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I Beat Halo 4 On Legendary But Online It Says I Haven't


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I beat Halo 4 on legendary offline because at my house I only have dial-up internet, I go to my grandmothers house just to get online. So when I logged on today I my service record did not update. It still says "No Campaign Started" however if you look at my achievements, the "Beat the game on legendary" is unlocked. I'm really only complaining because I CANT GET THE MARK VI HELMET WITHOUT MY SERVICE RECORD KNOWING! Please 343 fix this for me because I'm really still on edge if i think you failed at making a good halo game.

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I'm realt annoyed at this. I did the whole thing on solo and I got my acgievments and all but what I really wanted was the armor. My game challenges say I need to complete Requiem, Forerunner and Infinity again. I really do not want to do this seeing as I have a full time Jon so I don't have much time for it. If an admin or something could please fix this for me and get me my armor I'd appreciate it. You can check my achievements and all I'm not just trying to skip it. I will e really happy if this gets fixed for me seeing as I really do not have the time to do this all per again. Thank you

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Nope, this is definitely a bug that needs to be fixed. I enjoyed the campaign, but there is no way I'm reinvesting in playing it through after I was knocked offline halfway through. Give me one good reason why 343 would be unable to count my campaign completion in my service record when they have access to that information? They must fix it, because it is a BUG.

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i've completed the game (halo 4) on legendary online, it say's that i've completed it, but on the last level (midnight) its say's ive only done it on normal, ive actually done the last level on legendary 3 time's now trying to get my achievements and nothing. can anyone help. or tell me what ... im .. doing wrong :/


  On 11/13/2012 at 3:31 AM, Jake Allen said:

Just beat the campaign on legendary, but the last mission did not register. Sat through all the credits, until it returned me to the main menu. Nothing.

exactly the same thing happened to me :/
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Same here. I just completed the campaign on Legendary today, then went online. It not updating and it say Infinity at Last Mission. OMG, I have to be online in order to get this stats!!??? That suck and I'm tired. I don't want to spend another 8 hour of play during campaign while online!

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  • 8 months later...

Same here. I've completed the game on legendary yet no proof of it on my service record... it is an excellent campaign (one of the best) however i cannot be bothered to do it all over again. why should we be treated different than everyone else purely because we were offline. online or offline i completed the painstakingly hard game, Therefore i deserve the courtesy of bragging rights on my service record. i know i'm right. and surly 343 know i'm right... so fix it.

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That is annoying, losing your records for completing the whole Campaign. =/ I have had it happen to me on other games, before. Not fun.


Hopefully 343 fixes this, as well as the massive lag that plagues the Halo 4 "Big Team Battle" playlist, much of the time.

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To answer the OP,


I recently beat Halo 4's campaign, and I had to do the first level more than once because I couldn't hold a steady connection while in the campaign. So what I did and suggest you may want to do as well, was started a party with my friend and stayed in the party while I did campaign. No connection problems at all, and I got all my achievements and armor.

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I just completed the campaign on legendary solo and it says I haven't complete the map shutdown on legendary! I was online the whole time when I was doing the campaign and it says in my achievements my service record and everything else that I have completed it! This is really frustrating! Any chance 343 can give me it anyway? My Xbox gamer tag is my username! PLEASE FIX THIS BUG!

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Sometimes if you leave in the middle of a mission, then come back to the checkpoint later,for example, it won't consider it done. Or if you start out on co-op, then comeback as solo. IT happened to me multiple times on Reach, and on Halo 4. On Halo 4, I never got an ahievement for a certain mission because of that. If one mission isn't "done", the whole campaign won't count as "done"...

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  On 8/15/2013 at 12:43 PM, fieldmar5hall7 said:

I just completed the campaign on legendary solo and it says I haven't complete the map shutdown on legendary! I was online the whole time when I was doing the campaign and it says in my achievements my service record and everything else that I have completed it! This is really frustrating! Any chance 343 can give me it anyway? My Xbox gamer tag is my username! PLEASE FIX THIS BUG!

If "Shutdown" is the only level/mission you did not complete on legendary, or if you did complete it on legendary, but it did not register, then you should just have to complete that one mission on legendary while connected to Xbox Live and you should unlock the armor.

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