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Halo 4 feedback !

Ludvig von Sparr

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For me there are a few things that makes me not want to play the game as much as I did in Halo 2.


First of all the playlists. I really would like to see a good FFA and double team to be added into the game.

The current FFA in the game is just crap really. We need a good FFA Pro playlist with 6 or 8 players.

This is great when you don't have a friend online to play with.

I'd love Double Team to be put back into the game because me and my friend loved played Double Team in the other Halo games.

It's pretty hard finding a group of four players to play 4v4.


Second I would really like the leveling system to change. It is sooo causual friendly ! Someone can be the highest level and it doesn't mean ****. You could have lost every single game and still be the highest level. You just have to play alot and there you go! In Halo 2 if someone was the highest level it was a real achievement except for all the cheating bull**** that happened in Halo 2.


Right now there is no real reason as a competitive player to play Halo 4. Sure leveling is fun but when you know that the levels doesn't mean anything it doesn't make you want to play and get better. And that you can unlock new weapons and stuff is really bad aswell..we obviously want the game to be as balanced as possible. Someone shouldn't get to have better weapons than someone else. The loadout is really bad as well. It works the wrong way. If you are in the lead and are winning against the other team you get rewarded for that and get good weapons and stuff that makes you win even easier.


We need levels that mean something and like a ladder with rankings showing the best players. That makes you want to play more > get better at the game > win more and be on that list !


Please change this !!!

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I agree with above.

On all the points that he mentioned.

Competivity is needed and the current rank system isn't sufficient.

Add these three.

1. Free for all (with it's own ranking system)

2. Double Team (with it's own ranking system)

3. Remove loadouts


I also dislike the loadouts, that's the worst idea ever. Putting that in a halo game removed a lot of the fun/balance and took away the it's classical feeling for me. Halo is absolutely not what it was before. Controlling weapons and grabbing them at their spawnlocation is something I saw as special for halo. That was an essential part of the game, where you took certain positions while holding powerweapons to have mapcontrol...


My good feedback would be the nice graphics. I just love it although I can't bring myself to enjoy the game as much as I would like to without the two brackets mentioned above =/.


Remove loadouts and add those two gametypes with their own rankingsystem. We need competivity so don't make the game so damn casual.

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I know it's only week one and the devs are probably working on Sparten Ops right now, but these are just some complaints - from me and others of the community - that could be addressed a little later down the line - hopefully soon.



The first and largest issue is about custom games. First, I'll explain what they are and why we need them. If you know both of those things then skip this next paragraph.


I'm not trying to sound nostalgic or be some elitist fan here, but an important part of the halo franchise is the ability for the player to create their own custom games - that means being able to create new gametypes using a variety of options given to the player. Giving the community this capability means the community can create content for itself. This increases the longevity of the game by years, since the there's more content to burn through, and it's purely community driven - the players make their own content. This is what made Halo 3 so good. It had forge mode AND a great many options to play with in creating their own gametypes. The game lasted years and years because of this. Then in Reach there weren't many improvements, and VIP was taken out, so things were more or less the same so custom games didn't thrive as long.


Now we're in Halo 4, and custom games has been drastically reduced. Assault, one-sided CTF, Infection, VIP, Territories, and a few others from Reach are gone. I understand some of these gametypes were redundant, since they could be created through editing other gametypes, but having unedited versions of these gametypes allowed for more variability, more custom content to be created, and more for the community to work with. If you guys decide to bring back anything, please give us Assault, one-side CTF, and the ability to change the infected settings in Flood.


There are some other things we're missing too: the custom and normal power-ups and some general customization options. The custom power-up was a key component in a lot of custom maps, we can't disable the magnum on the flag carrier, cant make a one-sided CTF map, cannot disable sprint, cannot change any characteristics of the flood in the Flood game mode other than the conversion condition and initial flood count, can't drop the flag or the oddball, and more. I know you guys have to worry about feature creep, but that's what the 'Advanced' section is for.


Custom games in Halo 4 is horrible! There's so much taken away and no innovation at all (except for a very few improvements to forge). You've managed to neglect a huge part of the game. The game is going to suffer in the long term if you guys don't fix custom games to have more options, more variability, more tools for the community to use to create it's own content. And please, please PLEASE, if you guys decide to change one, and only one thing, please let us change the flood settings, Let us change their weapons, set their speed and gravity, just let us change the standard things we can change for any other gametype. Flood is the most important gametype, let us change it's settings.




Some other, less important things:


I agree with the ranking thing. Right now, there is a skill-sorting system (not sure exactly how it works, but it's there), but there's no way to view it. I'd love to be able to see my arbitrary number determining my skill level. I'm not saying have it like Halo 3 where there were some playlists that sorted players based on exp, and others that sorted based on skill, since that would allow skilled players to rofl-stomp casuals with lots of exp they built up over time in the exp-based playlists, scaring them off from playing. Instead, just let us view them in our profiles.



Team doubles, rocket race, SWAT, and others should come back, and I'm not the only one asking for these - a lot of people miss them. Bringing these back would create a wider variety of playlists to choose from, since at the moment there isn't much in the way of goofy playlists. or competitive playlists. You could say Slayer Pro is competitive, but it really isn't. It allows for the use of power weapons through ordinance drops. Players should not having access to power weapons in any sort of competitive match.


My reasoning for having goofy playlists is that people love to take a break from shooting at people - casually or competitively - in goofy playlists like Rocket Race or Grifball. It's a great break in the normal pace of gameplay, keeping things varied and keeping people interested in playing for much longer than they would otherwise. It would be a good move to have at least one or two goofy or competitive playlists in the pool to choose from at any given time.



Wouldn't mind seeing a classic playlist where there's fixed weapon spawns, no ordinance, and no armor abilities.

Edited by GuyNotPlayingGame
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