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Bugs & Requests For Halo 4 [PLEASE READ]


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Me and a couple of friends came together to make this request list. This list mainly contains bugs within Halo 4..


We hope that you can fix these bugs As Soon As Possible, Thanks..

Feel free to add any other bugs/requests to the list.. Thanks Again..



  • Please :
  • add Forge World for Forge
  • nerf the Mantis (make less powerful)
  • fix the hit detection when meleeing
  • fix the hit detection in general
  • lessen/nerf the range of the scoped weapons
  • *Fix random rank crashes
  • nerf frags (by a little)
  • nerf the magnum
  • *FIX FORGE GENERATING LIGHTING BUG (Switching from Forge Bot to Human makes the game lag while it slowly generates the lighting)
  • Fix gun bounce when shot at (getting shot jerks your gun upwards)
  • Fix the escape assassination bug (Some times whiles assassinating the person turns around and kills you)
  • Add more War Games


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1. Impact, Ravine, that one cave map that's huge.

2. Mantis is under powered as hell. Maybe if you weren't terrible you wouldn't have a problem.

3. Stop being terrible.

4. Stop being terrible.

5. Stop being terrible.

6. Get a better connection speed.

7. This happens when you fail to connect to a Halo 4 server. Its a form of backup so you can still play online.

8. Grenades are less powerful than in Halo Reach.

9. Magnum is pretty terrible, I would be complaining about the Promethean pistol. I would also suggest you stop being terrible.

10. Limited processing speed of outdated hardware. Not a bug.

11. People tend to do that when they get shot.

12. Omfg a legitimate request? You're on a roll!

13. Relatively the same amount of Playlists that Halo 3 and Reach had upon launch.


Things to legitimately complain about-


1. They f*cked up Infection (Zombies cannot use weapons other than sword).

2. Multiplayer menus are a mess.

3. No human flying vehicle.

4. Thruster Pack is shat.

5. The Promethean pistol.

6. Forge mode is a little wonky. (Slow move speed, no zoom, no explosion upon suicides, low quality texture for oracle.)

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  On 11/8/2012 at 10:37 PM, GMatt325 said:

Me and a couple of friends came together to make this request list. This list mainly contains bugs within Halo 4..


We hope that you can fix these bugs As Soon As Possible, Thanks..

Feel free to add any other bugs/requests to the list.. Thanks Again..



  • Please :
  • add Forge World for Forge
  • nerf the Mantis (make less powerful)
  • fix the hit detection when meleeing
  • fix the hit detection in general
  • lessen/nerf the range of the scoped weapons
  • *Fix random rank crashes
  • nerf frags (by a little)
  • nerf the magnum
  • *FIX FORGE GENERATING LIGHTING BUG (Switching from Forge Bot to Human makes the game lag while it slowly generates the lighting)
  • Fix gun bounce when shot at (getting shot jerks your gun upwards)
  • Fix the escape assassination bug (Some times whiles assassinating the person turns around and kills you)
  • Add more War Games


This is the stupidest thing ive ever read. Mantis is not even that good(clunky, slow, hard to hit misslles/guns/ huge target, not that durable, etc). Frags if anything are underpowered, the lighting thing when leaving forge is not a bug. The ranged weapons are fine, if your going to use an AR stop standing in the open. Magnum is fine, the hit detection is the best its been yet, the game lag has nothing to do with the servers(343 can do little to fix it). The only thing I agree with on your list is to add more wargames, everything else I either disagree with or haven't experienced it. There are way bigger problems with H4 such as the lack of custom game options and gametypes as a whole or the fact that 50% of the time you do the custom assassination animations without trying and die as a result.

Edited by Absolute Dog
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Campaign Mission: Requem / Soft-Lock


You can get Master Chief Soft-Lock in Side a broken ship right in the beginning of the mission above.


1.Have the player run to the right as you start the mission.

2.Go in side the ship were you find a video file about a A.I.

3.When the player is inside the ship move to theright side outside of the ship and jump on to the side of the ship.

4,When player jumps on the side of the ship and falls the player will fall in a hole thats on fire.


Note: I found this just explore your game looking see if there any hidden items or records,

The problem is other then you are stuck that when you try to Revert to Last Save the player

will revert into the soft-lock again. I had to start the mission over again. Its lucky that it happens

in the beginning. If i was later in the game and im on legendary and i was half way on the mission

and i had to restart the mission I would have been mad. I hope i dont hardlock. Soft-lock repeats if player stay to long and Corotana tells

you were the Waypoint is.



Just adding this reply to help out and not have others get stuck like i did, it kinda sucks to get traped.

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The only thing I can really complain about is the Kill Cam, Laggy as crap. Then again It might be my connection.

