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Halo 4 has a Gamebreaking Multiplayer Issue

Pointy Rock

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Also, about the whole forcing range thing. I kind of agree with you, but it also is dependent on maps and player abilities. For instance, in Call of Duty games, it was impossible to force a long range battle when you had the sniper rifle. Close quarters people could move fast enough and use enough cover and grenade distractions to always force the engagement range in CQB, making snipers inherently disadvantaged in Cod games unless they were really fast and powerful. One of the reasons why snipers sucked horribly in the Treyarch Cod games, because the developers stubbornly thought that a sniper could just force the range to be at long range.


In this game though, It is kind of the other way around because Halo maps tend to be wide open fields. But I do believe there is potential for AR users to stick to cover and use certain armor abilities and infinite sprint to force their range all the time in CQB. Is that gonna happen on Ragnarok and Meltdown? No, but I have been using the AR as my primary for a bit and on the smaller 4-4 maps I have been having extreme success using things like Camo or thruster packs to get in close and then start Ghandi-hopping all over the DMR users and spraying them down. What's really funny is when they think they can punch me, jump back and headshot me real quick except I just mow them down with pure AR power. I like using the AR as a primary mainly because everyone uses DMR starts, so oftentimes I can just pick a DMR up as soon as I spawn and have the firepower perk for free. But anyways, I do think there is potential for an AR user to use its niche range on certain maps and with certain abilities. Again, like you said, assume perfect skill of all players and a good AR user should be able to force their engagement range in CQB on 80% of the maps in the game, and the DMR isn't so deadly that it shreds AR users in 10-15 ft range either, even if they hit all shots.


i actually dont know about this. assuming max skill DMR wins simply cuz AR doesnt have inf range while DMR's power isnt decreased with a closer fight. The AR player has to essentially be more skilled in active combat then the DMR player is on his accuracy.


not too mention the openness of some of hte maps means you just dont stand a chance. ive been taking to using vehicles more when im forced into a large map...not cuz i cant use the DMR...i just hate jockeying for headshots, boring imo

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i actually dont know about this. assuming max skill DMR wins simply cuz AR doesnt have inf range while DMR's power isnt decreased with a closer fight.


Yes but the AR get damage increase up close. And even if you assume max skill, I'm still gonna say that it's close to impossible to nail all 5 shots against a Ghandi-hopping AR user that is right in your face. Saying the DMR wrecks an AR up close is like it wrecks the Saw up close. The AR basically is a Saw except instead of spraying them down in under a second you spray them down in 2 seconds and thus lose more health while doing so.

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