Stargazer_10 Posted November 7, 2012 Report Share Posted November 7, 2012 Around 6 months after the first xbox 360 console release my 360 broke, i kept my xbox live account active but never logged on or bought a new 360. A few months ago a friend of mine told me that he was getting prepared for the Halo 4 release, previously unaware of another Halo game being made my response was =- O. I went to gamestop the next day and pre-ordered the Halo 4 bundle, that is the xbox, the game, 2 controllers and a headset. The next few months consisted of me acting like a crack addict waiting for his fix. Finally the day came when halo 4 was released and i went to gamestop for the mid-night launch. There were people everywhere, they had 3 huge t.v's playing the game and people just surrounding them watching and waiting for there turn to play. After a few hours my number was called and i received my bundle and left. My friend and I then went home and plugged in the 360 inserted the game and then we heard the joy filling music that is halo. We decide to play co-op campaign and then work towards multiplayer. After 3 hours, 3 EFFING HOURS, we completed the campaign. There are only 8 missions in this game, that in its self is a huge disappointment, that means if you don't have a gold account and you bought Halo 4 you essentially payed 60 dollars for 8 missions and 3 hours of gaming. But, my friend and I decided to look past Halo 4s campaign shortcomings and started on the multiplayer. We logged ourselves in and hoped to be amazed. After a few minutes we were in a game and enjoying ourselves pretty well and then all of a sudden we got disconnected. We were o.k. with it and figured it wouldn't happen again so we moved to the next game. But, to our dismay we were again disconnected, disconnected, and DIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSSSCCCCCCCCCCOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEECCCCCCCCCCTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEEDDDDDD. I soon became frustrated and decide to check to see if the problem was on my end. I reset the router turned on my P.C and logged on to BF3 to see if i'd have lagg issues. I joined a 64 man server and when i entered and played for a few minutes i had a 36 ping and was getting 61-60 frames per second. No lagg. I figured that if it were my connection then i'd be having problems with every game and not just Halo 4. So, we quit. Lets think about something for a minute. Last night there were around 250,000 people playing Halo 4. If each of those people were charged 60 dollars for the game then they made 15,000,000 dollars. And yet, they can't afford good servers? IMO 343 and halo 4 is like that fat chick in a bar that you would only flirt with if you were so high and drunk out of your mind that it made Roseanne Barr look like Scarlett Johanson. I'm sorry 343, i wanted you guys to be great, and i wanted Halo 4 to be greater. I had hopes for you and your game but unfortunately, you guys (and i can't emphasize this enough) SUCK! I have no doubts that in a few hours this topic will be removed. That is why i am going to post youtube videos of the game and tell people to stay away.. People will know of your failure, and it is COLOSSAL. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
roswell47 Posted November 7, 2012 Report Share Posted November 7, 2012 Its been a day man give it time. I personally think this game is phenomenal multiplayer wise. Surpasses Reach completely, give it time, stick with it and I'm sure you'll be glad you did. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Field of Mangos Posted November 7, 2012 Report Share Posted November 7, 2012 You know, why not try solo'ing the campaign on legendary? That'll eat up some time. Or, give multiplayer a week or two....millions of players will be playing over the next few days and it's bound to cause issues with the servers. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PILULE 1995 Posted November 7, 2012 Report Share Posted November 7, 2012 No rumble pit and only 4 maps on the rotation for the gametype I play, I'll trade the game for Mass Effect trylogie. I play so much Halo reach more than 20 days of playtime over live only but this is just not what I wanted, missing a lot of gametypes especially maps. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
