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Please tell me why this game is like CoD.


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It's similar to CoD in that we have loadouts, unlockables that do actually affect gameplay a lot, everything moves at this god awful lightning pace, shields go down like it's nothing, and there's no point to map control. I could probably go on but there's really no need. The game is terrible and IS NOT Halo in anything but namesake and weapondry.


Then you are clearly playing a different game than everyone else. Halo 4 is nothing like CoD. Not one bit. At all. Go play some CoD and come back and tell me if it was anything like Halo 4.

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Detective here. Maybe they made Halo 4 like CoD on purpose so we can miss Halo: Reach and return to it and end the long running CoD v. Halo feud that goes on between gamers. If a CoD fan happens to hate Halo 4, then they hate CoD. Like this, they will continue making the following Halo games like Halo should be.. requiring skill. If not then I guess I'm stuck playing Reach forever.

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  • 2 weeks later...

^Disputing right now.


I understand what you're saying, but respectfully disagree. They did not cater to CoD fans, all they did was made the game faster paced, and slightly more interesting. And different. Halo games have always been different than the previous, and as much as you all (myself sometimes included) ***** about that, if they made the same Halo game with just different story and different maps, you would all be LIVID.


Halo still feels like Halo. Stop denying this. You look ignorant. If you think it's turned into CoD because of 10 Points a kill, load outs, and drop in/out, then screw CoD for copying Halo's multiplayer! Halo 2 did it first! And wait, CoD uses guns?! Halo uses guns! How dare CoD!


Also: It's called Slayer Pro, bra.


Oh and also: Halo 2 and 3 all had people that would drop out. This game makes it that people can hop in and keep it even. Shut your mouth.


Oh and also also: Ordinance is only in like 3 playlists, bra.


Also also also: Most every playlist has a set Spawn for weapons.


You are stupid, sir.

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I don't think Halo is anywhere even close to CoD. To me CoD is like an arcade game, except you don't really have to even think. I just couldn't ever get into it, but to each their own!


Even with slayer there's substantial use of tactics (if you play as a team that is). BTB is a completely different game when you have vehicles, as opposed to when they're wrecking your team. In nearly any gametype using a pincer attack or flanking the enemy is typically pretty devestating.


As far as loadouts go, I feel it's mostly for playstyle customization. I feel like each has it's benefits and drawbacks, but none are clearly superior over the others. I use different loadouts depending on the map and gametype, and I feel they all have a use.


Ordinance isn't quite like the killstreaks either. You can get something decent that CAN help, but it's not 100%. You can get killed immediately and lose it, have it stolen,etc. CoD calls in AI to give you more free kills, last I checked there's nothing like that in halo.

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