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Halo 4 Multiplayer


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Well where do I start, I believe the multiplayer aspect of the game has it's Pro and Cons. I think the game play is very smooth and fast paced along with some very good maps. I also like the feel of the weapons in the game along with how most of the maps play


However I feel let down with the random weapon spawns, I would prefer to go back to having weapons on the maps rather than just randomly appearing. One reason behind this is that if there are no weapons that need fighting over on the map it encourages people to camp a lot more..


another thing I dislike about the multiplayer is the Drop in/Drop out system I have been placed in many games that where already underway and I was many kills behind, I have also been in games that have started 3 Vs 5 this is just stupid.. I understand that when I game does start with the right amount of people lets say 4 Vs 4 that a lot of people don't like to stay in a game if they are getting overpowered, However if 343 placed a ranking system in the game other than the Exp system we would not be having the problem of people being put up against people that are a lot better than them.


Now I don't know if 343 plan on Adding this in later with an Update or something but I am sure before the game was released they were talking about running a true skill system in the background and only yourself being able to see you true skill again I have not seen this and if anyone has any information on this I would like to hear it please.


Another issue I have noticed is that in Big Team Battle there seems to be a big lack of weapons that are able to destroy the Vehicles .. I have played some games where that has been literally one laser the entire game and nothing else..


I am hoping that 343 will make a playlist where the weapons are on he maps and load-outs are not in the playlist, I also hope that they do go through with either an actual Ranking system that all can see or even the one that only yourself can see either way there needs to be something in the game to keep the game balanced..


All in all I believe this game is a massive improvement on Reach but is still yet to pass the heights of Halo 2/3. I just hope 343 look to make improvements to this game with the updates that are to come in the future.


I would like to hear other peoples thoughts on the currently Halo 4 multiplayer but please keep it civilized..

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My thoughts on halo 4s multiplayer, First of all 343 seemed to have changed so much of halos multiplayer that i feel like im playing call of duty. why? load outs, ordnance drops, drop in/drop out system and the exp system.


The exp system does not make halo 4 a competitive game in the slightest, it's very repetitive, tiresome, boring and almost feels like a chore levelling up through the system but no real reward for winning apart from a little bit more xp, oh but then you really make me feel like im playing call of duty by also rewarding me with more customizable features for my spartan and not only that without a real ranking system more like halo 2s or halo 3s there's always going to be unfair games, which brings to the..


The drop in/drop out system is terrible since when has there ever been a call of duty feature such as this before in a previous halo game? it also doesn't work properly as i have found myself joining games o that have been losing by a lot, also this drop in/drop out system seems to have a tendency to start unfair games like 3v5 2v4 and so on and even in objective game type playlist such as kill of the hill, oddball and capture the flag, now i shouldn't have to express how unfair it is but it is completely ridiculous.


Ordnance drops, now i can see how this may of seemed like a good idea but it really isnt, with no power weapons on the maps to fight over like sniper, rockets, laser and i guess sword and shotgun, there really isnt anything to fight over and so you end up having slow paced and boring style call of duty games where either one team sits back and camp/defends and the other team has no choice but to rush/flank the enemies in order to fill their ordnance metre to get a random power weapon which 9/10 is not suitable to the games current situation such as there could be a lot of vehicles circling the map and your team could really do with a laser and you call in your ordnance drop in and you get a needler, a shotgun or speedboost now what use are these items when your current game is capture the flag on valhalla? or there could be no vehicles on the map and you're on complex and a sniper would be really handy so you call in your ordnance drop and get 3 random items that don't suit your play style.


finally load outs another so called fresh idea which shock horror has been in call of duty in like forever but wait halo makes it much more worst by giving you armour abilities, tactical packages and support packages, you could argue well if i don't like the load outs or armour abilities also known as halo perks why don't i play slayer pro? well here's why its rubbish because of... read first half of the ordnance paragraph.


personally i think halo 4 feels like halo as in Spartan movement, jumping, shooting, weapons and maps but the part that makes it feel far too much like call of duty is the load outs, ordnance drops, drop in/drop out system and the exp system.


as you can tell im really disappointed in the multiplayer aspect of halo 4 and it won't be long be for a lot of halo fans become bored of the call of duty features.


