Snipe/Shotgun Jesus even Grenades would be handy but no even with Grenades you need to wait for them to spawn.


I hope that 343 do sort this out and at least listen UNLIKE BUNGIE !!!! otherwise they will find the number of people playing this game drop dramatically...

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My thoughts on halo 4s multiplayer, First of all 343 seemed to have changed so much of halos multiplayer that i feel like im playing call of duty. why? load outs, ordnance drops, drop in/drop out system and the exp system.


The exp system does not make halo 4 a competitive game in the slightest, it's very repetitive, tiresome, boring and almost feels like a chore levelling up through the system but no real reward for winning apart from a little bit more xp, oh but then you really make me feel like im playing call of duty by also rewarding me with more customizable features for my spartan and not only that without a real ranking system more like halo 2s or halo 3s there's always going to be unfair games, which brings to the..


The drop in/drop out system is terrible since when has there ever been a call of duty feature such as this before in a previous halo game? it also doesn't work properly as i have found myself joining games o that have been losing by a lot, also this drop in/drop out system seems to have a tendency to start unfair games like 3v5 2v4 and so on and even in objective game type playlist such as kill of the hill, oddball and capture the flag, now i shouldn't have to express how unfair it is but it is completely ridiculous.


Ordnance drops, now i can see how this may of seemed like a good idea but it really isnt, with no power weapons on the maps to fight over like sniper, rockets, laser and i guess sword and shotgun, there really isnt anything to fight over and so you end up having slow paced and boring style call of duty games where either one team sits back and camp/defends and the other team has no choice but to rush/flank the enemies in order to fill their ordnance metre to get a random power weapon which 9/10 is not suitable to the games current situation such as there could be a lot of vehicles circling the map and your team could really do with a laser and you call in your ordnance drop in and you get a needler, a shotgun or speedboost now what use are these items when your current game is capture the flag on valhalla? or there could be no vehicles on the map and you're on complex and a sniper would be really handy so you call in your ordnance drop and get 3 random items that don't suit your play style.


finally load outs another so called fresh idea which shock horror has been in call of duty in like forever but wait halo makes it much more worst by giving you armour abilities, tactical packages and support packages, you could argue well if i don't like the load outs or armour abilities also known as halo perks why don't i play slayer pro? well here's why its rubbish because of... read first half of the ordnance paragraph.


personally i think halo 4 feels like halo as in Spartan movement, jumping, shooting, weapons and maps but the part that makes it feel far too much like call of duty is the load outs, ordnance drops, drop in/drop out system and the exp system.


as you can tell im really disappointed in the multiplayer aspect of halo 4 and it won't be long be for a lot of halo fans become bored of the call of duty features.


343 you may have tried but you really made this game for the wrong community, also a question to FRANK O'CONNOR is it really true that you got ranked locked at level 33 on halo 3? because if that's true that may explain a lot as in too why you made the majority of the decisions to make halo 4 have so many similarities to call of duty, im just wondering FRANK O'CONNOR if you just randomly played call of duty one day and thought wow this is absolutely amazing, this is how i want the next halo to be like a non-competitive game where we can all just level up in our own time and eventually hit max level with no real need to think about if you have to win or not because with exp it just seems like it doesn't matter.



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