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Anyone else as disappointed as me with forge and infection?


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I've been huge on forge since it was introduced in Halo 3. The idea of having the community creating maps was as still is one of the most exciting aspects to this game. What bothers me, though, is that forge only seems to have gotten worse as the games went on. I dont think Reach was as bad as people make it out to be, but there more a lot more annoying features than Halo 3. H3 was amazing in general just because of its simplicity. Obviously there were kinks in it that could have been fixed, but I digress.


When I popped in Halo 4, the first thing I did after beating the campaign was goto forge to try and start making some infection maps (infection being another thing I think has been ruined). Immediately I realized that there is no possible way to make a fun infection map...let alone any custom game maps. That maps are way way way too small to be creative and the forge items blow. Im not gonna continue to ramble on about this topic because Im sure most of you all feel the same way, but do you guys think theres a chance they give us free big ass forge map and fix some of the settings? I know the map packs have already been announced and there wasnt anything included...but maybe 343 will pull a cold storage type ordeal and just throw something at us?


Thought on this?

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I agree so much, things just aren't what they used to be. I don't understand why we constantly have to make everything new as opposed to keeping more features the same as they've always been. If it ain't broke, don't god damn fix it. :no

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i have always been a huge fan of the forge option in the halo games its a great way to just **** around and kill some time i love building strategy maps and race tracks and even the maps i call (just for fun maps). i have been fooling around on halo 4 Forge and i realized that you cant have infection (flood) game types with vehicles also there is no race types nor the maps big enough for something like that. So far impact is my favorite map it is also the largest but still i want to build a race type map so i'm wandering if there is any plan of a forge map being released later and if there going to add to it

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Bringing back the "classic" infection mode that made halo 3 custom games so fun would be a smart and respectable move for 343 (assuming they do it soon). I remember getting Halo 3 and playing very competitively for about a month. Then I got bored of matchmaking and became a forge/custom games player when the map packs came out. I like creating modes like predator and fat kid. If 343 is stuck on flood mode for matchmaking and the flood having classes to choose from (since apparently they are a very intelligent species that have armor abilities), they can keep that mode but at least bring back the old infection game type for custom games. I like halo 4 and have been a fan since the first halo, but 343 seems to have overlooked what people wanted from the forge/custom games fanbase. I played twice as many custom games than matchmade ones in halo 3 because the variety of custom games kept me playing the game even after having it for several years, and I want to do that for halo 4 as well.

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