343 you may have tried but you really made this game for the wrong community, also a question to FRANK O'CONNOR is it really true that you got ranked locked at level 33 on halo 3? because if that's true that may explain a lot as in too why you made the majority of the decisions to make halo 4 have so many similarities to call of duty, im just wondering FRANK O'CONNOR if you just randomly played call of duty one day and thought wow this is absolutely amazing, this is how i want the next halo to be like a non-competitive game where we can all just level up in our own time and eventually hit max level with no real need to think about if you have to win or not because with exp it just seems like it doesn't matter.



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no ranking - If you ever end up against someone decently close to your skill level odds are your teamates will have never played halo in their lives and you can enjoy being spawn killed for an entire match


playlist options - if you don't like objectives you're screwed


infinity slayer - the most skill diverse playlist completely unfair either you dominate or you end up with people being dominated


big team slayer - holy vehicles theres not a single map that isn't completely dominated by vehicles whether it's the scorpian the banshee or the wraith there's no real gun play it's just a cluster**** of vehicles


regicide - can we say luck based? i was king yesterday about to win my game was 100 points up and had max bonus, someone gets a lucky ordinance and spawn kills me with an incinerator cannon until he wins with 2/3 the kills i had awesome

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I have no iontention of getting angry about anything in this game. It is an amazing game, and i think the hard work and time 343 put into it shows. But... I have to say i was terribly saddened when i switched over to war games and found what i thought to be call of duty. Halo has always been in a different category than COD and Battlefield. I own all these games to switch to the game i feel like playing at the time. I dont want Halo to become a game that caters to the masses to bring in more people playing.


I love Halo for what it is. I absolutely loved every Halo prior, yet i feel alienated by this one for some reason. What happened to my armor?The names remained the same for some. If it was any other game id say the armor looks awesome, but its simply not Halo to me. Even though they are technically Spartan-4 models. I want the old armor back. Not these slits they call visors in helmets. Every Halo prior has had primarily large visors, and almost all of them have been replaced. Its so depressing to feel alienated by this game that ive been playing since my early teens back in the CE days.


Please 343, i understand that your making your mark and making Halo your own, but try to ease us into it. It really is frustrating to love a game so much and yet feel so alienated by the same game a moment later. COD may be popular, but will you sell your soul (metaphorically of course) and change the game to be more like the competitors, or stay true to Halos nature, and keep us happy. And please everyone, dont bash on 343. They are doing what they think is right by us. But please 343, dont make a different game with the same name. If you keep making Halos, fans will keep coming.

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My thoughts on halo 4s multiplayer, First of all 343 seemed to have changed so much of halos multiplayer that i feel like im playing call of duty. why? load outs, ordnance drops, drop in/drop out system and the exp system.


The exp system does not make halo 4 a competitive game in the slightest, it's very repetitive, tiresome, boring and almost feels like a chore levelling up through the system but no real reward for winning apart from a little bit more xp, oh but then you really make me feel like im playing call of duty by also rewarding me with more customizable features for my spartan and not only that without a real ranking system more like halo 2s or halo 3s there's always going to be unfair games, which brings to the..


The drop in/drop out system is terrible since when has there ever been a call of duty feature such as this before in a previous halo game? it also doesn't work properly as i have found myself joining games o that have been losing by a lot, also this drop in/drop out system seems to have a tendency to start unfair games like 3v5 2v4 and so on and even in objective game type playlist such as kill of the hill, oddball and capture the flag, now i shouldn't have to express how unfair it is but it is completely ridiculous.


Ordnance drops, now i can see how this may of seemed like a good idea but it really isnt, with no power weapons on the maps to fight over like sniper, rockets, laser and i guess sword and shotgun, there really isnt anything to fight over and so you end up having slow paced and boring style call of duty games where either one team sits back and camp/defends and the other team has no choice but to rush/flank the enemies in order to fill their ordnance metre to get a random power weapon which 9/10 is not suitable to the games current situation such as there could be a lot of vehicles circling the map and your team could really do with a laser and you call in your ordnance drop in and you get a needler, a shotgun or speedboost now what use are these items when your current game is capture the flag on valhalla? or there could be no vehicles on the map and you're on complex and a sniper would be really handy so you call in your ordnance drop and get 3 random items that don't suit your play style.


finally load outs another so called fresh idea which shock horror has been in call of duty in like forever but wait halo makes it much more worst by giving you armour abilities, tactical packages and support packages, you could argue well if i don't like the load outs or armour abilities also known as halo perks why don't i play slayer pro? well here's why its rubbish because of... read first half of the ordnance paragraph.


personally i think halo 4 feels like halo as in Spartan movement, jumping, shooting, weapons and maps but the part that makes it feel far too much like call of duty is the load outs, ordnance drops, drop in/drop out system and the exp system.


as you can tell im really disappointed in the multiplayer aspect of halo 4 and it won't be long be for a lot of halo fans become bored of the call of duty features.