But I've heard a lot of people complain about it.


I've seen some improvement. Although there is still times when someone looks like they're shooting at a wall and I magically die...

and I know It wasn't a bad connection because everything else was smooth gameplay

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Drop the grenade indicator. This ain't COD. I hate not being able to drop grenade's around corners to catch opponets off guard. It would be magical with Promethean Vision but as it is they just back up and you waste the grenade.


Saw. Holy crap is that overpowered. Please nerf it and soon. You can get 2-3 kills with it without even reloading. It's annoying as he!!


Coming in mid-match. Why? I've entered Domain/King of the Hill match's that were 90 percent complete. Last night I came into a Domain match, captured the base I spawned at, and won the game. WTFH?!?!??!!!???!?!? I've already went back to playing Reach simply because of this. Coming in mid-match just ruins the feel and flow of the game and I can never figure out what's going on and who control's what or what part of the map teammates are working on controlling.


Oh, and speaking of controlling the maps, random ordance drops. It completely drops an intergral part of MM skill, not blocking off routes or area's where certain weapons spawn and can control. And the random ordance drops you get: what's the rhyme and reason to what you request? Sometimes I can spawn a Sniper, sometimes a Shotgun or Scatterburst, sometimes a Needler. I never know what is coming. Is there a method to what it decide's to offer you?

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  On 11/10/2012 at 6:34 AM, Fighterspirit said:

1. Impact, Ravine, that one cave map that's huge.

2. Mantis is under powered as hell. Maybe if you weren't terrible you wouldn't have a problem.

3. Stop being terrible.

4. Stop being terrible.

5. Stop being terrible.

6. Get a better connection speed.

7. This happens when you fail to connect to a Halo 4 server. Its a form of backup so you can still play online.

8. Grenades are less powerful than in Halo Reach.

9. Magnum is pretty terrible, I would be complaining about the Promethean pistol. I would also suggest you stop being terrible.

10. Limited processing speed of outdated hardware. Not a bug.

11. People tend to do that when they get shot.

12. Omfg a legitimate request? You're on a roll!

13. Relatively the same amount of Playlists that Halo 3 and Reach had upon launch.


Things to legitimately complain about-


1. They f*cked up Infection (Zombies cannot use weapons other than sword).

2. Multiplayer menus are a mess.

3. No human flying vehicle.

4. Thruster Pack is shat.

5. The Promethean pistol.

6. Forge mode is a little wonky. (Slow move speed, no zoom, no explosion upon suicides, low quality texture for oracle.)

Hah, your funny.. You waste your time on here to rant about a post.. wow.... I made this list from asking multiple ppl on the forums and Xbox.. Go play the game and you will see where the bugs come in.. Good day
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Do not change a thing to any gun or vehicles. As to the saw that does not need to change. Little "timmies" like these who are complaining are the same ones who got bungle yo screw iP halo2 by making the battle rifle the only weapon to have and that screwed halo2 up. So please don't mess with the guns or vehicles.

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  On 11/8/2012 at 10:37 PM, GMatt325 said:

Me and a couple of friends came together to make this request list. This list mainly contains bugs within Halo 4..


We hope that you can fix these bugs As Soon As Possible, Thanks..

Feel free to add any other bugs/requests to the list.. Thanks Again..



  • Please :
  • add Forge World for Forge
  • nerf the Mantis (make less powerful)
  • fix the hit detection when meleeing
  • fix the hit detection in general
  • lessen/nerf the range of the scoped weapons
  • *Fix random rank crashes
  • nerf frags (by a little)
  • nerf the magnum
  • *FIX FORGE GENERATING LIGHTING BUG (Switching from Forge Bot to Human makes the game lag while it slowly generates the lighting)
  • Fix gun bounce when shot at (getting shot jerks your gun upwards)
  • Fix the escape assassination bug (Some times whiles assassinating the person turns around and kills you)
  • Add more War Games



this truly is a stupid list. there are 3 great maps for forge, the mantis is easy to take down if you coordinate with one other person, i've found that the hit detection is great, ranged weapons are fine, if it's lagging just get a better connection, i haven't lagged once in MP, the rank crash fixes itself very quickly, neither frags nor magnum are too powerful, the stalling when generating light in forge is not a bug, it's just that the console is about 6 years old, that's what happens when you're shot...

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The one thing I have noticed was that when you have an Flood custom game on a forged map, you can't have any placed guns. I haven't tried ordnance drops but that seems like a waste anyway because you have a very limited amount. I like the idea of Flood instead of infection but the game play needs to go back to reach or halo 3.

