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Why take away my xp/levels?


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Dear 343,


I patiently waited for the arrival of this storied franchise to land on store shelves in anticipation for the revival of the Master Chief a character i have loved and enjoyed playing since Halo: CE. Way back when the release date was announced i decided to take the initial day off with it being election day on top of it, but then a few days later the rest of the week. The more i saw the more i was happy with my decision. Now the time finally arrives and i go get my copy at midnight with the rest of the week in front of me to enjoy the game that i could hardly wait to get my hands on. I go through the campaign and beat it with much enjoyment where it is to my belief the best campaign experience out of all of them (which was hard to out do the original in my opinion). I loved the production value and quality of the cinematics, audio, and gameplay. Spartan ops was a welcomed addition and provided a nice xp allotment for me to start with to then head into matchmaking. I didn't take part in any of the double xp codes, but for some reason have been capped every single day (sometimes with message sometimes without).


I cannot fathom why you would choose to restrict people from actively playing your game and preventing them from progressing. I haven't heard any news upon this facet, however i see tons of posts regarding the same feelings as myself. I will admit it seems to come at a time where i don't mind putting the controller down, but it is a shame to tell my friends that i have to cut the time together short due to not wanting to waste time without progression. If you are going to implement a progression system it becomes a crutch in order for people to progress when they play instead of just enjoying the game like the old days. The thing that stings the most though is the fact that you have taken 2 whole levels away from me. The first one wasn't a big deal, it was just a shock that out of nowhere i was stripped an entire bar of experience and not only that had to start from scratch pretty much on the level you set me back to. Now tonight reaching the cap again and then continuing to play a few games with some friends regardless, instead of just letting me enjoy that time spent i was stripped again of another level. So because i kept playing and was enjoying time with friends i haven't talked with or gamed with in awhile i was penalized cause i didn't get off when you haulted my xp? I don't see the need for any of this and it is beginning to make me upset.


I have been a loyal and fair customer/player from the beginning of the franchise. I have competed in this series' multiplayer at all levels (local, regional, national, and international). I want to continue to hone my skills and improve while also sharing some quality time with some bro's. Why am i getting punished for spending time on your game with MY time off and having fun with MY friends? Why is it that it seems i am being dictated to after buying your game with MY money? I was thoroughly impressed with the little messages you presented as far as being appreciative of your fan base and those who have loved halo for so long, so i guess why is it you have this built in guise to punish us?


Can i please get my two levels back that you took from me as well as the experience from the monthly challenge that seems to have been stripped from me on top of it? It isn't cool that those who somehow got the game early whether it be illegal or legal have the chance to remain high level, while those of us who waited patiently and play the game how it is suppose to be without any boosts/cheats get haulted. I only ever reached the cap on reach once whereas the others didn't have it obviously so no problems there. Please provide me an explanation as well as the rest of the fan base so we can atleast see your reasoning or guildelines. There are lots of new games coming out and i'd think you would want to keep us around playing your game. Again, if i can be reimbursed that would be highly appreciated and if not... well that is a pure shame.





P.S. The funny thing is you can go look at my stat report and it says i only have 107 wins, yet i have unlocked/completed the monthly challenge of 117 wins in the very same report. That is proof right there that you are taking games, wins, xp, and time away from individuals. I don't think this is a good PR move by any stretch of the imagination and hope you can right this wrong sometime soon. I would again like to be reimbursed/recognized just as anyone would who put time in for a certain reward/accomplishment whether it be working for money or trying to help somebody out due to generosity. No one wants to see their efforts go to waste or be treated as irrelevant at any point in time whether it is in a real life situation or a video game. I am also curious why you partnered with Xbox Live Rewards to give people microsoft points for playing your game for "X" amount of hours, then turn around and punish players for investing time in doing so?


I would like some contact information for the company as well being i am new to the forum and am unaware how often they actually respond to posts or read their forums. I saw someone else made the request and was granted the proper information. If a mod would be so kind to grant me that same kindness it would be highly appreciated.

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