343 you may have tried but you really made this game for the wrong community, also a question to FRANK O'CONNOR is it really true that you got ranked locked at level 33 on halo 3? because if that's true that may explain a lot as in too why you made the majority of the decisions to make halo 4 have so many similarities to call of duty, im just wondering FRANK O'CONNOR if you just randomly played call of duty one day and thought wow this is absolutely amazing, this is how i want the next halo to be like a non-competitive game where we can all just level up in our own time and eventually hit max level with no real need to think about if you have to win or not because with exp it just seems like it doesn't matter.





As a true long time Halo fan, I absolutely agree with you 100%! I'm so happy that I'm not the only one who feels this way!


I'm pretty disapointed in Halo 4's multiplayer so far. This just doesn't feel like Halo anymore. I personally feel like the fluidity of the multiplayer is gone. Halo of past was always about fast paced, quick reaction, go go go action! I like(d) that about Halo. I loved the mayhem (and I'm quite disapointed with the grenade nerfs as well!) There's no more IN YOUR FACE action! I feel now that the entire game is about "sit back, steady aim and fire your DMR/BR". If I want to play a game that's based on tactics, then CoD or Battlefield is what I would be playing at the moment.


I agree that this feels too much like CoD!


I'm sure there are plenty of gamers out there whol love this new version of Halo, and that's perfectly fine! But this is not Halo for me. Again, pretty dispointing considering how excited I was getting before the official launch. I mean the marketing that went into H-4 was superb! Foward Unto Dawn was amazing!! Too bad the "New Halo" doesn't live up to the hype imo anyways.



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Easy Fixes to this game:


1) No drop-in/drop-out matchmaking.

2) No random weapon drops- let people control the weapons put on the map that should be there by default

3) Make more playlists that involve less loadout driven gameplay.


Halo is Halo, CoD is CoD.

I agree with Dustin's statement: "Halo has always been in a different category than COD and Battlefield. I own all these games to switch to the game i feel like playing at the time. I dont want Halo to become a game that caters to the masses to bring in more people playing."


343, you didn't by any means make a bad game. I do enjoy playing it, but what you did was include too many things that stray from what makes Halo Halo. THe halo fans will always be halo fans just because of the name, so don't try building something that isn't halo.


Please consider my 3 points as I speak for a VAST majority of the MP community.

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I personally would be happy with a playlist which caters more for us competitive players, a playlist such as MLG with slayer and objective gametypes, no radar, no loadouts, BR and DMR starts, weapons/pick ups on maps such as snipers, rockets and power ups like custom camo and over shield, but no swords, shotguns, no drop in/drop out system and no ordnance meter/drops. if MLG ever realease a halo 4 playlist i hope its as close as to what ive just stated above and if anybody has any information on a so called halo 4 MLG playlist feel free to post a replies here, thanks

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Well being perfectly honest I would have been happy with a Halo 3.5, Halo 3 was the peak of the Halo series and since then it has only gone downhill ODST/Reach/Halo 4 .. Anniversary was an exception but to be fair that was just a re hash of the game that started this amazing series.


I believe the Multiplayer has a lot of potential but 343 must get away from all the CoD like things this is not what the true Halo fan wants. We loved the whole feel of being able to control and dominate a map based on timing/tactics/skill, We most certainly don't want matches to be unfair i.e 2 Vs 4 3 Vs 5 or random power weapons for filling up a meter or people able to quit and go unpunished for doing so.


Halo 3's old true skill system although it had its faults was the best, I know 343 where worried about the selling of accounts and the derankers and booster but to be fair all you have to do to stop the Derankers is give out harsher punishments and the selling of account has been made harder by having to put you card details on every account you make these days.


I know its far to late for 343 to change everything in the game but please look at these people posts and realize that although you have improved on Reach (which to be honest wasn't very hard) you are still a fair way off the mark from getting back to the good old Halo 3 days. Please please make a smart move and look in to creating a playlist or two with weapons on the map no load outs and removing the Drop in Drop out system.



