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Please Fix The Thruster Pack


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Can the thruster packs please be fixed?


The duration is too short to accomplish any significant jump in distance

and the speed does not allow for you to get out of an enemies line of fire quickly at all.


I also believe it to be unnecessary to jump to 3rd person and back to 1st person. It all could be done in the 1st person view and this would allow for a more accurate jump.


If the boost distance and speed were increased and the view was kept in 1st person it would be a valuable item, but as it stands it is more of a useless addition.

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  On 11/10/2012 at 4:00 AM, cbr said:

In campaign its perfect in matchmaking its almost useless


Yesterday we had our first Halo 4 Lan-Party and I was the only one using Thruster Pack and -for the first time in my life- I used Bumper Jumper button Layout.


It was awfull in the beginning cause I used to play with the "Recon" configuration.

It was so bad I looked like a real NOOB half of the night, but ............last 5 or 6 games of 20 minutes I was the KING!!


Thruster-pack is great, just like Bumper-Jumper is. Please do not change things 343........the game is perfectly balanced and the thruster pack has saved my

life many times, sprint'/jump/turn.......Thruster and it's just enough to get away!!


All I want to say is -give it a chance, it really is just enough to get behind that rock, jump of a building etc.


It seems 343 has done a great job here.......no more plasma-grenade overkill, no more stupid armor-lock which could sometimes comepletely destroy a vehicle and slowed the game down.....I would give this game a ten.

And the fact you can't Bumper-Sprint with none of the button-layouts is also done with a reason...........

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No, the thruster pack is fine where it is.


The thruster pack isn't built for speed or anything, it's built for fire fights. I've dodged COUNTLESS bullets, grenades, melees and vehicles with the thruster pack. You just gotta use it right.


Some guy was running up on my and was about to assassinate him, I thruster packed diagonally to the side and managed to punch him twice before he knew what i had just done.


I also love going out of a corner then thruster right back into cover, making them waste a sniper shot or grenade, or just psych them out as i go in for the kill.

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  On 11/11/2012 at 1:34 PM, Echo said:

The thruster pack isn't built for speed or anything, it's built for fire fights. I've dodged COUNTLESS bullets, grenades, melees and vehicles with the thruster pack. You just gotta use it right.


Agreed. The only thing I'd disagree with here is that there's just too little push on it to dodge a Wraith, the widest vehicle in the game. If it had just a tiny bit more kick, enough to take you safely out of the Wraith's way, it'd be perfect.

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The distance just isnt enough for me yes it will get you away from a bullet but so will good foot work. You can really tell who the long time gamers are in H4. It seems most players are new and just stand there and zoom in they are lucky to get a single shot on me as I strafe back and forth...but the movements in H4 feel clumsy to me for some reason.

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  On 11/10/2012 at 3:13 AM, hondamxr13 said:

Can the thruster packs please be fixed?


The duration is too short to accomplish any significant jump in distance

and the speed does not allow for you to get out of an enemies line of fire quickly at all.


I also believe it to be unnecessary to jump to 3rd person and back to 1st person. It all could be done in the 1st person view and this would allow for a more accurate jump.


If the boost distance and speed were increased and the view was kept in 1st person it would be a valuable item, but as it stands it is more of a useless addition.


this would make the game better. I So want to use it. I thought I was going to get Zombie level thrusters. The description is great. The result is FAIL. UTTER FAIL. 1st person is a must. Longer is a must. I want it to be a alternative to Jetpacks. No Vertical movement but great for jumping distances and suprising campers.

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personaly i think the thruster pack in halo 4 multiplayer is horrible...

that being said i dont really mind the third person view i actually like it, i always felt it was weird to do all those flips and rolls in halo reach and yet you always maintain your frontal view, it felt off and wrong to the action taken


maybe the current edition is well suited against newbies and people who cant really aim all that great but i just started using it recently and i mistakenly thought to use it to cover great ground and quickly realized it was useless at that so i began using it as a dodging tool and against experienced players it is simply useless... it can only be used once before it needs to be recharged and the kicker is: i spawned and decided to run ahead of my team mates to get to the enemy first so i used the thruster just after i began sprinting and as i used it i noticed a team mate dart ahead of me as if i was slowed down or something... uterly useless


if some people say it is usefull, fine i will believe you after all i cant possibly be adept at everything i halo 4 but if it would accomodate what it is actually designed to do: maybe a press will dodge and behave like it does now so those who are satisfied now wont loose anything and it only uses half of the charge that way it can be used twice or you can hold the button and use all of the charge to actually dash and cover some ground


maybe they dont care at all and are pretty happy the way everything is but i can hope right? ^_^

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  On 11/10/2012 at 3:49 AM, SixStringDemon said:

I may be misunderstanding what you mean, but you can boost in any direction, forward, backwards, sideways, in midair, etc. I like the ability to fly off a gravity launcher then boost sideways out of the predictable launch arc.


Meaning that what ever direction you are looking you can boost that way. Right now you can only boost left,right back, forward. But if you jump at a ledge and use the boost, you only boost forward instead of up at the angle you are facing to get on the ledge. Think of it like how Dishonored used the blink ability, you can close the distance quickly in the direction you are facing.


  On 11/11/2012 at 12:52 PM, Deathly T said:

Yesterday we had our first Halo 4 Lan-Party and I was the only one using Thruster Pack and -for the first time in my life- I used Bumper Jumper button Layout.


It was awfull in the beginning cause I used to play with the "Recon" configuration.

It was so bad I looked like a real NOOB half of the night, but ............last 5 or 6 games of 20 minutes I was the KING!!


Thruster-pack is great, just like Bumper-Jumper is. Please do not change things 343........the game is perfectly balanced and the thruster pack has saved my

life many times, sprint'/jump/turn.......Thruster and it's just enough to get away!!


All I want to say is -give it a chance, it really is just enough to get behind that rock, jump of a building etc.


It seems 343 has done a great job here.......no more plasma-grenade overkill, no more stupid armor-lock which could sometimes comepletely destroy a vehicle and slowed the game down.....I would give this game a ten.

And the fact you can't Bumper-Sprint with none of the button-layouts is also done with a reason...........




I would give this game a 10 as far as my satisfaction with it but it clearly has issues that need to be addressed.


NO BETA = Problems left unresolved


The game is great, it just needs tweaking to be better

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  On 11/12/2012 at 4:05 AM, kvSketch said:

I agree, as of right now the thruster pack is just dead weight. It's a shame too, since I'm guessing it was replacing the rolling perk from reach (can't remember the name). The only time I've found it useful, or enjoyable to use is when I'm playing Flood, and I'm infected.


I noticed that yesterday, that while playing flood, the thruster pack seems to be much quicker and cover more distance which makes it useful, now all it needs is 1st person and it'll be great.

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