UncagedRage Posted November 7, 2012 Report Share Posted November 7, 2012 Wow...people need to calm down. The game has only been out for a little over a day and you are complaining about a campaign that is too short when you went at it with a buddy and didn't even mention whether you were playing on Easy or Legendary. Could be a huge difference...especially if you were doing it in CO-OP and like someone said. Try it on Legendary Solo then come back and tell us you finished in 3 hours! I agree they probably could have handled the server issue a little better. They should have expected the huge amounts of people wanting to get in on the action. Pilule, as for the maps...again it is the first day. I'm sure they'll start rolling out more and more maps. Many of the Reach maps were made in Forge and no one has even had a chance to play around in there yet. Give it time. FIRST DAY people. Things are only gonna get better! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stargazer_10 Posted November 7, 2012 Author Report Share Posted November 7, 2012 I'm going to give it a month or two because that's when i'll be getting out of college. The day i get out if i can't start my vacation by getting onto Halo 4 and play until i crap my liver out then its going back to gamestop. If before i return the game 343 fixes many of the problems with servers that they are having right now, and the game gets better/worse i will modify this post to that end.. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrpewterschmidt Posted November 7, 2012 Report Share Posted November 7, 2012 1) you probably played the campaign on normal, so you breezed through it. try legendary 2) multiplayer worked fine for me, didn't get any disconnects. could this be your ISP? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stargazer_10 Posted November 7, 2012 Author Report Share Posted November 7, 2012 If it were my isp, router or just my general connection then i would feel the effects on every game i play. Not just halo 4, as i stated before. Oh, and yes i played on normal because my friend and i wanted to see the story line. But still, 8 missions? WTF! I wont say i didn't enjoy the campaign, it was great and i thought the story was awesome. But with every other halo game there were at least double that amount of missions if not more than that. When i was done with the campaign i just felt like i needed more, my hunger was not satisfied and that is the point i'm trying to make. Weather it was easy or hard doesn't matter. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
UncagedRage Posted November 7, 2012 Report Share Posted November 7, 2012 Halo: Combat Evolved Campaign consists of 10 levels: The Pillar of Autumn - "Escape intact as Covenant forces board your ship." Halo - "Seek out surviving Marines and help them fight the Covenant." The Truth and Reconciliation - "Board a Covenant ship in an attempt to rescue Captain Keyes." The Silent Cartographer - "Search for the map room that will lead you to the secrets of Halo." Assault on the Control Room - "Defend the Control Room against wave after wave of Covenant troops." 343 Guilty Spark - "Creep through a swamp to meet the only enemy the Covenant fear." The Library - "Fight your way through an ancient security facility in search of the Index." Two Betrayals - "Re-activate the weapon at the heart of Halo... and learn the truth." Keyes - "Stage a one-cyborg assault on a Covenant ship and bring back the Captain." The Maw - "Destroy Halo before Halo destroys all life in the galaxy." Halo 2 consists of 15 levels, of which 14 are playable. The Heretic - For failure such as this, no punishment is too great. (cutscene; unplayable) The Armory - Suit up, prepare for battle. (tutorial) Cairo Station - Defend the station's MAC gun from Covenant boarders. Outskirts - Rally scattered marines, clear hostile contacts from the old-city. Metropolis - Take the bridge, break the Covenant's grip on the city-center. The Arbiter - Infiltrate a Forerunner facility, quell the heresy within. The Oracle - Kill the Heretic Leader. The Prophets' will be done. Delta Halo - A Covenant army stands between you and Regret. Get to work. Regret - You heard the lady. Locate the Prophet, take him down. Sacred Icon - Succeed where others have failed. Lower the shield protecting the Sacred Icon. Quarantine Zone - Parasites, humans - no matter. The Icon must be found. Gravemind - The Prophets have the Index and plan to use it? Over your dead body. Uprising - This is certain: The Brutes shall pay for the blood they have spilled. High Charity - Cortana can handle the Index - stopping Truth is up to you. The Great Journey - Form an unexpected alliance, keep Tartarus from activating the ring. Halo 3 consists of ten levels, of which nine are playable. Arrival - "Brace for impact." (Cutscene, tutorial on single player) Sierra 117 - "Rise up. Start the fight." Crow's Nest - "Clear the base, whatever it takes." Tsavo Highway - "Mount up. Get to Voi." The Storm - "Reclaim the city. Make a hole." Floodgate - "Stop the infestation. Find Cortana." The Ark - "Search the waste for the Cartographer." The Covenant - "Breach the barrier. Stop Truth." Cortana - "Cleanse High Charity. Save Cortana." Halo - "Light the ring. Destroy the Flood." Halo: Reach consists of eleven levels, ten of which are playable. Noble Actual - "Welcome to Reach." (Only cutscene) Winter Contingency - "There's a disturbance on the frontier." ONI: Sword Base - "Covenant are attacking a vital ONI base. Drive the ******** off." Nightfall - "Move in behind enemy lines and evaluate the opposition." Tip of The Spear - "Two massive armies clash! Time to go to war against the Covenant." Long Night of Solace - "Move up the beach and secure the launch facility. Take the battle to the Covenant Super Carrier." Exodus - "All is not lost. Evacuate civilians from an occupied city." New Alexandria - "Provide air support in a forest of crumbling skyscrapers." The Package - "Your orders are to destroy Sword Base... Or are they?" The Pillar of Autumn - "Deliver Halsey's data package to the Pillar of Autumn." Lone Wolf - "Spartans never die. They're just missing in action..." It seems pretty on par with the rest of the Halo games. Yes it is less than all the previous games...but none of the other games had "at least double that amount of mission if not more than that." 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Detshanu Posted November 7, 2012 Report Share Posted November 7, 2012 I'm dissapointed with Halo 4 and I'll tell you why; because it doesn't feel like Halo to me anymore. The new features like kill cams and the weapon unlock system are just as annoying as they are in every other game they're in. Same thing goes for killstreaks and the point system in Slayer. I don't think that we should have to unlock, then PURCHASE our guns (Call of Duty:Black Ops much? Heeeelllllooooo!). Halo: Reach may have had a credit unlock system too, but it was only for armor, so you could go forever without needing to puchase something if you wanted to. The thing that made Halo great for me is that everybody is spawned in with the same two weapons, depending on the gametype, and any other weapons you have to find on the map or in the hands of your enemies. I don't think Halo needed any more "Innovation", (which is really just a term meaning a change the devlopers made at the behest of the publisher, with threats to pull funding) Halo needed minor tweaks at best, and I hope that everyone at 343 can see that before the release the next Halo game. Which I really hope doesn't become a yearly release because Microsoft wants more money. Because then, all hope is lost, and Halo will never be able to go back to the way it was, when it was at it's best. Unless the path that 343 has set Halo on makes a virtual 360, the only ending I can see is Halo turning into a Halo shaped Call of Duty. If you agree, copy and paste this into an e-mail and send it to everyone you know who plays Halo, tell them to send it everyone at 343, multiple times a day. The only way things can change is if WE change them. We can't let the corporate money grabbing of Microsoft ruin our favorite fanchise! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
UncagedRage Posted November 7, 2012 Report Share Posted November 7, 2012 People have griped with every release. They always will. We'll evolve with the game. We'll play it. And we'll like it! Everyone hated it when the BR disappeared. Everyone hated dual-weilding guns. Everyone hated the armor abilities. Everyone hates everything when it's new! 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Detshanu Posted November 7, 2012 Report Share Posted November 7, 2012 On 11/7/2012 at 7:33 PM, UncagedRage said: People have griped with every release. They always will. We'll evolve with the game. We'll play it. And we'll like it! Everyone hated it when the BR disappeared. Everyone hated dual-weilding guns. Everyone hated the armor abilities. Everyone hates everything when it's new! On 11/7/2012 at 7:33 PM, UncagedRage said: People have griped with every release. They always will. We'll evolve with the game. We'll play it. And we'll like it! Everyone hated it when the BR disappeared. Everyone hated dual-weilding guns. Everyone hated the armor abilities. Everyone hates everything when it's new! This is true. It may be that I haven't played enough to REALLY know how I feel, these are just fears I have. That my favourite farnchise will turn into a clone of my most loathed one. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryu♥Hayabusa Posted November 7, 2012 Report Share Posted November 7, 2012 The number of missions means nothing. They can each take 2 hours. Short? No. But your run must have been a speedy run. Even on Easy I couldn't have done it in 3 hours. I think I see Hyperbole... 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hammer81tn Posted November 7, 2012 Report Share Posted November 7, 2012 On 11/7/2012 at 9:39 PM, Ryu Hayabusa said: The number of missions means nothing. They can each take 2 hours. Short? No. But your run must have been a speedy run. Even on Easy I couldn't have done it in 3 hours. I think I see Hyperbole... Especially if you are going for challenges like in reach or you just want to go and explore every corner of the maps Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cocoa Posted November 7, 2012 Report Share Posted November 7, 2012 On 11/7/2012 at 7:33 PM, UncagedRage said: People have griped with every release. They always will. We'll evolve with the game. We'll play it. And we'll like it! Everyone hated it when the BR disappeared. Everyone hated dual-weilding guns. Everyone hated the armor abilities. Everyone hates everything when it's new! The calmest and most articulate thoughts on this thread are from a guy named UncagedRage. That tickles my fancy. 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
