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Petition to Retcon the Warthog's Audio


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Primary Complaint: The engine noise is annoyingly loud and and honestly made driving during the campaign unbearable. It sounds like The Chief left the damn thing in 1st gear the entire level. Please change this back to the warthog sounds from Halo 3/Reach. Or, if it suits you, just lower the audio levels of the current sounds dramatically.


Secondary Complaint: Maybe it's because I looked at it from the rear most of the time, but it looks like the new Warthogs were scrapped together using busted parts from the civilian trucks in Halo: Reach. I don't particularly like the new aesthetic, but I could probably live with it.


Praise: I enjoy the warthog physics, you guys nailed that one.

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I for one really HATE the sound of the hog in H4. I work with alot of trucks and cars in real life, and honestly the only thing I can think of that sounds like the Hog in H4 is a 2-stroke motor cycle or maybe a chainsaw; a far cry from the sound one would expect from a 12.0L high compression hydrogen engine that supposedly powers the machine. If anything it should sound a raunchy crossbreed of a Veyron and a 70's diesel motor.

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I always having to stop or slow down to hear who ever was talking in the background in the campaign


I think the sound it makes is the sound it makes in Halo 4, i just believe its a bit to loud, especially if you wear a headset were game audio and voice chat are mashed together

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