As a true long time Halo fan, I absolutely agree with you 100%! I'm so happy that I'm not the only one who feels this way!


I'm pretty disapointed in Halo 4's multiplayer so far. This just doesn't feel like Halo anymore. I personally feel like the fluidity of the multiplayer is gone. Halo of past was always about fast paced, quick reaction, go go go action! I like(d) that about Halo. I loved the mayhem (and I'm quite disapointed with the grenade nerfs as well!) There's no more IN YOUR FACE action! I feel now that the entire game is about "sit back, steady aim and fire your DMR/BR". If I want to play a game that's based on tactics, then CoD or Battlefield is what I would be playing at the moment.


I agree that this feels too much like CoD!


I'm sure there are plenty of gamers out there whol love this new version of Halo, and that's perfectly fine! But this is not Halo for me. Again, pretty dispointing considering how excited I was getting before the official launch. I mean the marketing that went into H-4 was superb! Foward Unto Dawn was amazing!! Too bad the "New Halo" doesn't live up to the hype imo anyways.





I agree with most of this post however CoD does not require any Skill nor tactics IMO, CoD is a straight up spray and pray game. The game is based around who see who first cos lets face it you aint going to out UMP someone.. I own all the game mentioned too I can even remember playing my first game of CoD (MW2) ever and destroying most kids in that first game lobby. I was brand new to the game and I could still tear people apart as I was able to hear/see they manage to see me..


I truly believe there are no tactics in CoD other than run and gun.


Halo on the other hand you can out BR someone even if they did get the first 2/3 shots on you first as they may choke or you could simply out strafe them. Also halo forced you to learn the map/ weapons spawns and timings. meaning that tactics with you team where really important along with call outs of where people on the opposite team are.. I honest can't remember ever hearing any form of call out on CoD other than he's on my X or over there somewhere ..


Anyway lets hope 343 listen to the true ans of the game unlike Bungie and actually step up to the plate and do something to keep us happy otherwise they are you looking at another failed game in the Halo series ..


Time will tell if they do care or if they where just all about getting the money in from the casual gamers and they are then happy to put the game on the back shelf and watch it rot away just like reach did ..

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Couldn't agree more with all the posts on here so far. This just straight up isn't a halo game. I love how they lowered the health pools again and sped up the game, and the new weapons are on point, even the dmr isn't annoying me anymore. Returned reach after a week when id beaten the campaign and a lot of the features in this are the same which is a minor nuisance but if they were to make a playlist of some kind, mlg or not, along those lines h4 would be money. As well, gotta have trueskill. Even people who are against it only have the argument that THEY don't care for it, but its obvious that it does matter to a lot of us more competitive players so I don't see why they cant throw in a simple 1-50 to keep us happy at least in some playlists. Literally have played 5 hours today without going negative once and reaching 50 for the first time in doubles was the most exciting/rewarding video game experience I've ever had. Keep the progressive system for unlocks and the recreationals but just throw the older players a bone with a playlist with these features. Hopefully someone at 343 will listen to the true halo fans otherwise I don't see myself playing this for very long.

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big team slayer - holy vehicles theres not a single map that isn't completely dominated by vehicles whether it's the scorpian the banshee or the wraith there's no real gun play it's just a cluster**** of vehicles


Are you kidding me? There arent enough vehicles, the maps lack vehicle play severely compared to Reach. The vehicle play is down significantly.

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Halo used to be fast paced and require some skill. Now they've dumbed it down to CoD style where you just sit and chuck grenades and level up based on how much time you put in.


How bout some reward for skill? Don't wait till January to implement it!


You need skill to win, the skill of the players in a game includes throwing grenades to kill you. Throwing grenades is part of the game. If you can't stand getting blown up and can't get away from the grenades then you can go cry about it. Just learn to avoid the grenades. Halo feels NOTHING like COD. If you play it you will notice that the support upgrades and tactical packages have hardly any effect against other players but mostely pertain to a persons likeing in their loadout. Stop making a fool of yourself.



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I will agree that the game mechanics do not feel like CoD but the way the ranking system and load outs along with Perks are exactly the same idea taken from CoD.