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  On 11/8/2012 at 10:37 PM, GMatt325 said:

You obviously don't understand how lag works lag has ALMOST nothing to with the game it has to do with ping. if you go to speed test and use different servers that are further away you will notice your ping increases with distance this is a issue that can only be solved by getting a better form of cable eg fibre optic. This WILL NOT remove lag just lessen it. Now before people rage saying but battfield has such good connection this is because its servers dedicated for host that use fibre optic.

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If I come up behind two unsuspecting enemies, back smack one by barely tapping the melee button, and it goes into a theatrical display of me snapping his neck for 5 seconds while his teammate turns around and kills me, whereas I could have had an easy double kill.. I'm gonna go on a violent rampage and blame Halo. Also.. If i get a triple kill, and turn to look for the over-kill exterm, and the three I have killed, spammed their X button and respawned instantly and melt me, I'm going to go on a violent rampage and blame Halo. What I'm saying is... i pray that 343 has the decency to partner with MLG for the playlist, and removes instant respawn, assassination animations, increases grenade strength a bit, nerfs the DMR or makes the DMR a pick up weapon, and has a BR start. Or as previously stated, i'll go on a violent rampage and blame Halo.

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Honestly i love boltshot pistol but i agree OP Plasma pistol is harder to use maybe make the charge time a lot longer. and you gotta be closer im not sure.


My requests are


-Forge add ability to move objects up and down SLOWLY not jerking up and down tapping bumpers until it gets into place corderants arnt always able to be fixed how you want them


-Add Invasion/ Playable elites at least add it for a Downloadable content plz!!!! Some of us like playing Elites vs Spartan Gametypes and its bad enough Infection is kinda ruined i love flood mode but they cant use any weapons and u cant change a lot of options which ruins a lot of fun minigames.


-Another thing if you do add elites you should add Premethian Knights aswell or even HORDE mode where you Play Premethans or Covenant to Eliminate Spartans like a flood mode or something but more of U Play grunts for a bit then you can choose Jackles later Hunters and Elites i think it would be fun and you would get lots more respect doing that


-Add Falcon, Pelican, or maybe Hornet in multiplayer we need human flying vehicle and id sudjest Possible Downloadable Content of Sandbox and Forgeworld remakes with both the sandy and Forunner textures i cant make forunner maps because everything is UNSC. Seriously everything is spartan this UNSC That what am i suppose to do kill spartans all day or enjoy flood mode the game dont have that fun feeling much anymore and half my clan stoped playing halo 4 and went to Reach because of customs being more fun!


-One major thing im upset about is NO BIG TEAM BATTLE HEAVYS and the maps are all pretty much small not a single awesome map for vehicle vs vehicle action other then Stupid ragnarok which only has mantis/Warthog/Banshee chombo seriously where is Banshee/Tank/Mantis/Gass combos???


-Playable elites plz


-Flyable Falcon


-Playable Elites!!!




I paid for the xbox and the limited edition because of my love for halo but this one gets me so upset my favorite race is gone from the game it was one thing for bungie to make it only for invasion at least u can play them in customs WHY NOT ALLOW THEM FOR CUSTOMS IF IT WONT CHANGE THE STORYLINE!!

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  • 1 month later...

This checking for downloadable content is garbage.


This happened to me when I first got the game, I was all anxious to play, then 2+ hours of non sense.


Then for the whole weekend I have not been able to play, it is not Sunday night, no halo, all weekend.


what? No reliable hosting? COME ONE 343! "Checking for downloadable content data"

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  On 11/8/2012 at 10:37 PM, GMatt325 said:

Me and a couple of friends came together to make this request list. This list mainly contains bugs within Halo 4..


We hope that you can fix these bugs As Soon As Possible, Thanks..

Feel free to add any other bugs/requests to the list.. Thanks Again..



  • Please :
  • add Forge World for Forge
  • nerf the Mantis (make less powerful)
  • fix the hit detection when meleeing
  • fix the hit detection in general
  • lessen/nerf the range of the scoped weapons
  • *Fix random rank crashes
  • nerf frags (by a little)
  • nerf the magnum
  • *FIX FORGE GENERATING LIGHTING BUG (Switching from Forge Bot to Human makes the game lag while it slowly generates the lighting)
  • Fix gun bounce when shot at (getting shot jerks your gun upwards)
  • Fix the escape assassination bug (Some times whiles assassinating the person turns around and kills you)
  • Add more War Games






Please don't come on the forums and Cry for nerfs this is not battlefield 3 this is not COD. Everything in the game is balanced and plus the mantis is weak 2 people can easly take it down the magnum I see no reason for complaintsThe grenade radius is Fine as well (Please stop complaining because this game does not meet your skill level)

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