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Forge Problems and Lighting Generating Limits


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Okay, so I know most people probably haven't spent much time in Forge yet, but there's some pretty serious problems. I am really meticulous when it comes to making maps. I spent crazy hours using Forge in Halo Reach so I know how to use it extremely well.


First off, I noticed when I went into two different friends maps today that they were working on that the pieces were all shifting. Floors weren't aligned properly, wall inconsistencies, etc. They said they were fine when they were editing (I thought maybe they just built it too quickly and didn't really test it). Then I went back into mine tonight and it had dozens of issues. Floors were raised, ramps weren't straight, etc. I spend a lot of time making sure everything is lined up so this was pretty frustrating. I know that Reach had similar problems were they would shift a little bit, but nothing this bad. Some platforms shifted so badly that I cannot even walk up from one to another. And some of my inclines shifted sideways. Some of these were down with magnets on, some weren't.


Then there's the worst problem. There is some sort of lighting/shadow limit. I just hit the 5,500 dollars spent and suddenly the map won't generate lighting anymore. Every piece that I add now looks washed out and terrible. So I tried reloading the map and when it loads back up there is no lightning generated at all. All the old pieces look terrible as well. So I started deleting a few items and then the lightning generated again. So I built them back...and it stopped. I tried saving various copies of the map and turning the game back on and off. Same thing.


We thought maybe it was just my map and now my friend just had the same problem with his map tonight. He is at 6k spent, so it's definitely an item limit, not money amount. Has anyone else had this problem? I really hope this gets a patch because it's extremely frustrating. My map was looking really great and now I'm just going to stop building it. My friends don't want to continue theirs either now. Ugh. I'm really bummed because I couldn't wait to start forging.


This is my first post on these forums because I just registered. I was pretty upset so I figured I'd come here to see what was going on and see if anyone else experienced similar or new problems.

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