The problem the Halo 4 has is it is following in the footsteps of Reach which Flat-lined very quickly due to the lack of a proper ranking system. Halo players at least the old Halo payers from Halo 2/3 like to be rewarded for winning games by ranking up.. Having that ranking system in place also ment that once you got to your Trueskill rank all your games would normally pretty close. The problem that Reach and now Halo 4 has is I could play none stop and lose every game but still rank up. To me this is just boring I don't want to rank up based on how long I play the game.


Halo 3 had it right if you wanted to play Ranked you could but if you were more of a social player they had the social playlist. Everyone who played Halo 3 will remember having the group of friends you would play ranked with and the Group of friends you would play social with. I personally hope that 343 do put this proper ranking system in sooner than later.


As for the Big team battle issue I personally don't really play that playlist for the fact that the Game is a FPS not a Vehicle orientated game IMO i don't want to be in a Warthog or Ghost or What ever as I prefer to be using a Sniper Rifle or BR....


I understand that you can never please everyone but when Bungie Released Reach it was a big Middle finger to the competitive player, I just hoping 343 will start gearing the game back towards the loyal Halo player and take the game back to what made it big in the first place.


I mean look at Black Ops 2 they are introducing a ranking system although I am to understand it going to be more like Arena was in reach but at least its a step in the right direction.. 343 need to bring competitive gaming back to Halo and stop just trying to be more like CoD to get players in. The difference always was with Halo that it Required more skill than CoD players that skill gap is decreasing bit by bit...

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I'm probably going to give up on halo 4 once black ops 2 comes out, as they are intruding there version on a ranked playlist called league play, its a shame really iv'e been a dedicated halo fan since halo 3 came out (later 2007) i only stuck by reach because i always wanted it to get better but it didn't and i personally think the same things going to happen with halo 4, at the end of the day i really don't care what first person shooter i play just as long as it has some form of a ranking system.


i remember playing halo 3 for the first time ever it was amazing and i soon released i had to keep winning to level up and i found it a good challenge, i was pretty terrible when i first started played halo 3 (1st online shooter i ever played) but i still wanted to win i wanted to get better i wanted my highest still to be higher then my friends so i played and played until i got a hell of lot better and that's what i miss about competitive gaming the urge to get good and dominate and win when you play.


now the competitive side of FPS online multilayer dose not exits, can you name a FPS that has been released since halo 3 that has included a true skill ranking system and not an exp system? nope didn't think so, i think it ironic how all these FPS have basically copied call of duty repetitive xp system and now with black ops 2 there tacking a page out of halos book and intruding some form of a ranking system/playlist, but at least its a step in the right direction.

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I have no idea why people are comparing Halo to CoD and BF, Halo is nothing like both of those game.

There is one solution, if you really don't like Halo then stop playing it, Halo 4 has been out for 2 days and people are slamming it already, let 343 bring out fixes / patches and DLC before slating the game.

Name me 1 brand new release that was perfect on its first day, where the servers were ok, the gameplay did not need any patches or fixes, there were no problems at all to address, if you can do that with proof

then I will hold my hat off to you.

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I have no idea why people are comparing Halo to CoD and BF, Halo is nothing like both of those game.

There is one solution, if you really don't like Halo then stop playing it, Halo 4 has been out for 2 days and people are slamming it already, let 343 bring out fixes / patches and DLC before slating the game.

Name me 1 brand new release that was perfect on its first day, where the servers were ok, the gameplay did not need any patches or fixes, there were no problems at all to address, if you can do that with proof

then I will hold my hat off to you.


First of all we have not mentioned any problems with servers you are clearly reading the wrong thread.


secondly you are clearly just a casual gamer with no back bone to be honest about this game and actually admit that it has a hell of a lot of similarities as call of duty!

