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For Those Whom are Complaining About the Campaign


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Alright folks, let's be honest here; how many of you are complaining about the campaign and how short it is because you dont know what's going on? For me, I played solo legendary and split the campaign across three days because of classes and work. I thought it was a pretty decent sized campaign. Not too long, not too short. And difficult at that.


But seriously, how many of you actually know what's going on? I have yet to meet one person who can give me a complete explanation of what is going on. I can say I know completely what is going on because I go above and beyond and grab/watch all the terminals, (and that's basically all you need to be REALLY informed). Plus I read up a little bit here and there online.


If you're feeling crazy, sport your view on the campaign and what's going on. Let's hear it! I bet most people are lost.

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The levels themselves are the twice the length than those of Reach. Not only that but Normal difficulty is more in tandem with Heroic- which is a good thing and invokes practice- I think absolute newcomers to the series should start with Halo CE, or Reach. Because it is a difficult game. Moreso than other games on just normal diffculty.


But I had no issues with completing Spartan Ops on Legendary.

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