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Microsoft said once, and it seems they have


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Microsoft said once " If we lose our way with halo, we have lost our way with gamers."


now we all know xbox has few good exclusive games outside halo/fable/forza/gears, with halo 4 being meh, fable 2,3, ad journey being trash, forza being a racing sim ( small audience) and gears seeming to lose it's luster what will happen to xbox.



the original xbox was by far the best system I have ever played, it had dozens of games you couldn't get anywhere else, or could only get on PC otherwise, titles like morrowind, halo CE, star wars battlefront and fable gave hundred of hours of enjoyment, xbox had the best online system back then, and at only $60 for 13 months and a headset it wasn't bad to pay.


fast forward to today, it isn't unheard of to be bored even though they have dozens of 360 games. halo is just a shadow compared to what it once was, we had some new series join but we lost most of the good ones from last gen ( conquer, star wars battlefront, and good fable games)


I leads me to wonder... why would anyone get the next xbox? to play halo lets make it even worse 5? to play gears of war again 5? to play fable lets flail our arms around and still not return to what made people like the game 4?


xbox started to be mostly dead in 2009, and it's been basically as strong as a sick cat since then.

are any non-fanboy tards getting the next xbox? if so why?

are you undecided like me? what would make you change your mind?


fanboys, why are you obsessed with games that aren't good?

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I'd need to see what exactly the new xbox is capable of before I buy it. And I disagree with Halo 4 being meh, I think 343 is taking Halo in a much different direction, which is very good, since all the Halo's have had quite the similar basic format around it with different maps and guns, but 343 is making such drastic changes that just prove they have the series and they aren't just gonna copy Bungie. So kudos.

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halo 4 had a bad single player ( unlike every other halo game) and the multiplayer, though different, still isn't that good, it's just bad and different instead of bad. the problem seems to stem from fanboys who entered the series during halo 3, which was also bad. halo CE on original xbox is still the epitome of halo and what the real fans want to play again, unfortunatly anniversary was just halo reach ( granted the single player was halo 1)


I think I too am waiting to see what they do, with PSN+ I am definitely leaning toward playstation 4 throw in the fact they actually make games instead of sell the same series over and over again and it's a winner, I really hate the PS3 controller though, xbox 360 controller is by far the best pad in existance, but everything else on ps3 is better ( except online but unlike live, it gets better as it gets older so by the time ps4 comes out it will be on par with 360)


PSN+ is the big thing ps3 does for me though, every month I get games? discounts on DLC, arcade and sometimes retail games? awesome.

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I think the Halo franchise is going into a good direction. People complain about it being different but, look at how different it got going from 2 to 3 and then to Reach. All 2 and 3 did was add more weapons, some vehicles and different maps. Halo Reach finally added a new aspect into the game. AA changed the way matchmaking progressed. It was just get power weapons and kill the other team. It added a lot more strategy into the game. I find it sad that people want a franchise to change and progress but, when it does they don't like the direction it goes. What the hell is the point in buying a sequel to a game if the only thing that changes is some weapons, vehicles, and different story line? Yeah I loved the hell out of Halo 2 and 3 and played both for many years after their release but, I felt all Halo 3 did to add onto what Halo 2 had was different weapons and more maps. Reach and Halo 4 did stuff to change a lot of aspects about the franchise. I for one love the changes 343 has made and will play Halo 4 far longer then I did Reach. 343 isn't ruining what Halo used to be, they're just adding their touch to it and while some people don't like their direction, others(like me) love what they're doing and can't wait for the next two titles in the Trilogy.

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