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Master Chief and All of Halo Had a Small Change


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I'm not sure if this belongs in the campaign forum or not but I'll post it here anyways.




It seems like the master chief didn't act like master chief at all in this campaign. He's usually the soldier that's willing to risk anything, which he did. However, it seems like he was really different in this game. I usually see chief as the prime source of bad assery and mystery. In this game, he almost appeared to be a little bit of a wimp, not completely of course he was still really bad ass but still, you can't say you didnt notice. I understand that they were trying to show his human side, but at the end (SPOILER) he has that sentimental part over cortana. You can't really match the master chief with a sentimental moment.


If not almost everything in the game were changed the personality change might have been eased in but it almost seemed like we got a new character and we obviously got new enemies. He dealt with things differently than he normally would and he seemed a little too attached with cortana in the end, he blew off Johnson's death in halo 3 who was a much more enjoyable soldier and character than cortana but she really impacted him. Of course that's my opinion but I still think it was a little out of place.


With the fact that more spartans were shown in the game made the build up of chief's character kind of die down. It used to be cool being humanity's last hope and the only spartan around but the fact that more were introduced really ruined that felling for me. Don't get me wrong, I overall really liked the campaign I just didnt feel like it was a appropriate ending to the series I've loved since I was 5. Yes, I did see the cinematic after the credits, but it still didnt tie it in correctly.

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I think Chief's personality change was evident in Halo 3. I mean you could really see the build up in that game and I thought and atill think it is weird. But I mean it wasn't unexpected.


Also Chief is supposed to be being outsourced, I'm assuming he is still going to rise and shine above all of them.

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Master chief Acted more like he did in the books He has moments where he is struck with loss and has emotions. I think it was in character for him for multiple reasons, One he failed at his task to protect Cortana and chief is a Man who Puts the responsibility of protecting others on himself, Two it also means he was not able to keep is promise to her, Cortana can be viewed as the last person(i guess an AI is a person) he had a connection with for all he knows all the people he knew in his life associated with the spartan 2 project are dead or MIA. eventually having every person you knew on a personal level die will make for some emotions even if its slight like in chiefs case, because lets be honest that was emotional for chief but not emotional for most people losing someone they care about.


Also spartan 4s are willing adults from other military branches being selected I highly doubt they'll be anywhere near the skill level of chief for many reasons, Most of all the mental burdens of being a spartan.

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