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Okay all the negative posts are really ******** me off. EVERY Halo game starts with negative posts in forums, EVERY game, not just every Halo game. Hell, when Halo 3 came out, SO MANY PEOPLE hated things about it. And now people are saying that Halo 3 was awesome, when they are the same people who complained back then too. Halo 3 did suck in some areas and got better over time, if you feel the same as Halo 4, give it time. While I think we do need a true skill system, and the COD similiarties are obvious, for the most part they are tolerable. I can deal with them, atleast here in Halo 4 it fits the game play a LOT better than it did Reach. Reach felt like an experiment. Halo 4 feels like the final copy. I think Reach was a try-out game stage for these new features and changes of gameplay. However yes I could live without them, they don't bother me in H4. The problem isn't Halo 4, it's greedy, picky, ignorant, and depressed people who cannot just be happy with a new game. If it's not perfect, you all cry like babies because you're all spoiled kids.....So far I like a few of the new things in gameplay and find them to create interesting gameplay. If you hate an armor ability, then don't use it. If you hate people that use an armor ability, fuel your hatered for it to killing them, if you hate sprinting, don't use it, you gotta find a way to make it appealing to YOU. If you do, you will love Halo 4. That's how I love and come to except some of the new changes, because I make it apealing to myself, so you all do the same. Halo Reach sucked, but you gotta admit Halo 4 actually goes well with some of the changes, Halo couldn't be the same forever, time to grow up and realize if you're truely a good Halo player, you can adapt and STILL kick ass. Fire and forget!!!

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I've been playing Halo since Day 1, Nov 15, 2001. It doesn't make me better than anyone here, but I've had over a decade to form an opinion over how the gameplay has evolved from the start, to Halo 4.


In my opinion, I am really liking what Halo 4's multiplayer brings to the table. The best way I can describe it, to someone who's played the series but hasn't tried H4 yet, is that it takes Reach's physics and combines it with elements of the H3 gameplay. I think the maps are unique in the sense that I feel like I have a sense of location or direction on every map.


Playlists are varied and fun, and you know more are on the way with the first update, as well as a new ranking system. I think it's a smart idea to wait to rollout the ranking system that way people can get used to the game and then jump into ranked matches when they've had a couple months to hone their skills.


I'm neutral on loadouts. I like that we have a chance to customize how we play the game, but I've always preferred a game where everyone starts out the same. This change was actually probably brought on in part by the number of people who would complain for BR starts vs AR starts on many of the H3 maps, as evidenced on the forums at bnet. Yes, there are loadouts in games like Battlefield or CoD, but it's just the industry standard now, like it or not. People, in general, just want more options. I'm not crazy about it, but I see the value it brings...and honestly, if you're good enough at the game, you'll cope and adapt.


I don't like ordinance drops. It's a fun "perk" if you will, but I prefer to contest the power weapon locations on a map. The saving grace is that it does not appear to be like CoD, where you basically are getting a perk that gives you free kills for already having killed some enemies. You're kinda just augmenting your loadout in H4.


I could go on much longer but, although Halo has changed a lot over the past 11 years, it still has retained a familiar feel to it. On the forums, things never change. When H3 launched, people claimed that Bungie ruined the game and that H2 was the best. When Reach launched....people complained that it was too different from H3. Now, people are complaining that H4 isn't as good as Reach. It's a wonder these people keep buying the games. Have fun, additions to the game are coming. For 343, this is a great effort for their second game.

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Perfect, we have the people posting in here that made all the previous Halo experiences eventually suck. It is no surprise that 343 removing all their gameplay crutches and methods to ruin the game and feed their OCD habits. Without time to write everything here, below I will list a few examples of the types of activities these folks engaged in and enjoyed:


Camping by the sniper rifle for the entire match, almost as if without this weapon the game was pointless and no kills could be garnered by them for the entire match. As a side note, at least 80% of this populace couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with it. This explains all the crying about the random weapon drops, the people who complain about camping are usually campers.


When the aforementioned weapon, or any other power weapon for that matter, could not be obtained, then the standard operating procedure was then to follow around the player who actually had picked it up and injure them with friendly fire or melee. Notice the removal of this in Halo 4 when you pick up a power weapon and one of these idiots tries this and it does do any damage to you. Good times, can't say how much I enjoy this.


The vast majority of the complaints here will come from players with the "Forerunnner" or "Inheritor", or whatever other douchy title they have obtained in the previous installments. The big secret here is that in past installments of the game most of these players garner these "wins" through the performance of their network. No matter what anyone says, simple science dictates that the host in particluar gains a large advantage. Some routinely gain this by accidental factors, but there are the sad lonely people with no lives that actually manipulate this through their IP traffic or other methods. With this gone....more crying about the competitive nature of the game lacking. Again, their narcissistic nature will implore them to bemoan that it is just their skills, ignore this it is bull!?@t. Very, very enjoyable.