UncagedRage Posted November 7, 2012 Report Share Posted November 7, 2012 The Rage can by caged, I save the uncaging for matchmaking! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stargazer_10 Posted November 7, 2012 Author Report Share Posted November 7, 2012 You will see that i beat the game in 4 hours instead of 3. my bad. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
UncagedRage Posted November 7, 2012 Report Share Posted November 7, 2012 I can't get Waypoint to load properly online. Looks like you still only beat it on Co-op? And I can't see your times.. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RedStarRocket91 Posted November 7, 2012 Report Share Posted November 7, 2012 On 11/7/2012 at 7:33 PM, UncagedRage said: Everyone hates everything when it's new! Can we get this as like, a replacement logo specifically for the Halo 4 section? Absolutely made my day! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stargazer_10 Posted November 7, 2012 Author Report Share Posted November 7, 2012 On 11/7/2012 at 11:11 PM, UncagedRage said: I can't get Waypoint to load properly online. Looks like you still only beat it on Co-op? And I can't see your times.. yes that is the one time a played the campaign with my friend. atm i am TRYING to enjoy the multiplayer.. but it hasn't been very successful. I just recently counted how many times i get d/cd within ten minutes... I found that i normally get 3 d/cs within ten minutes, kinda hard to enjoy anything like that. I want to stress that this problem with d/cs is not because of my connection, i can log onto any other game weather its on my 360 ps3 or computer and get no lagg. On a good note though, i can usually get 10 to 15 kills in a game before i get dcd. So atleast my stats go up. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adam91 Posted November 7, 2012 Report Share Posted November 7, 2012 Halo 4's story was absolutley terrible. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MemoryDecay Posted November 8, 2012 Report Share Posted November 8, 2012 On 11/7/2012 at 7:33 PM, UncagedRage said: People have griped with every release. They always will. We'll evolve with the game. We'll play it. And we'll like it! Everyone hated it when the BR disappeared. Everyone hated dual-weilding guns. Everyone hated the armor abilities. Everyone hates everything when it's new! That is so true. We eventually grow and accept that some things needed change, yes the armor abilities, I could live without and don't like most of them. My solution? Don't use what you don't like. Other than that you will get used to the new things, as much as I hate some of the change, Halo needed it after a decade. Reach sucked, but Halo 4's way somehow made everything feel at home, and fit the gameplay. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SykoWolf Posted November 8, 2012 Report Share Posted November 8, 2012 On 11/7/2012 at 11:56 PM, adamj004 said: Halo 4's story was absolutley terrible. Actually it wasnt. It was well thought out with many plot twists and good ol Halo lore. True, that you would need to know abit about Halo to understand a few things about the games story, but in general it was pretty epic story. And i dont understand how people can keep asking and begging for the game, then complain and hate it after release. Criticism is always welcome but blatant BS about how crap it is ISNT constructive. People please explain why you dont like something, dont just go... "Story was bad" (Sorry Adamj004, not picking on you, just using you a example) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GameOverViper Posted November 8, 2012 Report Share Posted November 8, 2012 On 11/7/2012 at 5:29 PM, roswell47 said: Its been a day man give it time. I personally think this game is phenomenal multiplayer wise. Surpasses Reach completely, give it time, stick with it and I'm sure you'll be glad you did. I agree. The Multiplayer is by far better than Reach. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stargazer_10 Posted November 8, 2012 Author Report Share Posted November 8, 2012 Well, i think my problem with the game is less about the game and more about me.. I think i set my expectations so high that no matter how good the game was it would never be enough. I'm going to give it a few months and see if my opinion of the game has changed after that.. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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