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Weapon Despawning to quickly


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In any mode the weapons despawn, after you either die or drop a weapon to pick up a weapon for a short period, way to quickly to even make it back even across a small map to pick up the weapon again. Many of my friends and I believe that the despawning of the weapons should be increased to at least a couple of minutes in multi-player and since you don't go up against other people, completely removed in the Spartan Ops and Campaign. Thanks for reading and I hope to see this applied in the future.



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I agree, weapons despawn way too quickly. When I'm playing on big maps, I run out of ammo so quickly. After I get a Killing Frenzy or a Running Riot, I'm out of ammo. This happens even when I do have the ammo mod.


When I have a weapon called the "Designated Marksman Rifle," you can assume that I'll be getting long range kills with it. It seems like I'm being punished for using it because most of the time when I try to recover ammo from my opponent it has disappeared. You're forced to sacrifice position to recover ammo. This isn't necessarily bad, but when the kills are from such a long range it becomes almost impossible unless you bait the other team just to get their ammo.


It's not just a problem on large maps either. When I play on smaller maps, I also run out of ammo a lot. I frequently use the DMR, but I almost always have to pick up a battle rifle just to ensure I have some kind of ammunition when I need it.


All weapons disappear too quickly. I swear you only have 10-15 seconds. This becomes a problem when you kill somebody across the map and try to work your way over to take the weapon. By the time you get there it's long gone and you've sacrificed your position to recover the weapon.


This also becomes a problem when you have an anti-vehicle weapon and you die with it, especially when you need the weapon to turn the tide of the game.


I've died countless times because I've ran out of ammo and couldn't fight for my team because, there wasn't any dropped weapons or even weapons on the map that I could use. I basically had to go get killed on purpose just so I could support my team because I didn't want to wonder the map looking for ammo I'd never find.


The solution I propose is by making weapons despawn like past Halo games. I'm pretty sure it was 30 seconds after somebody last touched it. I also propose that weapons are put throughout the maps at known locations in the event that a player isn't caught in the middle of a map with their di** in their hand (Or ****** for women, I'm not going to be sexist here. ).

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Agree. I always go for laser on Ragnarok at the start of games so my team can gain vehicular control of the game and a good start. It works out wth varied luck. The days like Halo 3 where everyone rushed top middle have not started yet. But I still die sometimes, usually with the laser lying on my teams side of the map. When I run there after respawn, the laser has often despawned.

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