The overarching theme here, is that they can't compete in the game unless they are able to manipulate it in some way, creating monotony in the gameplay and sucking all the fun out of it for eveyone on both teams . So congratulations to 343 in taking away everyones baby pacifiers! I know they will keep up the good work and plug any holes in the system made by these f?!#&*g morons. Then, eventually they will simply go away and everyone else can have a super enjoyable experience.

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I'm not saying that I expect it to be perfect straight out of the box however I did expect it to have a ranking system. I have been reading a few things about the new ranking system due in 2013 and to a point it sounds decent but they are still only planning to allow you to see your rank on Waypoint which is a little bit of a pain and they are also considering using the stats that you have before the ranking system comes out.


One thing is for sure they should not use existing stats as the drop in drop out system puts you in way to many unfair games (2 v 4/ 3 v 5) or even placing you in games where you are 20+ kills behind.


I really hope that they do pull this ranking system off as the ranking system is the main thing that kept me playing in the past. I like feeling like I am bettering myself and truly earning my rank.


Main thing for me is get the Ranking system in get rid of Drop in Drop out and have weapons on the maps... Weapons on the maps will make the game far more tactical and stop people just sitting back earning there "Kill Streak" ....

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here are the problems i have with halo 4


1. No ammo on the maps for my weapon. What is this i kill 3 people only to have to die because i have ran out of ammo i shouldn't have to beable to go loot peoples body for ammo this is halo where are the weapons on the map!

2.drop in drop out. this is a 50/50 feature for me. i dced in a game with friends and because of this joined in but when i go in alone i join into peoples who are down by to much to come back i think we need a option when searching if we wanna drop in or out of games this helps all because if your in a game and someone quit u can just invite a friend to help you out and i wont have to suffer a kd and a loss on my record because i joined a game being down 20.

3. This game MUST HAVE a RANKED VISABLE playlist. i do not care how it is done this is the sole reason i spent 2 weeks on reach and 3-4 years on halo 3 i should not have to exit out of halo 4 after every game only to go see if my rank went up. this is the make or break in halo 4 if black ops ranking system is good and visable and halo 4 is not i feel it will be goodbye halo 4...

4. randon weapon spawning.. In a team game map controll is key and holding power weapons this element out currently is nothing i have played many people who just sit and camp at there spawn because everything is random. this needs to go back to halo we need weapon on the maps power weapons.

5. death cams i know death cams useless because 50 percent of the time they don't work.

6. i am fine with the load outs because it seems in slayer pro its Not there so casual get something which is fun and competetive community gets are settings.

7. 4 people can't veiw my video on h4 is it still only 1 now? this is dumb i don't ever plan to go to threater with myself i liked to go with friends to who them so they see what i see and i know they see it with me.

8. custom k/d all i can say is Really?


these are the problems i have with the game don't get me wrong This game is fun and amazing i think they did what reach failed to do in terms of everything. reach is the reason i decided to buy and get into the crapy call of duty games. but i feel if halo 4 ranking system is only waypoint no one can see it and i can not compare my skills to the emeny team i am playing i will have to go to black ops 2 to get a ranking system.. and i preordered h4 and only rented black ops 2 i hope 343 does the right thing and just gives us what we want.

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I've been playing Halo since Day 1, Nov 15, 2001. It doesn't make me better than anyone here, but I've had over a decade to form an opinion over how the gameplay has evolved from the start, to Halo 4.


In my opinion, I am really liking what Halo 4's multiplayer brings to the table. The best way I can describe it, to someone who's played the series but hasn't tried H4 yet, is that it takes Reach's physics and combines it with elements of the H3 gameplay. I think the maps are unique in the sense that I feel like I have a sense of location or direction on every map.


Playlists are varied and fun, and you know more are on the way with the first update, as well as a new ranking system. I think it's a smart idea to wait to rollout the ranking system that way people can get used to the game and then jump into ranked matches when they've had a couple months to hone their skills.


I'm neutral on loadouts. I like that we have a chance to customize how we play the game, but I've always preferred a game where everyone starts out the same. This change was actually probably brought on in part by the number of people who would complain for BR starts vs AR starts on many of the H3 maps, as evidenced on the forums at bnet. Yes, there are loadouts in games like Battlefield or CoD, but it's just the industry standard now, like it or not. People, in general, just want more options. I'm not crazy about it, but I see the value it brings...and honestly, if you're good enough at the game, you'll cope and adapt.


I don't like ordinance drops. It's a fun "perk" if you will, but I prefer to contest the power weapon locations on a map. The saving grace is that it does not appear to be like CoD, where you basically are getting a perk that gives you free kills for already having killed some enemies. You're kinda just augmenting your loadout in H4.


I could go on much longer but, although Halo has changed a lot over the past 11 years, it still has retained a familiar feel to it. On the forums, things never change. When H3 launched, people claimed that Bungie ruined the game and that H2 was the best. When Reach launched....people complained that it was too different from H3. Now, people are complaining that H4 isn't as good as Reach. It's a wonder these people keep buying the games. Have fun, additions to the game are coming. For 343, this is a great effort for their second game.


i agree. change is good... it has similarities to COD, but it is not COD... stop bitching and go back to COD if you cant deal with it. I have played just over 20 or so online matches on H4, not yet has one team obliterated the other. Not sure which game types you guys are referring to, but i tend be joined with players of much higher rank, not sure if there is a skill level, but my K/D is pretty damn good, and all of my matches on slayer were dead even.


343 had to expand on something that was just getting boring... same thing over and over? may loose the 5 die-hard fans, but will gain hundreds more..

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here are the problems i have with halo 4


1. No ammo on the maps for my weapon. What is this i kill 3 people only to have to die because i have ran out of ammo i shouldn't have to beable to go loot peoples body for ammo this is halo where are the weapons on the map!

2.drop in drop out. this is a 50/50 feature for me. i dced in a game with friends and because of this joined in but when i go in alone i join into peoples who are down by to much to come back i think we need a option when searching if we wanna drop in or out of games this helps all because if your in a game and someone quit u can just invite a friend to help you out and i wont have to suffer a kd and a loss on my record because i joined a game being down 20.

3. This game MUST HAVE a RANKED VISABLE playlist. i do not care how it is done this is the sole reason i spent 2 weeks on reach and 3-4 years on halo 3 i should not have to exit out of halo 4 after every game only to go see if my rank went up. this is the make or break in halo 4 if black ops ranking system is good and visable and halo 4 is not i feel it will be goodbye halo 4...

4. randon weapon spawning.. In a team game map controll is key and holding power weapons this element out currently is nothing i have played many people who just sit and camp at there spawn because everything is random. this needs to go back to halo we need weapon on the maps power weapons.

5. death cams i know death cams useless because 50 percent of the time they don't work.

6. i am fine with the load outs because it seems in slayer pro its Not there so casual get something which is fun and competetive community gets are settings.

7. 4 people can't veiw my video on h4 is it still only 1 now? this is dumb i don't ever plan to go to threater with myself i liked to go with friends to who them so they see what i see and i know they see it with me.

8. custom k/d all i can say is Really?


these are the problems i have with the game don't get me wrong This game is fun and amazing i think they did what reach failed to do in terms of everything. reach is the reason i decided to buy and get into the crapy call of duty games. but i feel if halo 4 ranking system is only waypoint no one can see it and i can not compare my skills to the emeny team i am playing i will have to go to black ops 2 to get a ranking system.. and i preordered h4 and only rented black ops 2 i hope 343 does the right thing and just gives us what we want.


Couldn't agree more with the Theatre option it was great fun in Halo 3 just going through videos with your friends, Also why is the fileshare locked before you are in a game?


i agree. change is good... it has similarities to COD, but it is not COD... stop bitching and go back to COD if you cant deal with it. I have played just over 20 or so online matches on H4, not yet has one team obliterated the other. Not sure which game types you guys are referring to, but i tend be joined with players of much higher rank, not sure if there is a skill level, but my K/D is pretty damn good, and all of my matches on slayer were dead even.


343 had to expand on something that was just getting boring... same thing over and over? may loose the 5 die-hard fans, but will gain hundreds more..


"May lose 5 Die hard fans" the Die hard fans kept this series going all the way up to Reach when it was ruined that why Reach failed and everyone stopped playing it.. They run the risk of the Same thing happening in this game if they don't get the Ranking system spot on..


I also wish to have the Ranking system Visible I can't be bothered to go back and forth between Waypoint and Halo 4 just because they are scared of Derankers/Boosters or a bit of banter between the not so good players and the better players.. .


Please 343 get this Ranking system right and you will find a lot of Old Halo 2/3 players Retuning to the franchise and making the game fun and competitive once more..


Just remember Visible is a major key

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